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Everything posted by living_puppet

  1. Oh, look +1 [url="http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/31/51526190.png/"][img]http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/306/51526190.png[/img][/url] [url="http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/696/2copyno.png/"][img]http://img696.imageshack.us/img696/8592/2copyno.png[/img][/url] Well, obviosly a joke , impressive for me to really have that at MP4
  2. Brain is composed of nervouse tissue and informations goes form cell to cell by neurotransmitters and by electrical action potentials. This is common with all brains(including animal brains). For the humans, there is a specific strcture called the limbic system that regulates our affective life and memory. Theese structures are shared by all humans in an identical way. The way the information is sent and stored differs from person to person. The brain has different commanding centers = motor center in frontal lobe, sensitive center in parietal lobe, seeing center, etc. (for all different actions there is a commanding center). Now, for the difference among us in a more astract way. Everybody can study to understand principles, theories and advanced formulas. The difference is made on theoretical mathematics, physics or even theology. Imagination witch respects and bends to a good limit some laws and innovation makes the difference. Some are not smarter than others, but are not that limited. There are a lot of aspects we do not understand and probably witch we will never understand. We are limited by nature and by our learning reflexes but we also have a rather *personal* limitation. That limitiation varies from person to person and it can only be pushed further and further away by innovative persons who bend laws and create theoretical formulas witch in the future can be validated by other people. We all have the same potential, but it is limited by only ourselves and for each person that breaks the barrier limitation, wee all raise the barrier a bit, and a bit, and a bit.... Everyone is influenced by inovations found by the *more unlimited* persons and everybody is influenced by everyone until they are able to rise above the mass when they are developed enough and able to make innovations by themselves, so the next generation can grow even more and more until the end of all, or the *reset* of all.
  3. 12 silver coins for the [size=4]Sharptear[/size].
  4. My condolences. Be strong.
  5. Ok then. I know what you mean, it just felt strange to have 2 different descriptions of the same stack of items. Feel free to close this issue.
  6. When I click the [inventory] button on the left side of the screen the description when hovering the mouse over the silver coins is : "A valuable silver coin, useful for trading. Has Mur\\ s head on one side and a nice decoration on the other. 2011 Common Edition." (note here also the 2 \\). Also has id : 13310 When I click the << Details link under the [b]Items you own[/b] the description and the id of the sc is different : "A valuable silver coin, useful for trading. Has Mur's head on one side and a nice decoration on the other. 2009 Common Edition.". The id is : 2130. When different ids silver coins are stacked it's normal to use one id and 1 description.
  7. 9 sc for the sharptear if you are still selling
  8. God dammit. Yes.. BIdding resumes with the edited prices. My bad, sorry.
  9. Partially fixed : Activity days: [b]100% [/b] (A total of 2 out of 1 days) total days should be 2, but it is ok for me I don't mind it, just wanted to point out a bug.
  10. Ok, Mur has the final word and he said it clear. Close thread please. All bids are removed
  11. Hmm... interesting. Then I want a more precise answer... It will be just this time anyway:P. If all is OK, bidding will resume
  12. Ok, then no point in this sale then. Thanks for your answer. Someone please close this.
  13. Ok thank you. But I wish to ask something else. Can I pay the silver from those accounts on other items so I can benefit from them on my main character?
  14. AUCTION ENDED! Greeting everybody! I have decided to come back to this game for a fresh start (have played this game first 4years ago). And I have seen creature transfer is available and it is allowed to sell them. If I am not able to sell my old account's creatures please tell me, but I have seen other people do it so it supposed to be allowed. So, leave your bids here and if 24hours passes after a bid for a creature(after I edit the post), the creature is sold to it's bidder. So, my offers: Grasan Huvourer [color=#999999]ID:121052 [/color]- age 1150 - [color=#FF0000]1sc Esmaralda (sold)[/color] Bird [color=#999999]ID:109723 [/color]- age 1159 - [color=#FF0000]2sc Shadowseeker [/color][color=#FF0000]([/color][color=#FF0000]sold[/color][color=#FF0000])[/color] Elemental [color=#999999]ID:57528 [/color]- age 1261 -[color=#FF0000] 5sc Grido (sold)[/color] Chaos Archer [color=#999999]ID:57225 [/color] - age 1262 -[color=#FF0000] 3sc Grido (sold)[/color] Knator [color=#999999]ID:152976 [/color] - age 1126 - [color=#FF0000]1sc Rumi (sold)[/color] Aramor [color=#999999]ID:157776 [/color] - age 1120 -[color=#FF0000] 1sc Rumi [/color][color=#FF0000](sold)[/color] Imperial Aramor [color=#999999]ID:664138 [/color]- age 358 - [color=#FF0000]2sc Esmaralda [/color][color=#FF0000]([/color][color=#FF0000]sold[/color][color=#FF0000])[/color] Imperial Aramor [color=#999999]ID:670574 [/color]- age 332- [color=#FF0000]2sc Esmaralda [/color][color=#FF0000]([/color][color=#FF0000]sold[/color][color=#FF0000])[/color] Angien [color=#999999]ID:659961 [/color] - age 373 - [color=#FF0000]2sc Iashtal [/color][color=#FF0000]([/color][color=#FF0000]sold[/color][color=#FF0000])[/color] Please post the bid here of PM me and I will edit the prices when I see the posts.
  15. I searched the forums a little but I didn't find it anywhere else. I know what caused the problem but it is strange because active days are good and total days are not. Just make a cron on a 24h schedule with runs at 00:00 to increment total days with 1 or integrate it in another existing cron with has that schedule. But you have probably done exactly that, so the problem is with the initial date written first in the DB. Just my opinion and advice, nothing more
  16. [b]Warning[/b]: Division by zero in [b]/home/magicdue/public_html/ui/userprofile/load_profile.php[/b] on line [b]380[/b] On the character page at the bottom of the screen. Because the total days does not increment in the DB probably or column name is wrong. [b]See also :[/b] This account was opened on (DD.MM.YYYY H:M): [b]13.08.2011 14:12[/b] Activity days: [b]0% [/b] (A total of 2 out of 0 days) And I was active both days. EDIT: I tried refreshing with new cache (CTRL + SHIFT + R in mozzila) and still not fixed.
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