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Everything posted by Darigan

  1. Darigan

    Wps Gone Bad

    Alright then it's left up to him, which is how it should be
  2. wow you have the same birthday as me...Awesome

  3. Darigan

    Wps Gone Bad

    I think it would have been better to take it to Mur and let him deal with it in his own way rather then pointing them out to the community it is to him that they have to answer to not us. While the community has a right to know the actions of others WP usage you could have simply brought attention to the logs without specifically pointing anyone out.
  4. Darigan

    Wps Gone Bad

    Well the topic is here the "accused" have given their defenses I do believe that although you bring it to attention it should be him or the kings that make the final judgments...since they are the ones giving them out
  5. Darigan

    Wps Gone Bad

    I just read the announcements and it seems to me the punishment for misusing MPs is already set. Quote from Mur: "As you know, wishpoints given on questionable reasons or on no reason at all, can be canceled by me if the situation is serious enough (meaning a short reason lacking details might be enough depending if quest was publicly known and there are no suspicions regarding the winners, but in other cases might lead to canceling of that WP if not enough proof exists regarding the legitimacy of the reward, quest, or reason. An other use of these logs would be to ban players that missuse their WP codes by giving them based on weak reasons, from receiving any other WP from their Kings." If these actions in the list are seen as unjust then he can take action, and revoke said points and ban the players from getting anymore codes.
  6. Darigan

    Wps Gone Bad

    Isn't that up to the discretion of the ones holding the WPs or Mur? After all They were the ones entrusted with them and in two cases they were given part as a gift for the season but also for trying to accomplish something.
  7. Darigan

    Wps Gone Bad

    why berate people for their choices. They were given WPs either for a specific task or to do with as they saw fit. If Anyone has a say on what they should and shouldn't be used for it'd be Mur. I'm not looking to start another argument just stating my point of view..but hey what do I know I've only been here less then a week but from what I've seen they were the ones given the points its not really anyone's place except Murs to say what they did was wrong or right. On a side note and not to get on your bad side or anything dst but if you've had those records since last year or rather if you've known about them, why bring them up now?
  8. Darigan


    Well then let me be specific I'm looking for ways to get people interested in the different lands and i figure by having them find out different things from the rulers and perhaps the alliances later on then they can get a better grasp of what joining a land is all about but I am in need of information on things they could go looking for specifically please pm me here or in game if you have any suggestions edit: I'm also looking for ways to encourage communication between players
  9. Darigan


    (note to self must remember to clarify next time lol) Golemus was what i was referring to Your one of the ones I was wishing to speak with Perhaps I'll do a quest later on for the alliances but I'm thinking small scale at the moment I don't know all the alliances
  10. Darigan


    your the leader of gg correct?
  11. Darigan


    How do i go after them if i cant get to them? It just occured to me that some mp5s also dont have a land maybe i could add them into the mix
  12. Darigan


    Okie It's 5:30 in the morning here I've yet to sleep and I've been up Reading different topics in this forum and trying to find portals in GoE. I have been reading about quests all the ups and downs complaints and defenses of them and the rewards given... so heres my question I'm an mp3 who just started a few days ago I'd say i've gotten pretty far with the help of my mentor and some other awesome people. I've also been looking at the different lands to join the rulers and such and was wondering if coming up with a quest for mp4s to learn more about The different lands they can join. (I'd do it for mp3s but since i cant even reach loreroot yet i dunno how many of the others could get into any of the other lands) 1. You may do the quest the quest with friends if you wish the reward would be divided up among you instead of getting the whole prize for yourself. 2. If you do it with a group everyone must participate equally no joining a group and doing a halfway job 3. (I'm debating on this one) You may/ or may not be affiliated with a land already(haven't decided) This is my first idea for a quest. You/ your group must find The four rulers of the lands and acquire 3 piece of information from them (Trying to figure out what specifically your supposed to find out) This quest is to help out Mp4s decide on a land to join knowing the benefits of each and also a good way to work as a team to find out information I'd need help from the rulers on this if they think its a good quest or not what the info people should try to find out is and what the rewards should be ...feel free to send me a pm here or in game..I'm not going to sleep anytime soon
  13. Is your signature implying that we are all tomatoes?

  14. well then im nearly done i've found 3 so far i just have to rediscover the combinations of them *was thinking roman numerals had something todo with it but theres a few problems with that theory*
  15. how many portals are there?
  16. Thanks for the input Cutler Least i've gotten some decent attention for my first posts and topic and thank you chewett ...although i was afraid of that...*sighs and gets back to work* (BTW is chewett like a female chewy?)
  17. Hmmm I might do that then and thanks for the replies didn't want to make a mistake 5 pillars all clickable 5 times... can someone do the math for me i was never that great at figuring large sums out like this
  18. Hello everyone....*checks to see if anyone is awake* How are all of you today/tonight/tomorrow? I have a question about the GoE portals. I've begun experimenting on them to find different combinations for different locations. My question is if i happen to come across a portal...and am able to remember the combination would it be ok for me to post the combo and location? (I do realize I am insane for trying this but it's better then dieing to the Loreroot guards atm.)
  19. Would you take 2 silver for either?
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