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Status Updates posted by Krioni

  1. Updated research topic, please, check it out and talk with me about Light and Darkness!

    1. Krioni



  2. Moved, first full time job, crazy times. Miss you all terribly.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Magistra


      Yes, we do Krioni! When are you coming back?

    3. Maebius
    4. Guillak


      Where's my milkshake?

  3. School and moving first, MD second. Miss you all and hope to see you soon.

  4. An idea: If MD is truly a game influenced by the community, then if you do not like how the game is, it is partly our responsibility to change it. Be more active, talk, do things you enjoy if that is what you miss, and see if the game can be changed just as much in that direction.

  5. Registration for the Spring Tournament has been extended! Check it out and register if you want to have some fun dueling with Lorerootian creatures!

  6. I understand why Socrates was put to death. I also understand the immense pleasure he got from his methods. The elenchus is a very satisfying process, if infuriating for the other party.

  7. All I wish is to help anyone I know, but it seems such an impossible task sometimes.

  8. Wait...I can sleep normally again? Whaa?

    1. Magistra


      Sleep! You deserved it!

    2. Krioni


      You have no idea how good it felt to sleep without interruption ^^

  9. Been home for the weekend, back this week and ready to start picnics again.

  10. Back up at school and one of the first things I get is some holiday cards. Thank you so much to those of you that sent them, they mean a lot. I need to step it up next year!

  11. I have found myself browsing the forums listlessly lately since it has been harder to be in game.

    1. Princess Katt

      Princess Katt

      I miss you, Krioni!

    2. ChildOfTheSoul


      Agreed, Krioni. Although my reasons are different from yours. :)

    3. Chewett


      i browse it listlessly anyways :P

  12. Sorry there was no picnic, getting on is hit or miss until I am back from Christmas break.

  13. Oh cruel train! Why dost thou give me wifi and then block MagicDuel from loading? WHY?

    1. Prince Marvolo

      Prince Marvolo

      Because the train is faster than the internet?

    2. Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Because you need to learn how to disable firewalls. :3

    3. BFH


      following amo's line: because firewalls can be easily disabled :)

  14. Going home for a few days, may be difficult to get on.

  15. Haha Sharazhad! I agree, I need to get some of that strawberry vodka from you.

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