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Resources Question


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So I've been wondering... This is what the announcement says:
[quote]Land resources will increase always by HALF of their remaining value. This means that the more you depleet them the slower they will regenerate. There is an ideal amount of resources you could gather each day in order to acieve optimal gathering rate. If you are greedy you will get more for the moment but lower than you could get if you take care of that resource and don't let it go to low. This will make team work in gathering guilds more interesting.[/quote]

From what I've seen though, memory stones still regen even when there are 0 left. Kinda make sense because stones are not organic. My question is, can resources like lumber and water regenerate when all are depleted? I'm wondering what effect will happen if someone totally deforested an area or completely dried a place of water..

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  • Root Admin

they behave the same both in realm and in the outer world. if you deplete a place of water, it will come back eventually. letting resources stay forever at zero would cause a big mess over time.
one thing i can do is to make a huge delay till they start over from zero

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If you do create a delay, can you create the delay related to the max resources in the area.. as some of the stones have only 1 stones, while lakes have 40 which would take longer to deplete then the stones.

Edit: Or make different types of resources have different regeneration if depleted.

Edited by lone wolf pup
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[quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1310474939' post='87718']
they behave the same both in realm and in the outer world. if you deplete a place of water, it will come back eventually. letting resources stay forever at zero would cause a big mess over time.
one thing i can do is to make a huge delay till they start over from zero

In the outer world, deserts have been created in several places due to the exploitation of 'natural resources.' And I don't think that the water will ever come back...

In realm, in the spirit of the 1/2 rule of resource regeneration, I think that a delay from zero is a good idea.

Edited by Phantom Orchid
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Water shouldn't be depleted...ever. But, this is just my roleplay perspective. We should conserve the water. However, if anyone that has the ability to collect water (I'm not pointing fingers at anyone) depletes it, hello drout. This could affect Bob, Awiiya, the Community Garden, and all other plants. Again, just my role-play kicking in.


Edited by Hedge Munos
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I agree that resources shouldn't deplete forever as things might turn into another hoarding scenario. It might be interesting if upon depletion to 0, certain events must happen before it starts replenishing again, such as a rain weather restoring dried up locations (can't think of examples for other kinds of resource on top of my head, but I think you get the idea).

But anyways, thanks for the answer Mur. I guess we wouldn't need to worry about major landscape changes in MD anytime soon :P

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[quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1310474939' post='87718']
they behave the same both in realm and in the outer world. if you deplete a place of water, it will come back eventually. letting resources stay forever at zero would cause a big mess over time.
one thing i can do is to make a huge delay till they start over from zero
Hmmm if you deplete organic resource it will not come back or will after very long time... Water will be coming to water hole unless you take more than the local hydrology allows for - and major consequences would be for ecosystem above (subsurface watel level going down -> dessert) rather than water itself. Rain falls at constant rate, rivers flow.
Organic resources location capacity to me represent the amount to be gathered - but the extraction process damages it's repruductive abilities. Hence all tree originated resources (lumber, branches) should replenish proportionally to number of units of resource depleted most.
Inorganic resources (stones, water) should have different behaviour. They do not reproduce - replenish rate should be constant. Maximum number in location would represent maximum that may be gather without damaging local ecology (see: water)

PS. I have just seen the last announcement. If my argument is not convincing and new rule is upheld, is it possible to delay new ruling by one day?

Edited by xrieg
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  • Root Admin

the fact that some resources got a seriosu hit from the recent update (some places being on zero already), is balanced by the fact that i increased those resources repeatedly or given them out for testing during the initial period when they were implemented. Its not that tragic and it is a good opportunity to see how painful it is (for the land at least) to gather the entire amount of resources.

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  • Root Admin

[quote name='lone wolf pup' timestamp='1310835093' post='88078']
Ah well, I will have the answer to if they still have fractions tomorrow. Long as no one find my secret stone spot *holds stones close to his chest while shiftily looking around for xrieg and Aranna* pretty pretty stones..

yes pls if u see fractions popping up when collecting resources let me know. it might be a bug with the gathering tool or with the regen..idk yet

if someone gets resources with fractions thats bad and i should be informed of it asap (like 1,15 stones)


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So far when I'm collecting resources from those places (more than 10, maybe 20 times) I always get whole numbers. The fractions seem to only affect the number that gets regen'ed next cycle (which breaks into smaller fractions) but not the number harvested so far.

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No stones are affected as well. I had seen one at a fraction, I will find out if they still regenerate by fractions if you did change it. (Stones at least.)

Edit: Just checked, they still regenerate fractions. (Stones at least, although I'm sure all others do too.)

Edited by lone wolf pup
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At the moment it seems that only water and memory stones are being harvested regularly so I can't check the wood-type resources unless someone starts harvesting it again xD I can confirm that (regular) water are affected though.

Just to confirm Mur, when you said from 0 the regen would be 0.25, does it stay that way (0.25 per regen) until it hits 1 (so 4 cycles to regen from 0 to 1), then regens by 1 after that?

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Yeah, it takes 4 cycles of .25 each from 0 to 1 then it increases by 1 until 50% > 1 at which it increases by 50% which seems to cause the fraction. Example:
1 stone regenerates 1
2 stones regenerates 1
3 stones regenerates 1.5
4 stones regenerates 2

I hope Mur changes it to rounding up and not down xD.. (I can only hope..)

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Wood resources have been acting like this since implemented.
I believe it's due to this:

[Quote][font="Georgia,"][font="Georgia,"][b]Ann. 1586 - [2010-08-10 22:56:18 - Stage 10][/b][/font][/font]
Land resources will increase always by HALF of their remaining value. This means that the more you depleet them the slower they will regenerate. There is an ideal amount of resources you could gather each day in order to acieve optimal gathering rate. If you are greedy you will get more for the moment but lower than you could get if you take care of that resource and don't let it go to low. This will make team work in gathering guilds more interesting.[color="#cccccc"][/Quote][/color]

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