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Reporting a Member, Moderator or Admin


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[b]Reporting a Member[/b]

if you wish to report a member for any reason, then please contact any moderator. A list of moderators can be found [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=stats&do=leaders"]here[/url]

You could also report a member by pressing the report button on any post, member profile or personal message.

This will alert the moderation team the easiest, otherwise just contact one of them.

[b]Reporting a Moderator[/b]

Moderators are just normal members who also have an additional role to moderate the forum. in this job they are not paid to do so, it is voluntary.

If you wish to report a moderator for an action or similar, You should contact me. This can be done via pm, email or ingame message. All reports will be confidential and i will only share the contents, your name or any issues regarding to the report, with people that need to know in dealing with it.

Any report about a moderator will be filed and posted on a forum that only I and Mur can view, this will be to categorize the logs easily. These logs will also detail the action taken in regards to the report.

[b]Reporting an Admin (aka me)[/b]

If you wish to report an action that i have done, Then you should speak with multiple members of the moderation team. Among themselves they will discuss the issue and decide a course of action to recommend. They will also contact appropiate people if nesscary.

I am also open to hearing your grievances directly, So you dont nesscarily have to go to them, and have them bring it further, But if you really dont want to come to me directly, they are the best people to deal with it.

This process was decided on by Mur, so that issues regarding with the running of the forum are dealt with properly. If you skip any of these steps and jump to talk to the council or him regarding these matters they will merely redirect you back to the proper procedure. Wasting your time and theirs.

As usual, if you have any questions, please feel free to post below and ask them, for if you want to ask one, others will likely have the same question.[/center][/center]

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