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Everything posted by Vornicel

  1. I apreciate BFH's work, and i hope the page will be up soon.
  2. I am really sorry if I did not quite understand.
  3. I have an opinion and usually i dont say it in public, i let other peaple to tell their opinion, but in this case i want to say it: i tink if the voting is without reword for "most of us" do u tink peaple will still vote? i dont tink so.... i hope u will get the best decision for us and for the game. If u tink my post is too revolting, u can deleate it.
  4. Soo i have a little question.... When will end the 24 hours when bids ends?
  5. 4gc for rustie
  6. can u tell me please when the licitation will end????
  7. Vornicel


    creture sold to rumi, plese close the topic
  8. Vornicel


    first who bid, is first who take it...
  9. Vornicel


    I want to sell a colorless joker age 227 with 700k stored heat the min bid is 1 g
  10. b/w joker sold to Aelis. can u close the topic please.
  11. the bid will end in 24 hours.
  12. 16 SC
  13. Fresh colorless joker for sale
  14. Vornicel


    i want to buy birds, archers and grasans with claw2 and claw3
  15. it seems nobody want to sell 1 rein... admin u can colse the topic. thx
  16. Vornicel


    admin, u can close the topic, please.
  17. Vornicel


    I want to buy 3 aged angiens...
  18. like the topic description says... i want to buy Rein with credits, or 30sc and the diference in credits...
  19. admin, u can close the topic, please.
  20. [quote name='apophys' timestamp='1304456913' post='83839'] Note to general market for judging prices - this sharpie has been bought for 10 silver. [/quote] irrelevant, i am not obligated to show the real price of creature was sold... it is a trick, and if anyone want to show that, is his right... well done for u!!!
  21. Please check the minimum required for creatures to be sold... If is anyone realy interested, we can negociate...
  22. 1) [s]elemental - age 133 - 2,5mil stored heat (blackdimonds, bloddrop1, claw1, kelletafire, emeraldglare) (min 6sc)[/s] - sold 2) [s]elemental - age 117 - 2,4mil stored heat (claw1, claw2, emeraldglare) (min 5sc)[/s] - sold 3 [s]sharptear - age 66 - 2.5mil stored heat (claw1, firedrop) (min 12 silver) [/s] - sold 4)[s] TS - age 65 - 2,8mil stored heat (claw1, emeraldglare, purpurmoon) (min 5sc)[/s] - sold 5) UP - age 62 - 2,8mil stored heat (blooddrop1, claw1, claw2, stardust) (min 5sc) 6) [s]imp - age 20 - (purpurfog) (min 3sc)[/s] - sold 7) [s]imp - age 20 (min 2sc)[/s] - sold OK, look back on creat's to see minimum required that thease creatures to be sold!!!
  23. [quote name='lightsage' timestamp='1296246603' post='78169'] Name: Master Tsuyoshi- Highest Bid - BP+1gc - Vornicel Creature: Dark Archer ID:660342 Age:170 Transers:0 Trade Value:0 Tokens: Claw 1, Claw 2, Blooddrop 1, Enlightning, Emerald Glare, Purpur Fog, Purpur Moon, Jewel Shards, Dark Shield. BP + 16 silver Oh and 2 silver for the imp. [/quote] 1 bp + 1G + 1 pimped grasan(2 tokens) for Dark archer
  24. Name: Master Tsuyoshi- Highest Bid - BP - Cuthilion Creature: Dark Archer ID:660342 Age:170 Transers:0 Trade Value:0 Tokens: Claw 1, Claw 2, Blooddrop 1, Enlightning, Emerald Glare, Purpur Fog, Purpur Moon, Jewel Shards, Dark Shield. i bid 1 blood and 1 gold for this one Name: Master Kyu- Highest Bid - 7sc - Mith Creature: Elemental ID:461196 Age:366 Trasfers:2 Trade Value:364 Tokens: Claw 1, Emerald Glare, Kelletha Fire, Jewel Shards, Osiris Belt, Darkshield. Name:Animated Tree-Highest Bid - 4sc - Mith Creature: Remains ID:671153 Age:127 Transfers: 1 Trade Value: 1 Tokens: Claw 2, Jewel Shards, Fire Drop, Purpur Fog, Purpur Moon, Dark Sky. and this night i am generous 1 gold for this 2 creatures...
  25. sorry about that, but i want to withdraw the bid made....
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