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Posts posted by argos

  1. okay i got a great idea, but i will need some time to develope and get the "worthy" prize...

    mods, plz close this post (if you want anything about this quest or if you have questions PM me)

    PS: This quest (can't call it quest) competition is not closing, I'm just doing some changes and making it more like a quest...

  2. timeline... all great things must have one i suppose, but it's still early to decide

    [right]long live bob[/right]

    oh and if i'm offending someone against bob, well then forget i said that (i still dnt know whether to support him or not but since this is blackwoodforest who opened UTOB...)

  3. lol i liked the puzzles but i think just as lady dawn said u have to talk to Mur about the quest rewards if you'd get a wp, I'm sure ppl would like to solve it more...

    as for me, well i solved almost all of them, but then i went offline for about 3 months and when i came back everything i had done, vanished (i mean i went back to the PC like a new player and i had finished story mode and all) so i have to start all over, I'd rather not though, unless there's sth in it for me (aka talk to Mur about the wp reward)

  4. ummm... okay to start may i tell you that i will not tell you what the prizes for this quest are, and that's to make sure a lot of ppl participate wanting to get the prize...

    well here it goes...

    you have to post two pictures OF YOU one where you try to look nerdy and geeky, the other where you try to look cool and "hey look at me"-y... the one who looks very good on both (aka he looks really nerdy and really cool) will win...

    how do the winners get picked??? well that's for after the judges come and when i feel like it...

    oh almost forgot, ummm... I have the prizes already in mind, but it's only for the first so if anyone would like to sponsor sth... and i need 3 judges, PM me and DON'T POST HERE...

    if this for any reason is not so clear, plz tell me, I'll edit and make it clearer, and if you have any questions, post them and don't PM me...

    [right][/right] thanks all and gd luck lookin good and horrible

    oh and i need a name... ummm how about the ugliest hotty???

  5. lol i know it's late but just for show i would have suggested taking the anger orb from MR. Mystery's quest and using it to trap the sahdow in the metalic object found on berseker's way.

  6. lol just as they said above, he CAN give away the iron bar so he DOES own it and thus HE ISN'T NOT THE RIGHTFUL OWNER... bla bla bla as to why i should get the iron bar, it's to spare you the pain and anticipation of actually waiting for somebody to come up with a good reason as to why they should get the iron cz me and you and everybody else know that whoever takes it will take it ( i doubt they'll give it back ) and plus, I dnt have anything in my inventory so that would be a plus...

    (would you mind if i said hi to Fyrd) hi Fyrd

    oh and to continue, as to what i'd do with it ... well i want to have sth in my inventory so i guess i won't do anything (perhaps keep it to show that i won this contest) or well trade it for sth else to put in my inventory...

  7. [quote name='Yoshi' date='13 May 2010 - 03:57 AM' timestamp='1273715849' post='59731']
    If you can get two others not participating currently, then you may.

    then I'm in, but one question, what are we to do (i know we have to figure it out) but i'm just asking whether we are told where the magician is if we are can you plz repeat it (or if theres a hint for it in what you wrote just forget it)

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