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Picture for the Bubble Weaver


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I would like to buy an image for my Bubble Weaver. I imagine it to draw inspiration from a Dream Catcher, but you may take of course some artistic license with that.

You'll also have to name your price, since I haven't the faintest idea what the prices are these days. If it involves creatures or coins, I may have to contact friends, so expect some delays if that's the case.


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Might I suggest looking at Spirographs then?

Here is my submission (I have two others, I just like this one best so far)


If you like it, I can do more work on the shading and textures/etc, but it is a lot of work so I probably won't bother any time soon if you don't want it.

I'm also happy to do more similar works, if you would rather something like it but a bit different.

I don't really know why, but I seem to be in a drawing mood today >.>

Edited by Kyphis the Bard
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Yeah, I used 5 because its one of the more common bases for spirographic designs. I'll see what I can do with other numbers, but I get the vague feeling it needs to be an odd number to work....

EDIT: Figured out how to get it to work with 8, but I'm going to need to draw it very large to get it to work.... this is going to take a while :P

Edited by Kyphis the Bard
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Hmm? Nah, I've got it working with 8. I just have to alternate the sequence between skipping one corner and skipping two. It's going to be complicated to draw, especially when I get to the inner one, but I'm in the mood for a challenge :P

Might take me a day or two though :P

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Yes, I think so.


But, Kyphis, would you mind coloring in the sticks? Perhaps with a wood grain if you're feeling fancy?


As an aside: I do not care much for whether people see the up close details of the image. They are, after all, looking at it as it hangs in my branches. If they would like to see it up close, they'd have to ask me. And I'd gladly oblige.

For me, what is hidden exists as long as I know it does. And that's what matters to me.

Edited by awiiya
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  • 2 weeks later...

Just gotta scan it in...

Edit: Here we go ^_^. Added a fibrous texture to the threads, as well.


Edited by Kyphis the Bard
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[color=#CCCCCC]Ann. 1486 - [2010-05-17 11:08:51 - Stage 10][/color]
When purchasing art from an avatar or for an item, please ask the artist to upload it on your item. If you upload the art yourself you will responsable for any later issues that might be with that art, even get baned for it if it is discovered later to be stolen. If you uploaded duplicate avatars and got them approved by mistake, get their ATC and report it. Any duplicates found in the shop or in player vaults will lead to severe punishments if I find them on my own.[/quote]

Its not a hard rule, just a statement that if something does turn up fishy then it is the person who uploads that will be held responsible. I'm not particularly interested in doing any uploading, my passion is in the creation of the art.
I doubt anyone would be able to honestly suggest this picture was used first outside of MD, and even if they tried I retain all my technical notes.
That includes a two hour sketching study to figure out what image would best suit this commission in terms of both aesthetic and imagery.

Edited by Kyphis the Bard
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Its not a hard rule, just a statement that if something does turn up fishy then it is the person who uploads that will be held responsible. I'm not particularly interested in doing any uploading, my passion is in the creation of the art.
I doubt anyone would be able to honestly suggest this picture was used first outside of MD, and even if they tried I retain all my technical notes.
That includes a two hour sketching study to figure out what image would best suit this commission in terms of both aesthetic and imagery.

This is now a hard rule, thanks for bringing up the old ambigious announcement:

Ann. 2962 - [2014-04-11 16:00:13 - Stage 12] Posted By Chewett
All artwork that is to be used for the game must be uploaded by the author of said artwork. If they do not play the game then you must get permission from them to give all rights to MagicDuel and upload it yourself. In doing so you act as their agent and assume any liability for the correct process. This supersedes announcement 1486.


The old announcement has been modified to show that is it old and incorrect.
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