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Everything posted by Quas

  1. Quas

    Am I the only one who noticed that Mr. Mur is the first of ANY list? O.o

    1. Guillak


      You know you haven't played enough MD when … Quas hasn't accosted you yet :D

    2. Cherub Rock

      Cherub Rock

      You know you haven't played enough MD when...you haven't been slapped daily by some random llama sociopath wearing a hat.

  2. Didn't had the time reading ALL the pages but here goes: -When on you're mailbox you write a list of subjects -Someone asks you "Where did everyone go?" and you reply: "Are you kidding? he barelly speaks!" -You quickly take off you're shoes after a run in the park for getting over(heat)charged. -You quickly get some jars and try to store the heat <- You're just too bored and you read epic old topics at 3 AM -You see a wierd hydrant with 8 "buttons" and 1) start calling that street Berserker Way 2)Get a hammer and hit it 'cauze you're frustrated the buttons are bugged. -You go to a agriculture shop and trying youre best to get a Seed -You then make a plantation of Seeds and sell them to terorists -When they notice the seeds are useless you excuse youreself saying "Please please! Wait for the upgrade" <-If you see a clown with baloons you start wondering if he sells them for a random ammount.. -When you die and go to heaven and see tons of angels and God above them you start wondering how much Ve God has and if you can beat him -You hire a fat guy with chains and a big iron ball as you're bodyguard -(as girl XD ) You walk into any bar and start smoochin' random people -At every piece of metal you see you wonder if they're relatives to Bunneh -Worship Bobs..i mean..trees..or both -You're getting yourself rooted to the chair saying "I wanna be like Awyiia" -You "accidentally" break peoples stuff around and just say they got a lame defence ritual. -youre actually STILL reading my post. -I'm gonna continue this 'till you stop reading..but there might be something uber funny in the end <-You feel the luckyest man ever for living in the same city with God and *not mentioning names, dst* A grumpy cat XD -Words like Greed(o), Burns, Dust, Hollow, Fat Guy, Tree.. will never have the same meaning again.. -Are you still reading? -At work you wonder if you're papers are aint bugged or expired before taking them to the boss. <-You pray at God for an update and next morning you get a raise <-You wake up next morning, and laugh hardly at you're own post. <-You got too many ideeas for this topic lol -And i'm not done yet. Legend: "-" Random stuff. "<-" Own stuff.
  3. Quas

    MP3 group(s)

    I'm here, I'm here.. MoM, i think you shouldnt rely so much on new mp3's ..most of them quit the game early.
  4. Umm no, I did not notice, why should that be a problem?
  5. Yes, I did refresh, several times.. And I think Kyphis is right. I was having my ve and vp at max already.. And my timer had 10min left so ..
  6. It happened to me a few times already.. Usually when you vote and got max ve/ap/vp, they go over max value.. But today as with other times, only the Ap increased, the ve and vp didnt go over max. *clicks the imaginary Troubleshoot button and waits for an answer*
  7. Quas

    MP3 group(s)

    I am sorry I was unable to attend... I didn't realise its Saturday !!! I don't have the notion of time in summer..
  8. Quas

    is that the first photo of you in wich you're not actually completly grining? XD

  9. Quas

    MP3 group(s)

    add me
  10. wait, WHAT? *laughs hardly* Omg, I'm so sory Burns, Grido *laughs again*..i'm just too tired Well, thank you Burns for taking youre time making a post in my topic XD. Is that ok?
  11. "TS" Elliot? *hmms*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Stipple


      Thomas Stearns Eliot to be correct :)

    3. Quas


      *tries thinking about a Tormented Soul Elliot*

    4. MoM


      *wonders if TS has anything to do with Eva*

  12. [quote name='Grido' timestamp='1309440204' post='86901'] is it a new paypal account? if it is, you have to verify the account before you can use it, they send you like 2 and 3 pence to your account, you check your statement and fill in the amounts in the verification page (paypal has an FAQ on it) [/quote] Tried, entered the card number correctly and....well... [color="#FFA500"]"We were unable to verify this credit card. Please check if the information you entered is correct. If the problem persists, please try to enter a different credit card."[/color] Is there a problem with the card? because I doubt it.. yesterday I went to deposit a ammount, did it with no problems, even checked to see if it was deposited, no problems.. [b]UPDATE[/b]: I made some research here and there and found out i gotta complete some papers.. (bank policy for internet transactions). Topic Closed. Thank you Grido.
  13. Quas


    c'mon everyone lets make a big Facebook family and post you're FB names here !!!
  14. Thank you Grido *coughs*
  15. Tried to make a monthly 5$ Subscription for MD. Made a PayPal account, activated it, entered my card REALLY correctly.. multiple times..and, [color="#FF0000"] "We were unable to verify your credit or debit card. To proceed with your purchase, please select a different payment method or add a different credit or debit card, then click Continue."[/color] Any advice please ?
  16. Quas


    Search me too ! Sarus Saa'Zach
  17. I caught you watchin my story post ! argh

  18. Yea guys, why not say hello? *raises eyebrowl*

    1. Cherub Rock

      Cherub Rock

      I'm not a guy and I will not say hello. I refuse!


  19. Yes. And it's not like the general dual personality, like one gets "offline" when other is on. They're both in the same time concious...most of the time.
  20. I'm intrigued
  21. Topic about my story in New Players Roles and Legends !

  22. *looks around*.. Well, first of all, Hi Mr./Mss. Reader.. Decided to make a short description about ourself(s) here so that maybe we'll clear out some confusions among people We meet. We'll tell this on short... When I, Quas, was born (Can't remember where..) .. not long ago.. my parents were so happy that they organised a huge party with all sorts of people, clowns, magicians, everyone could join.. A nice thing, i suppose. After a long time partying, someone with a dark 'aura' came with a huge cart.. everyone stopped and stared at that man. The dark figure approached my parents and I, and told them that in that cart, was the new definition of Fun. He said that in that cart full of urns, lie souls, human souls.. and with a strange device in the urn, they could sip the souls and have the same effects as a Nightshade, only with no danger of dieing and with a huge extatic pleasure. They hesitated at first, of course...drinking souls isn't so common.. but they finally accepted it.. and did the biggest mistake of they're (ex)lifes. After few hours everyone had his/hers Dose of Souls, including me. in one moment or other, the dark figure approached the center of the hall and made everyones attention focus on him. Suddenly he put his hands on the floor, and activated a strange symbol.. a powerfull wind started to whip our cheeks.. The dark man dissapeared, like he was nothing!..suddenly everyone including my parents started to scream in pain and they're corneas turned pitch black.. After a full hour of screams they stopped.. and turned to dust.. Only very few people (like five or six, from a total of a hundred and two.) survived God knows how, including me.. Since then I'm not alone in my body.. The soul my parents made me consume now shares the same vision, hear, taste, smell.. I named him Sauq, due the fact that he's totally my opposite.. [b]Ok Quas now shut it, my turn !.. right..so.. i'm an old prison mate, died in a cell decades ago(lame >_>) ..and I live in this scums body..that's all you need to know! get it punk?[/b] *shakes head*.. Right.. so.. back to the subject.. None of us can control the thoughts and actions of each other.. ([b]yet[/b]) We have different thoughts , totally independent.. we often both speak in the same sentence, Sauq being the evil arrogant 'jail like' grandpa.([b]watch it kid![/b]).. I think that would do for the moment.. I am sorry for those who got confused or ..perhaps insulted by Sauq.. please blame him! >_> [i]~Gathered from an annonimous letter towards me, maybe it was the dark one, I don't know..~[/i]
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