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Posts posted by duxie

  1. [size="2"][font="Verdana"]i wonder what is newb and how that newb could get into LR nowadays :)

    oh... and that one with the bridge and tall place - i don't see any bridge in correct answers loc, though that might be the same reason i don't see any tents in the first task too :)
    i mean, these tasks might be a little bit misleading, at least for some players ;)

  2. [size="2"][font="Verdana"]never though you can run into something like this in MD... sad... :(

    in fact i don't care about that penny - i care about whole idea. TTL also doesn't care much (as i get it) about that coin. neither does apophys (i believe he has better/bigger reasons for this).
    now all the blaming i hear comes from TOP players to (sort of) BOTTOM ones. the base of blaming is at least ridiculous and insulting: greed, treachery, penny, stupidity, etc.
    the real blaming is: we don't like the current situation. Mur is not touchable, so instead of him lets blame someone who tries to do something and is shaking the ground beneath us...
    from such perspective i see the greed at other side...

    if you see upcoming threat - find the reason and remove it. or at least try instead of whining and blaming someones who do something.
    now you're trying to remove the threat itself which hardly ever works. constructive suggestions from experienced players would be way better then this...

    sad... :(

  3. [quote name='Burns' timestamp='1304499866' post='83881']
    I like this thread, a little more than Shem's even because it's obviously not a joke this time.

    I mean, who wouldn't like a list with the people who sell their loyalty for a coin? Makes my life as ally-leader and quest creator so much easier...

    [size="2"][font="Verdana"]hah! :) loyalty hardly has to do anything in here. it's a point of view - here's where i'm really loyal. things were mixed together which i think never should happen...

    fighting mp has their main purpose - to make themselves stronger. to do that now they are pushed to fight a non combat mp in a sort of way, even if they don't want to. also there are many old fashioned mp5s like you, who had no such requirement and already running with maxed armies. i don't feel this is right or fair, so i want to change that and doing it in a way i can see.

    in fact, i think this will help everyone: mp5s to get rid of this requirement, mp6s not to worry anymore about mp5s taking away their adepts, and... you! :P to keep at least closer to decent challenge from newcomers and don't get bored! we're the ones who can try to influence this world, aren't we? :)

    to add more: who's talking about leaving their mentors? :)

  4. [size="2"][font="Verdana"]as topic states i want a red dragon :)

    no clue really for how much one could be obtained, but if you can think out a good deal for you - PM me, or post it here ;)


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