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Everything posted by Quas

  1. Btw people, please say at least a few words about phans ideea. Don't just click to see what's going on and then don't care about it, this topic needs Feedback! [size=2]people to train with[/size] [size=1]people to train with[/size] ...
  2. This project in overall is a good ideea, but I just can't do it at mp3 or mp4, since I won't need to train grasans and I cant waste xp on anything. The problem is (for me at least, but I'm not the only one) that many players will just stay in that location, 'training' or for chatting, or any other reason. And if I need to train I [i][b]will[/b][/i] come there and attack people with my own rituals, no offence.. Because I [b]won't find anyone to train with[/b] since most of them are in that spot, specially that there are few mp4 and mp3 to begin with anyway. It's similar to a part of GGG problem.
  3. Anyone could say "my grasan is not yet there" and still continue to get xp and wins just to sacc it for skills later. I don't know though if I should see that as a problem or not... just my thoughts as you asked ^^
  4. This is a little bit different than GGG since grasans also require heat to advance.. won't that mean quite large-scaled skill farm with them for mp5? (at mp4 and mp3 I honestly won't do it since I care about every little point of xp I get.) And if you're really planning to do this, you should have a really good way to enforce the rules.. since some people won't care about them and come to attack anyone around will always exist.
  5. Am I bored, or what?..

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ChildOfTheSoul


      *Insert something else about IAB here*

    3. Guillak


      You've been saying that for months, and you're still there! So you lied. :)

    4. ChildOfTheSoul


      By the way, Quashen. I love theoatmeal.com

  6. thought so xD
  7. I'm in a quite big difficulty reading the WHOLE post *cough*
  8. Quas

    Diablo 2

    so, you guys will play on b.net ?
  9. Quas

    Diablo 2

    I'm playin' D2 on a private server (I'll keep my cash for D3 ) hihihihi
  10. sooo.. If we draw a line here, is this weaken def thing, a bug or not ? If yes, anyone is willing to do anything about it? 15 days passed since the last post and no kind of change
  11. Aww dst, you said before that you don't give a ..damn, about this XD you're so cuddly !
  12. dst ! ~totally spiced~
  13. Quas

    MP3 group(s)

    okay, I got enough neg votes. you see my point now? If I didn't start to argue and talk "rude" some people never knew this post exist or this Group even... Ignore everything I said before, it was just to try making some people care about this. Cya ! ( I bet I'm gonna get neg votes for this, also XD! )
  14. Quas

    MP3 group(s)

    look at the facts, gimme some percentages Chewett, you know I'm right. how many people leave after 1 week, 2 or a month ? more than the ones who stay, thats for sure. and that's what I ment. and is it just me or this is none of you're business? you don't look like an mp3 to me, and I bet you just love to do that ^ eh?
  15. Quas

    MP3 group(s)

    since nobody and mp3s usually don't have the strenght and dedication for such an important (trust me, it could be.) grouping I suggest we close this conversation and .. MoM, Guillak and I (for the moment), will go further and look for the most dedicated mp3s ever, around MD, for a private Group and probably in the future, a new Alliance. Nice knowing you ..some of you.. I think most of you already quit, but if you really can proove yourselfs to be truly dedicated to MD (that doesn't mean obsesivelly spending hours and hours on it).. you're wellcome.
  16. well..this just ain't right >.< a week or two ago I was able to reach 1k damage in round 5 and up to -5k defence in a big battle...ruins my rits.
  17. Quas

    TypeError ?!

    hm.. yes you're right. I got a blocking program around 'ere.. adblock..something.. Block Enabled ||magicduel.com/art/erolin/* [] ( <- checkbox ) thanks allot Chewett ^^ .
  18. Quas

    TypeError ?!

    okay.. if I somehow did block it.. how do I unblock it ?
  19. [quote name='Fire Starter' timestamp='1315487786' post='91726'] Quas, your log won't provide the needed information. update. [/quote] You need a drawing or voice recording ?... If this problem truly exists (wich obviously does), then I'm not the first to know about it, the log I put is a bit short and skipped and bla bla.. It's just posted as an example of this problem, let the big guys fix it.
  20. [b]Error: TypeError[/b] [b]Err description: undefined[/b] [b]Err number: undefined[/b] [b]Err message: erolin.SetVariable is not a function[/b] [b]Ajax response:[/b] [b]erolin.SetVariable("heat","0"); //debug sound [/b] [b] //var sounds = document.getElementById('sounds');[/b] [b] //sounds.TGotoLabel('_level0','chatmsg');[/b] [b] [/b] [b]try{[/b] [b] parent.textArray = new Array;[/b] [b] [/b] [b] //alert('test');[/b] [b] [/b] [b]}catch(err){[/b] [b] var errtxt = "Error: "+err.name + "\nErr description: " + err.description+ "\nErr number: " + err.number+ "\nErr message: " + err.message;[/b] [b] alert(errtxt); [/b] [b] }[/b] I have no ideea what this is, I do not have any experience with this kind of stuff but I get it very very often while doing nothing in MD actually, just sitting there and this thing pops up.. help ? I'm using Firefox. ..and..oh yea! .. the heat counter dissapeared since this error spam started... it's like deleting a text, erase it and the one under (Regen counter and stats) comes up to replace it.
  21. @MoM. Hardly doubt it.. that would be too fair! so not MD-like and as you can see in the last round in my log there were allot of creatures, not just one.
  22. I was just going to make a post for this. Got the same problem I'm using 4 creatures on Weaken defence and one damager. The weaken defence only seems to work in the first rounds.. later on when a creature gets weakened it actually gets it's defence increased ! [log='Click?!'] Quas's Dark Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -55 - maintains weaken on Heretic Archer weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-55|from 6 to -49; ) and remains with 1588 vitality Quas's Dark Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -55 - maintains weaken on Heretic Archer weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-55|from -49 to -104; ) and remains with 1588 vitality Quas's Imperial Aramor Assassin does damage to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Barren Soul receives 61 damage and remains with 1327 vitality Unstableone's Heretic Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Quas and: - Weaken defence effect: -27 - maintains weaken on Barren Soul weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-27|from 6 to -21; ) and remains with 2013 vitality Unstableone's Heretic Archer does damage to random creature(s) of Quas and: - Elemental I receives 9 damage and remains with 1154 vitality Unstableone's Heretic Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Quas and: - Weaken defence effect: -27 - maintains weaken on Elemental I weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-27|from 18 to -9; ) and remains with 1154 vitality Quas's Elemental I does weaken to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -35 - maintains weaken on Barren Soul weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-35|from 6 to -29; ) and remains with 1388 vitality Unstableone's Grasan I does haoticdamage to multirandom creature(s) of Quas and: - hits haoticaly and does 20 damage to Imperial Aramor Assassin and remains with 1343 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 38 damage to Elemental I and remains with 1116 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 21 damage to Dark Archer and remains with 2242 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 10 damage to Dark Archer and remains with 2253 vitality Quas's Elemental I does weaken to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -35 - maintains weaken on Heretic Archer weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-35|from 6 to -29; ) and remains with 1588 vitality Unstableone's Barren Soul does heal to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Heal power: 30 - Heretic Archer doesn't need any healing for now and remains with 1588 vitality Unstableone's Barren Soul does heal to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Heal power: 30 - Heretic Archer doesn't need any healing for now and remains with 1588 vitality Quas's Barren Soul does weaken to multirandom creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -70 - maintains weaken on Barren Soul weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-70|from 6 to -64; ) and remains with 1327 vitality - Weaken defence effect: -70 - maintains weaken on Heretic Archer weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-70|from -104 to -174; ) and remains with 1588 vitality - Weaken defence effect: -70 - maintains weaken on Heretic Archer weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-70|from -29 to -99; ) and remains with 1588 vitality ###### START ROUND "1" ###### Applying temporary effects for Quas, slot 5 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-27|from 6 to -21; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Quas, slot 1 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-27|from 18 to -9; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 5 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-35|from 6 to -29; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 4 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-70|from 6 to -64; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 2 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-55|from 6 to -49; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-55|from -49 to -104; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-70|from -104 to -174; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 3 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-35|from 6 to -29; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-70|from -29 to -99; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Quas's Dark Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -55 - maintains weaken on Barren Soul weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-55|from -64 to -119; ) and remains with 1327 vitality Quas's Dark Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -55 - maintains weaken on Heretic Archer weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-55|from -99 to -154; ) and remains with 1588 vitality Quas's Imperial Aramor Assassin does damage to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Heretic Archer receives 241 damage and remains with 1347 vitality Unstableone's Heretic Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Quas and: - Weaken defence effect: -27 - maintains weaken on Imperial Aramor Assassin weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-27|from 7 to -20; ) and remains with 1343 vitality Unstableone's Heretic Archer does damage to random creature(s) of Quas and: - Dark Archer receives 18 damage and remains with 2224 vitality Unstableone's Heretic Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Quas and: - Weaken defence effect: -27 - maintains weaken on Elemental I weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-27|from 18 to -9; ) and remains with 1163 vitality Quas's Elemental I does weaken to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -35 - maintains weaken on Barren Soul weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-35|from -119 to -154; ) and remains with 1327 vitality Unstableone's Grasan I does haoticdamage to multirandom creature(s) of Quas and: - hits haoticaly and does 64 damage to Imperial Aramor Assassin and remains with 1279 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 54 damage to Elemental I and remains with 1062 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 28 damage to Elemental I and remains with 1135 vitality Quas's Elemental I does weaken to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -35 - maintains weaken on Barren Soul weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-35|from -29 to -64; ) and remains with 1388 vitality Unstableone's Barren Soul does heal to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Heal power: 30 - Heretic Archer doesn't need any healing for now and remains with 1588 vitality Unstableone's Barren Soul does heal to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Heal power: 30 - Barren Soul doesn't need any healing for now and remains with 1388 vitality Quas's Barren Soul does weaken to multirandom creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -70 - maintains weaken on Barren Soul weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-70|from -64 to -134; ) and remains with 1388 vitality - Weaken defence effect: -70 - maintains weaken on Heretic Archer weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-70|from -154 to -224; ) and remains with 1588 vitality - Weaken defence effect: -70 - maintains weaken on Heretic Archer weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-70|from 6 to -64; ) and remains with 1588 vitality ###### START ROUND "2" ###### Applying temporary effects for Quas, slot 5 : Applying temporary effects for Quas, slot 2 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-27|from 7 to -20; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Quas, slot 1 : Applying temporary effects for Quas, slot 3 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-27|from 18 to -9; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 5 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-35|from 6 to -29; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-70|from -29 to -99; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 4 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-55|from 6 to -49; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-35|from -49 to -84; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 2 : Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 3 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-70|from -64 to -134; ) weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-55|from -134 to -189; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 6 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-70|from 6 to -64; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Quas's Dark Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -55 - maintains weaken on Grasan I weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-55|from 1 to -54; ) and remains with 1422 vitality Quas's Dark Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -55 - maintains weaken on Barren Soul weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-55|from -84 to -139; ) and remains with 1327 vitality Quas's Imperial Aramor Assassin does damage to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Barren Soul receives 166 damage and remains with 1222 vitality Unstableone's Heretic Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Quas and: - Weaken defence effect: -27 - maintains weaken on Imperial Aramor Assassin weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-27|from -20 to -47; ) and remains with 1279 vitality Unstableone's Heretic Archer does damage to random creature(s) of Quas and: - Barren Soul receives 21 damage and remains with 1992 vitality Unstableone's Heretic Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Quas and: - Weaken defence effect: -27 - maintains weaken on Imperial Aramor Assassin weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-27|from -47 to -74; ) and remains with 1279 vitality Quas's Elemental I does weaken to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -35 - maintains weaken on Heretic Archer weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-35|from -64 to -99; ) and remains with 1588 vitality Unstableone's Grasan I does haoticdamage to multirandom creature(s) of Quas and: - hits haoticaly and does 94 damage to Imperial Aramor Assassin and remains with 1185 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 23 damage to Elemental I and remains with 1039 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 53 damage to Elemental I and remains with 1082 vitality Quas's Elemental I does weaken to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -35 - maintains weaken on Heretic Archer weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-35|from -99 to -134; ) and remains with 1588 vitality Unstableone's Barren Soul does heal to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Heal power: 30 - Heretic Archer doesn't need any healing for now and remains with 1347 vitality Unstableone's Barren Soul does heal to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Heal power: 30 - Barren Soul doesn't need any healing for now and remains with 1327 vitality Quas's Barren Soul does weaken to multirandom creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -70 - maintains weaken on Grasan I weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-70|from -54 to -124; ) and remains with 1422 vitality - Weaken defence effect: -70 - maintains weaken on Heretic Archer weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-70|from 6 to -64; ) and remains with 1347 vitality - Weaken defence effect: -70 - maintains weaken on Heretic Archer weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-70|from -134 to -204; ) and remains with 1588 vitality ###### START ROUND "3" ###### Applying temporary effects for Quas, slot 5 : Applying temporary effects for Quas, slot 2 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-27|from -20 to -47; ) weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-27|from -47 to -74; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Quas, slot 1 : Applying temporary effects for Quas, slot 3 : Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 5 : Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 1 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-55|from 1 to -54; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-70|from -54 to -124; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 4 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-55|from 76 to 21; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 2 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-70|from 116 to 46; ) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 3 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-70|from -29 to -99; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 6 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-70|from -64 to -134; ) weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-35|from -134 to -169; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-35|from -169 to -204; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Quas's Dark Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -55 - maintains weaken on Grasan I weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-55|from -124 to -179; ) and remains with 1422 vitality Quas's Dark Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -55 - maintains weaken on Grasan I weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-55|from -179 to -234; ) and remains with 1422 vitality Quas's Imperial Aramor Assassin does damage to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Heretic Archer receives 21 damage and remains with 1326 vitality Unstableone's Heretic Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Quas and: - Weaken defence effect: -27 - maintains weaken on Elemental I weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-27|from 45 to 18; ) and remains with 1039 vitality Unstableone's Heretic Archer does damage to random creature(s) of Quas and: - Barren Soul receives 1 damage and remains with 1991 vitality Unstableone's Heretic Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Quas and: - Weaken defence effect: -27 - maintains weaken on Dark Archer weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-27|from 9 to -18; ) and remains with 2224 vitality Quas's Elemental I does weaken to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -35 - maintains weaken on Heretic Archer weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-35|from -99 to -134; ) and remains with 1588 vitality Unstableone's Grasan I does haoticdamage to multirandom creature(s) of Quas and: - hits haoticaly and does 97 damage to Imperial Aramor Assassin and remains with 1088 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 20 damage to Elemental I and remains with 1019 vitality Quas's Elemental I does weaken to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -35 - maintains weaken on Grasan I weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-35|from -234 to -269; ) and remains with 1422 vitality Unstableone's Barren Soul does heal to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Heal power: 30 - Barren Soul doesn't need any healing for now and remains with 1327 vitality Unstableone's Barren Soul does heal to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Heal power: 30 - Heretic Archer doesn't need any healing for now and remains with 1588 vitality Quas's Barren Soul does weaken to multirandom creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -70 - maintains weaken on Barren Soul weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-70|from 41 to -29; ) and remains with 1222 vitality - Weaken defence effect: -70 - maintains weaken on Heretic Archer weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-70|from 46 to -24; ) and remains with 1326 vitality ###### START ROUND "4" ###### Applying temporary effects for Quas, slot 5 : Applying temporary effects for Quas, slot 2 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-27|from -20 to -47; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Quas, slot 1 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-27|from 72 to 45; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Quas, slot 3 : Applying temporary effects for Quas, slot 4 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-27|from 9 to -18; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 5 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-70|from 111 to 41; ) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 1 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-55|from -54 to -109; ) weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-55|from -109 to -164; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-35|from -164 to -199; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 4 : Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 2 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-70|from 156 to 86; ) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 3 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-35|from 61 to 26; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 6 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-70|from -64 to -134; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Quas's Dark Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -55 - maintains weaken on Barren Soul weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-55|from 236 to 181; ) and remains with 1327 vitality Quas's Dark Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -55 - maintains weaken on Heretic Archer weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-55|from 86 to 31; ) and remains with 1326 vitality Quas's Imperial Aramor Assassin does damage to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Heretic Archer receives 201 damage and remains with 1387 vitality Unstableone's Heretic Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Quas and: - Weaken defence effect: -27 - maintains weaken on Elemental I weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-27|from 45 to 18; ) and remains with 1082 vitality Unstableone's Heretic Archer does damage to random creature(s) of Quas and: - Dark Archer receives 18 damage and remains with 2235 vitality Unstableone's Heretic Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Quas and: - Weaken defence effect: -27 - maintains weaken on Dark Archer weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-27|from -18 to -45; ) and remains with 2224 vitality Quas's Elemental I does weaken to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -35 - maintains weaken on Heretic Archer weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-35|from 26 to -9; ) and remains with 1588 vitality Unstableone's Grasan I does haoticdamage to multirandom creature(s) of Quas and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Barren Soul and remains with 1990 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 92 damage to Imperial Aramor Assassin and remains with 996 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 15 damage to Elemental I and remains with 1067 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 67 damage to Dark Archer and remains with 2157 vitality Quas's Elemental I does weaken to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -35 - maintains weaken on Heretic Archer weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-35|from -134 to -169; ) and remains with 1387 vitality Unstableone's Barren Soul does heal to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Heal power: 30 - Grasan I doesn't need any healing for now and remains with 1422 vitality Unstableone's Barren Soul does heal to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Heal power: 30 - Barren Soul doesn't need any healing for now and remains with 1327 vitality Quas's Barren Soul does weaken to multirandom creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -70 - maintains weaken on Grasan I weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-70|from -199 to -269; ) and remains with 1422 vitality - Weaken defence effect: -70 - maintains weaken on Heretic Archer weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-70|from 31 to -39; ) and remains with 1326 vitality ###### START ROUND "5" ###### Applying temporary effects for Quas, slot 5 : Applying temporary effects for Quas, slot 2 : Applying temporary effects for Quas, slot 1 : Applying temporary effects for Quas, slot 3 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-27|from 72 to 45; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Quas, slot 4 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-27|from -18 to -45; ) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 5 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-70|from 181 to 111; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 1 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-55|from -54 to -109; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-70|from -109 to -179; ) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 4 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-55|from 396 to 341; ) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 2 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-55|from 141 to 86; ) weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-70|from 86 to 16; ) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 3 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-35|from 186 to 151; ) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 6 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-35|from -29 to -64; ) Quas's Dark Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -55 - maintains weaken on Heretic Archer weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-55|from -64 to -119; ) and remains with 1387 vitality Quas's Dark Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -55 - maintains weaken on Heretic Archer weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-55|from 151 to 96; ) and remains with 1588 vitality Quas's Imperial Aramor Assassin does damage to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Heretic Archer receives 186 damage and remains with 1201 vitality Unstableone's Heretic Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Quas and: - Weaken defence effect: -27 - maintains weaken on Dark Archer weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-27|from 9 to -18; ) and remains with 2235 vitality Unstableone's Heretic Archer does damage to random creature(s) of Quas and: - Dark Archer receives 45 damage and remains with 2190 vitality Unstableone's Heretic Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Quas and: - Weaken defence effect: -27 - maintains weaken on Elemental I weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-27|from 99 to 72; ) and remains with 1019 vitality Quas's Elemental I does weaken to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -35 - maintains weaken on Heretic Archer weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-35|from 16 to -19; ) and remains with 1326 vitality Unstableone's Grasan I does haoticdamage to multirandom creature(s) of Quas and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Barren Soul and remains with 1989 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 19 damage to Imperial Aramor Assassin and remains with 977 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 88 damage to Dark Archer and remains with 2069 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 51 damage to Dark Archer and remains with 2139 vitality Quas's Elemental I does weaken to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -35 - maintains weaken on Barren Soul weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-35|from 111 to 76; ) and remains with 1222 vitality Unstableone's Barren Soul does heal to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Heal power: 30 - Barren Soul doesn't need any healing for now and remains with 1222 vitality Unstableone's Barren Soul does heal to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Heal power: 30 - Heretic Archer doesn't need any healing for now and remains with 1201 vitality Quas's Barren Soul does weaken to multirandom creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -70 - maintains weaken on Grasan I weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-70|from -179 to -249; ) and remains with 1422 vitality - Weaken defence effect: -70 - maintains weaken on Barren Soul weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-70|from 341 to 271; ) and remains with 1327 vitality - Weaken defence effect: -70 - maintains weaken on Heretic Archer weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-70|from 96 to 26; ) and remains with 1588 vitality ###### START ROUND "6" ###### Applying temporary effects for Quas, slot 5 : Applying temporary effects for Quas, slot 2 : Applying temporary effects for Quas, slot 1 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-27|from 126 to 99; ) Applying temporary effects for Quas, slot 3 : Applying temporary effects for Quas, slot 4 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-27|from -18 to -45; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Quas, slot 6 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-27|from 9 to -18; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 5 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-35|from 216 to 181; ) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 1 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-70|from -34 to -104; ) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 4 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-70|from 486 to 416; ) weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-55|from 416 to 361; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 2 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-55|from 196 to 141; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-70|from 141 to 71; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-35|from 71 to 36; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 3 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-70|from 221 to 151; ) weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-55|from 151 to 96; ) weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-35|from 96 to 61; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 6 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-35|from 76 to 41; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-55|from 41 to -14; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Quas's Dark Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -55 - maintains weaken on Barren Soul weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-55|from 181 to 126; ) and remains with 1222 vitality Quas's Dark Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -55 - maintains weaken on Barren Soul weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-55|from 126 to 71; ) and remains with 1222 vitality Quas's Imperial Aramor Assassin does damage to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Heretic Archer receives 81 damage and remains with 1120 vitality Unstableone's Heretic Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Quas and: - Weaken defence effect: -27 - maintains weaken on Dark Archer weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-27|from -18 to -45; ) and remains with 2139 vitality Unstableone's Heretic Archer does damage to random creature(s) of Quas and: - Elemental I receives 1 damage and remains with 1018 vitality Unstableone's Heretic Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Quas and: - Weaken defence effect: -27 - maintains weaken on Elemental I weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-27|from 99 to 72; ) and remains with 1018 vitality Quas's Elemental I does weaken to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -35 - maintains weaken on Grasan I weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-35|from -104 to -139; ) and remains with 1422 vitality Unstableone's Grasan I does haoticdamage to multirandom creature(s) of Quas and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Imperial Aramor Assassin and remains with 976 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Elemental I and remains with 1017 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 78 damage to Dark Archer and remains with 1991 vitality Quas's Elemental I does weaken to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -35 - maintains weaken on Heretic Archer weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-35|from -14 to -49; ) and remains with 1120 vitality Unstableone's Barren Soul does heal to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Heal power: 30 - Barren Soul doesn't need any healing for now and remains with 1327 vitality Unstableone's Barren Soul does heal to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Heal power: 30 - Heretic Archer doesn't need any healing for now and remains with 1588 vitality Quas's Barren Soul does weaken to multirandom creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -70 - maintains weaken on Heretic Archer weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-70|from 36 to -34; ) and remains with 1326 vitality - Weaken defence effect: -70 - maintains weaken on Heretic Archer weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-70|from 61 to -9; ) and remains with 1588 vitality ###### START ROUND "7" ###### Applying temporary effects for Quas, slot 5 : Applying temporary effects for Quas, slot 2 : Applying temporary effects for Quas, slot 1 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-27|from 126 to 99; ) Applying temporary effects for Quas, slot 3 : Applying temporary effects for Quas, slot 4 : Applying temporary effects for Quas, slot 6 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-27|from -18 to -45; ) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 5 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-35|from 321 to 286; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-55|from 286 to 231; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-55|from 231 to 176; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 1 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-70|from 111 to 41; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-35|from 41 to 6; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 4 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-70|from 576 to 506; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 2 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-70|from 181 to 111; ) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 3 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-70|from 186 to 116; ) weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-55|from 116 to 61; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 6 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-35|from 146 to 111; ) Quas's Dark Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -55 - maintains weaken on Barren Soul weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-55|from 506 to 451; ) and remains with 1327 vitality Quas's Dark Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -55 - maintains weaken on Grasan I weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-55|from 6 to -49; ) and remains with 1422 vitality Quas's Imperial Aramor Assassin does damage to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Heretic Archer receives 6 damage and remains with 1582 vitality Unstableone's Heretic Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Quas and: - Weaken defence effect: -27 - maintains weaken on Elemental I weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-27|from 153 to 126; ) and remains with 1067 vitality Unstableone's Heretic Archer does damage to random creature(s) of Quas and: - Imperial Aramor Assassin receives 1 damage and remains with 975 vitality Unstableone's Heretic Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Quas and: - Weaken defence effect: -27 - maintains weaken on Imperial Aramor Assassin weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-27|from 115 to 88; ) and remains with 975 vitality Quas's Elemental I does weaken to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -35 - maintains weaken on Barren Soul weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-35|from 451 to 416; ) and remains with 1327 vitality Unstableone's Grasan I does haoticdamage to multirandom creature(s) of Quas and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Barren Soul and remains with 1988 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Imperial Aramor Assassin and remains with 974 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Elemental I and remains with 1016 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 78 damage to Dark Archer and remains with 2061 vitality Quas's Elemental I does weaken to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -35 - maintains weaken on Grasan I weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-35|from -49 to -84; ) and remains with 1422 vitality Unstableone's Barren Soul does heal to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Heal power: 30 - Heretic Archer doesn't need any healing for now and remains with 1582 vitality Unstableone's Barren Soul does heal to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Heal power: 30 - Barren Soul doesn't need any healing for now and remains with 1222 vitality Quas's Barren Soul does weaken to multirandom creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -70 - maintains weaken on Barren Soul weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-70|from 176 to 106; ) and remains with 1222 vitality - Weaken defence effect: -70 - maintains weaken on Grasan I weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-70|from -84 to -154; ) and remains with 1422 vitality - Weaken defence effect: -70 - maintains weaken on Barren Soul weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-70|from 416 to 346; ) and remains with 1327 vitality ###### START ROUND "8" ###### Applying temporary effects for Quas, slot 5 : Applying temporary effects for Quas, slot 2 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-27|from 142 to 115; ) Applying temporary effects for Quas, slot 1 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-27|from 153 to 126; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Quas, slot 3 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-27|from 180 to 153; ) Applying temporary effects for Quas, slot 4 : Applying temporary effects for Quas, slot 6 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-27|from -18 to -45; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 5 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-70|from 356 to 286; ) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 1 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-70|from 96 to 26; ) weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-55|from 26 to -29; ) weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-35|from -29 to -64; ) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 4 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-70|from 561 to 491; ) weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-55|from 491 to 436; ) weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-35|from 436 to 401; ) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 2 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-70|from 326 to 256; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 3 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-70|from 256 to 186; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 6 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-35|from 306 to 271; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Quas's Dark Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -55 - maintains weaken on Heretic Archer weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-55|from 256 to 201; ) and remains with 1326 vitality Quas's Dark Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -55 - maintains weaken on Heretic Archer weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-55|from 201 to 146; ) and remains with 1326 vitality Quas's Imperial Aramor Assassin does damage to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Heretic Archer receives 1 damage and remains with 1119 vitality Unstableone's Heretic Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Quas and: - Weaken defence effect: -27 - maintains weaken on Imperial Aramor Assassin weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-27|from 115 to 88; ) and remains with 974 vitality Unstableone's Heretic Archer does damage to random creature(s) of Quas and: - Dark Archer receives 18 damage and remains with 1973 vitality Unstableone's Heretic Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Quas and: - Weaken defence effect: -27 - maintains weaken on Imperial Aramor Assassin weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-27|from 88 to 61; ) and remains with 974 vitality Quas's Elemental I does weaken to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -35 - maintains weaken on Barren Soul weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-35|from 401 to 366; ) and remains with 1327 vitality Unstableone's Grasan I does haoticdamage to multirandom creature(s) of Quas and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Barren Soul and remains with 1987 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 38 damage to Dark Archer and remains with 1935 vitality Quas's Elemental I does weaken to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -35 - maintains weaken on Heretic Archer weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-35|from 186 to 151; ) and remains with 1582 vitality Unstableone's Barren Soul does heal to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Heal power: 30 - Barren Soul doesn't need any healing for now and remains with 1327 vitality Unstableone's Barren Soul does heal to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Heal power: 30 - Barren Soul doesn't need any healing for now and remains with 1327 vitality Quas's Barren Soul does weaken to multirandom creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -70 - maintains weaken on Barren Soul weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-70|from 366 to 296; ) and remains with 1327 vitality - Weaken defence effect: -70 - maintains weaken on Heretic Archer weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-70|from 151 to 81; ) and remains with 1582 vitality ###### START ROUND "9" ###### Applying temporary effects for Quas, slot 5 : Applying temporary effects for Quas, slot 2 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-27|from 115 to 88; ) weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-27|from 88 to 61; ) Applying temporary effects for Quas, slot 1 : Applying temporary effects for Quas, slot 3 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-27|from 207 to 180; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Quas, slot 4 : Applying temporary effects for Quas, slot 6 : Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 5 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-70|from 536 to 466; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 1 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-70|from 186 to 116; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-55|from 116 to 61; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-35|from 61 to 26; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 4 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-70|from 511 to 441; ) weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-55|from 441 to 386; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-35|from 386 to 351; ) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 2 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-55|from 361 to 306; ) weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-55|from 306 to 251; ) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 3 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-35|from 276 to 241; ) weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-70|from 241 to 171; ) Applying temporary effects for Unstableone, slot 6 : Quas's Dark Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -55 - maintains weaken on Heretic Archer weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-55|from 251 to 196; ) and remains with 1326 vitality Quas's Dark Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Weaken defence effect: -55 - maintains weaken on Heretic Archer weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-55|from 466 to 411; ) and remains with 1119 vitality Quas's Imperial Aramor Assassin does damage to random creature(s) of Unstableone and: - Barren Soul receives 1 damage and remains with 1326 vitality ... Fight ended because it was too long. Player that lost the most of his army looses ... Unstableone WINS! 11.615174% vs 10.767686% Creature Experience reward for Quas - Losing player Barren Soul recovers 12.5 Vitality Imperial Aramor Assassin recovers 6 Vitality Elemental I recovers 4 Vitality Elemental I recovers 4 Vitality Dark Archer recovers 15 Vitality Dark Archer recovers 15 Vitality Player is at max xp limit, no xp reward Creature Experience reward for Unstableone - Winning player Barren Soul recovers 2 Vitality Grasan I recovers 5 Vitality Barren Soul recovers 2 Vitality Heretic Archer recovers 4 Vitality Heretic Archer recovers 4 Vitality Heretic Archer recovers 4 Vitality Player is at max xp limit, no xp reward Winner gets won fights counter incremented! Loser gets humiliated, loss fights counter incremented! [/log] EDIT: I hope its better now ^.. full log. enjoy getting bored XD and there was no UP in either rituals
  23. nice votes xD anyway, thanks for the clearing out
  24. eh eh evil MoM are you planning on cheating Eva already? XD
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