Elthen Airis Posted September 7, 2011 Report Posted September 7, 2011 Because some of you mentioned taking a break and coming back i have something to share. I've been here from October 2009. Since then i've been in the realm and at first it was just as difficult, but also enjoyable with it's strangeness just as anybody else feels it. I played more than a year, well i haven't been online absolutely every day, but i was in the realm and i knew what was going on at the time i was here. At a certain point though, because of RL and because of exactly what every veteran has passed through and to name it "nothing happening in the realm" i took a break from the realm. I didn't think i would, but it just so happened. But you see i came back, after more than half an year in which i was away doing other things. It's because this place is special to me. I've met certain people who i enjoy having the company of. I won't name them here, i reckon they have understood already. I like the ambience of this realm, i like the surprises that Mur does sometimes. I like the puzzles and quests. I like the battle system. I'm in love with the artworks, etc. etc. The thing is, something is always happening in this realm. And be it good or bad it's something that goes on. There were bad people in MD as well as good people. Granos is a good example of a so called villain in MD. Awi is a good example of what a good player is. And without their roles nothing would have been the same. So you really can't just make bad people go away. There should be bad people as well, cause they have some good in them, no matter how contradictive it sounds. Anyway, my idea was that maybe you really should take a break if you are tired of MD. Now that i've taken a break i feel refreshed and i find more beautiful things in MD than before. It does help, as everyone said.
Nimrodel Posted September 7, 2011 Report Posted September 7, 2011 I still think you're being partial to Eon. As you said, as 90% of MD fights, there are more people who dislike him ATM (thanks to the stat damage) than dst. IF what dst does is harass one person, Eon's been doing that to truck loads of mp5s robbing them of stats everyday... Not gonna rant about it though. As you said, this is a part of the game. If you can accept Eon, then you should be able to accept dst very easily as well. Like Eon has the right to use his stat damage anyway he wants, dst can pull out chats, follow people, do XYZ whenever she wants to. You say very openly in the forum, 'I act because that's just how I am. If people don't like it, then well, that's their problem.' And you are... (insert appropriate word here) about dst? Hippocracy As for the rest, I have only phantasm and Peace to quote. Neno Veliki, Watcher, dst and 2 others 4 1
Sharazhad Posted September 7, 2011 Report Posted September 7, 2011 [color=#008000][i]There will always people that piss you off in RL, does that mean you should commit suicide? (Unless you're emo then I have no issues there <---- note that was just a joke, suicide is a very serious issue and should never be attempted by anyone at anytime) [/i][/color] [color=#008000][i]Yes MD has a few corrupt apples, It is not UTOPIA, neither is RL. MD is -as Phinneas pointed out - a game. You learn to deal with the players as you would your work colleagues and other people around you; and if it is Utopia you are after, start by making the lives around you a little better.[/i][/color] [color=#008000][i]Please don't paint all Kings with the same brush, as I am pretty certain Yrth and Firs don't abuse their people.. [/i][/color] [color=#008000][i]Curious though....if you hate people so much why do you play a social game like MD? [/i][/color] [size=2]P.s Someone please close this thread....unless something constructive comes out from it. [/size] Jubaris and Seigheart 1 1
smartalekrj Posted September 7, 2011 Report Posted September 7, 2011 (edited) This topic now shouts "Hey new people, If you wanna learn about MD read this topic first!!!" lol so now I have some questions(long posts make me dizzy and puzzled) Are we argueing a general concept or trying to stone certian individuals? From what I can see it's more of a rant about a small group of people(dst, Jester, Eon etc) What does cybersex have to do with the price of tea in China? I have asked the big cheese about cybering when I was a noob, as I was I think getting the nightshade in the caves and there was 2 people down there with some very raunchy detail and was confirmed that it WAS allowed, as long as it was in a secluded area that not many people go to. Gonna go to the comparing MD and RL marks all over this topic and say that You have sex in RL you don't really do it in public so why not in here i guess. I dont agree with that but it is ok in game so fine by me. Should someone be going around hunting for raunchy details after they have been dotted out of chat? no thats messed up and immature in a sense. Thats a different subject though i'm sure. I saw RPC's brought up to have had more authority in a sense than Kings(and Queens). This is true to a degree as when RPC's came out there were no restictions at all and the restrictions that Kings and Queens have now(if they have any) could have very well been set in place due to RPC's abuse. However, from what I have seen on the Kings(and Queens) end is better conduct than some RPC's and action has been taken when issues came about in a timely manner I might add.(sometimes could take months of abuse before something happens, I would know ) so argueing about past events is kinda useless mainly because something HAS happened as the higher ups realized something was "F"'d up! As far as stats damaging Eon is concerned. Is it cause of his loss ratio? If it is then thats evil!! lol But for now is allowed. Thats like an MP5 attacking an MP3(pun intended)!! Some general notes: If you are argueing a general thing that should change then dont use specific people and their issues to try to resolve it... Will get nowheres and a possible actual good idea will get crushed because it's not directed as general, but as specific.... Damn my post is long and making me dizzy. Edit: I didn't realize Mur had a topic on the cyberthingy so it really is a different subject! lol Edited September 7, 2011 by smartalekrj
Root Admin Chewett Posted September 7, 2011 Root Admin Report Posted September 7, 2011 Good idea Shara Seigheart 1
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