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Fyrd Argentus

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Status Updates posted by Fyrd Argentus

  1. You may have noticed a decline in my presence this year as my cough and short breath have increased, now with fever 3 weeks running. Today we biopsied a lot of lumps, some large, in my lungs to determine what they are and what we need to do about them.  As you can imagine my focus must be on them in the months ahead.

    I love you all, but I'm afraid you'll be seeing less and less of me.

    Best of luck with everything.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. death ray

      death ray

      Don't be a stranger my good friend. You know we as a community are like a family, my thoughts and prayers are going out for you and your loved one's.

    3. Muratus del Mur

      Muratus del Mur

      Wish you well man, i hope its nothing serious 😕

    4. Kyphis the Bard

      Kyphis the Bard

      Wishing you well old friend.

  2. I will be drifting between dimensions Aug 30 through Sept 7.  I may peek in from time to time, but I won't be able to answer questions or engage in the sort of heady discussions often held in the realm.  I shall return.

    1. death ray

      death ray

      Stay safe and healthy, we'll see you when you return

    2. Muratus del Mur
  3. Just had fun making a catalog of my various gadgets, gizmos, and goodies.  Personal Page:


  4. Bug Gardens Project is proceeding nicely.  Designed for newer players, should have a great solo-rewards-ladder to climb.  Coming soon.

  5. The day will come when we want to generate a wave of new players, who will form a self-reinforcing community, which grows.  LIke lighting the pilot on a furnace.  We may have but one chance.  How do we selectively reach ONLY people who communicate & by typing chat, and would be into MD?  Give it thought.  Prepare yourself mentally for the day.  Don't burn your friends out on lonely solo ventures into GWI.

    1. Mallos


      Reinforce player interaction mechanically... The onus is often on the players when community activity is in question, but the game itself has a huge quotient for mechanical solutions and these should be present. The further time goes on the less need you have to interact with anyone, as all the barriers of you being new are lifted you become independent. Few things require actual cooperation currently.

      I think of things like the billboard at fortunes well being a signup page for quest givers/quest takers, not quests as we know them today, but quests in typical video game style like fetch quests, simple trade interactions, an "I need this done please" style similar to treasuries as we have them, specific input and output.

      I imagine we can have stats given based on player interactions, stuff that really takes two or more parties to agree or collaborate on something and the end result is like the now hidden "testing" (or whatever it was named) stat, that these hidden stats will have positive affects towards other objects in the game such that a player will need or want to raise these stats although not consciously.

    2. ignnus


      sorry to rp here, also can't read that one sorry @mallos

      currently it can be thought as i'm just wandering the (necrovion?) wilds in a beast form. I don't think i'll be back soon from there outer journeys, or rather i can't quite.

  6. Loaned the Pickle Jar to Fang - he'll get a lot more use out of it while I snooze.

  7. Dead - but posted the Day 2 Quest....

  8. Dental Office is out of gold now. Wow!

  9. Dental Office open for business again. See quests.

  10. Game down? I can't log on...

    1. Mallos


      You might have been turned into a frog. Try using your ID to log in.

    2. Mallos


      Actually yeah, here is your name: Fyrd Ribbit

    3. Fyrd Argentus
  11. Go visit the Dentist's Office. New quest.

    1. Maebius


      Had a bit of fun with watching the others work on this. Great job, mister Techie! ;)

  12. See Festival Prize info in Quest Results section, and some chat logs in Legend Speakers - Community events section.

    1. Phantom Orchid

      Phantom Orchid

      Thank you archivists and all others who helped!

  13. Auction was fun - hope you all make it to the future sessions.

    1. MoM


      auction for what =P?

  14. MD Auction happenign NOW....

  15. Gee, I guess I'm honored.... My visage seems a bit lonely though...

  16. Finished in the East, I need your help getting the Spirit Axe for THEM

  17. The spirit of the Piano Man has been successfully bound to the East lands.

  18. Now this is role-play www.omegleconversations.com/epic-bear-struggle.html

    1. Prince Marvolo
    2. Lord Jaguar

      Lord Jaguar

      I almost died of laughter! lol

  19. Merry Devilers - check thread for proposed prize distribution.

    1. nadrolski


      Happy Birthday!

  20. Merry Devilers - check the schedule - state your availability.

  21. Gone for a week and my mug is replaced by a curvacious bunny. Somebody has good taste.

  22. Juicy and tender did you say? mmm, mmmm

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