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Fyrd Argentus

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Everything posted by Fyrd Argentus

  1. I did it four times and would be happy to send scans of my notes as proof of solution, as if it was going to help anything. First time with pop-ups blocked, then again immediately with pop-ups allowed temporarily with result as reported (the pop-up was a big white field with one line which I copied and pasted into the attached word document, along with the screen shot). Third time was "later" as a test after reboot and pop-ups turned off, fourth time was with a newer computer running vista, but still internet explorer. Mur and Redd both say IE is the problem - I will have to try with FireFox some day. Since the "invalid solution" says my efforts were reported, you ought to have record of that, anyway. You insult me by saying you think I'm cheating here - why would I do that, and what could I possibly gain from it? By the way, I've reported other puzzle bugs to Cutler, and he had the grace to fix them..
  2. [quote name='Redd' date='13 March 2010 - 04:11 PM' timestamp='1268496719' post='56340'] If you're usine Internet Explorer, That might be the reason for which.. I also ecnoutered that problem.. Try the same solution and it should work on Firefox.. [/quote] This did NOT behave like a server problem. I allowed the pop-up, and I got one with a message clearly from MD (see attachment).
  3. After hours of work I get reported for "possible illegal activity". What a prize! Clearly the vectors are not linearly independent and more than one solution exists. So I've found a new one that Mur didn't put on his list of known solutions. Shouldn't that be something special?
  4. This is an item purchased in the MD shop to show your current equipment, and appears to the right of the scene. Every time you go idle, like for clicking too fast, it sheds equipment. You can restore this by CHANGING your equipment, and it restores the proper picture. I suppose there is some comic relief in having the game moon me periodically, but..... Very distracting, and NOT worth having spent a credit on it.
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