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Ungod last won the day on January 3 2022

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    @thereal Ungod

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  1. Was listening to You want it darker and thinking 'he was conversing with god even at 80, and even then the Lord wanted it darker'. I think it's because you let others depict the imagery of god; it really hurts your mind.

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    2. Ungod


      I didn't click on the link, but to trust someone blindly means to stay in the darkness, so I can see how it goes now... The same thing can be found in christian teachings, out of which 'ignorance is bliss' comes from. Overall, I think this attitude of blind faith is counterproductive for the individual (but not for the pack, unless it reaches the stupidity quota).

      However, in the song he says both 'You want it darker, we kill the flame' AND 'If you are the healer, then I'm broken and lame' (and 'let me out of the game'). Which means he isn't really following his Lord, nor accepting the advice to stay in the darkness (although notices a collective 'we' which does).

      I was wrong, I didn't know the reference. Good to be corrected.

    3. klatdees


      The links are Amos and Isaiah

      "i'm out of the game" is ambiguous, it could mean he quit (definitely not something our religion encourages) or that he ran out of (physical or spiritual) funds.  Or it could even just mean that he saw that his time was running out, which it was...he wouldn't be the first.

      But as for the rest...accepting brokeness, brokenness, lameness, shame, etc. is accepting various forms of darkness.  Put them all together and you get an "I", and faith is just becoming comfortable with that "I".

    4. Ungod


      Heh, well, you can interpret it as you want. If I'm comfortable with my religion...I'm not retreating into buddhism. 

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