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Revive Fyrd !

Tom Pouce

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Fyrd Argentus is still dead

that quest was not complete

and BFH in vacation

he should have been revive as the festival is done. THAT IS NOT JUST

Our team 1 had never fully there

Fyrd Argentus dst AmberRune gonzalocsdf *MasterB* Lone Wolf Rannel Fenrar tom Pouce

and that quest Zleiphneir, say need to be complete to revive Fyrd

[color=#ff0000]I call upon team 2 and 3 and anyone avalable to please finish that quest as yu are better than team 1 and revive Fyrd[/color]

[color=#ff0000]I call upon those that have revive tools, if they are friend of Fyrd, to please be nice and revive Fyrd[/color]

Note: personnaly i dont see it fun at all for Fyrd

Edited by Tom Pouce
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Well i dont understand its what we had for BFH answer talking about quests in our forum private

[*]842 posts
[*]Playername:*BFH Lightning*
Sent Yesterday, 10:57 AM
You can set quests as long as you wish, but all must end at 24:00-00:00 server of today :)


also trigger say:
[b][b][i][color="#993300"]MD SUMMER FEST[/color][/i][/b][/b]
[b]MD Summer Fest Finally ended. I must thanks all of you for your participation.

Please state your comments and recommendations for other events on Forum. Also [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/12683-md-summer-fest-main-quests-keys/"]Main Quest Keys[/url] are now revealed.


Edited by Tom Pouce
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I heard something about people that participate in organization of the quest agreeing with BFH that the quest (this specific one!) will last few days longer than the festival.
If I were you, I wouldn't worry about the revival.

Edited by Rhaegar Targaryen
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It was my understanding that the three leaders of the teams were remaining dead until their teams work with to revive them.
As mentioned above: "If any team find the five "Revivers" for their leader revival. The respective leader will get back to life on the same ceremony."
However, none of the teams have yet found the five.. thus Valldore Nal, Fyrd, and I are still dead.
Good luck though! Perhaps the three teams can coordinate efforts?
(OOC: I'll be a bit idle this weekend, possibly. Camp preparation, as I'm one of the den leaders)

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[quote name='Tom Pouce' timestamp='1342813967' post='117835']
If its all set with Fyrd , then ok

But is this complaint (as in publicly expressed concern, not an insult which is common nowadays in MD, in a form of a "moaner" word) all set with Fyrd? :P
Does he really mind his temporary current state?

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well i dont know ... it seem i was keep in the dark

that is what i had read in our private forum when i logged in, after reading it, i had it confirm by Z that Fyrd was still dead and then did posting ...

[b] [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/user/3681-fyrd-argentus/"]Fyrd Argentus[/url][/b]

Pickle Meister[list]
[*]797 posts
[*]Location:Through the looking-glass.
[*]Playername:Fyrd Argentus
Posted Today, 07:14 AM
Well, I guess it's all over -- except that I'm still dead. :([list]

Now if its a quest, pre arrange with Fyrd .. like i said its ok

but then the part of asking to help finish quest is then still in order, and for teams to make an comun effort .. why not? (me i am really not good at anagrams ...)

Edited by Tom Pouce
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Thanks for the advice Chewett :)

I would suggest, that another time those concern be notify of the rules ... keeping me in dark had made me react to the apparences

and its include Fyrd to have keept me in dark ...

Note: Its not my fault if i stand for my team mates and friends as for my way of acting

Edited by Tom Pouce
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  • Root Admin

[quote name='Tom Pouce' timestamp='1342820171' post='117840']
I would suggest, that another time those concern be notify of the rules ... keeping me in dark had made me react to the apparences

and its include Fyrd to have keept me in dark ...

Note: Its not my fault if i stand for my team mates and friends as for my way of acting

You cant be told everything, dont expect to ever be told everything... just next time, before taking a cause, actually see if you need to...

There is no point telling everyone everything, then it becomes a boring scripted event... let things play out as they do.

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For the record, I'm just as much in the dark as Tom.

I'm too busy to care much about being dead just now. In the grand scheme of things, I'm sure I'll get revived eventually. Blink of the eye and all that....

BUT I think this is a really crappy way to run a festival. Who is ever going to sign up to be on a festival team again, let alone agree to lead one, if the expected result is that they will be singled out to be made "dead"? It's a secondary effect that said person is then unable to participate in the remaining 2/3 of the festival in a meaningful way. Quite a reward for trying to get a team to pull some quests together.

I didn't even agree to be the leader of our team. I think Tom is a little concerned because he sort of tagged me as leader. No worries Tom, it'll all shake out in the end. Think of it as a rite of initiation or such. I'm touched that you are concerned - thanks.

Quite ironic that my main activity the last month or so was an attempt to get a reliable public channel open for reviving the dead....

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Oh please tom..

Stop whining.

They'll be back.

you can alone solve the whole revivors Quest. Amber and Gonzi would've sufficed along with you to solve Z's quest. Rest of the revivors needed just one person each. Hell I was there solving four out of five. In your team, an inactive member was killed. In our team, the most active member was killed. Only five people in our team participated in the Quests. one was killed, one was online 'by chance', so we asked him to help us out, one was never a part of team quests, and the reamining two of us solved them. Not without help of course. I asked my friends to help me wherever it was needed. And BFH had provided the papers so that the players could move wherever they wanted by jumping to him. Val has moved along to a lot of places with that. Also, val wasnt our leader either. he took the role of the leader in the last moment when chewett declined to be one.

TEam two's condition was worse. only four players in their team were Active. out of those four, one was killed, and one didnt really help with the team quests. I dont see darkraptor or ignus complaining here about maeb dying... Infact they were there were there solving all the Quests. and winning them.

Its all dependant on your perception. You have two tools to fix a broken machine. Instead of being upset why the machine was broken or why you dont have a full set of tools, try to fix the broken stuff with what you have.

(P.S. I have a job and a life as well.)

Edited by Nimrodel
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Complaining about stuff and talking bout how wrong and unfair it is without trying to mend the situation by yourself = whining.

Btw, webster's defnition of whining for you:
Definition of WHINE
intransitive verb
1.a : to utter a high-pitched plaintive or distressed cry
b : to make a sound similar to such a cry <the wind whined in the chimney> :

[b]2.to complain with or as if with a whine[/b] <always whining about the weather> :

3. to move or proceed with the sound of a whine <the bullet whined … across the ice — Berton

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"2.to complain with or as if with a whine <[color=#ff0000]always[/color] whining about the weather> :"

[color=#ff0000]right you prove yourself my point "always" and about weather , an non important thing : i am not always complaining about same non important things[/color]

your post is more winning than mine

now look at definitions
Verb 1. whine - move with a whining sound; "The bullets were whining past us" [color=#ff0000]Dont apply you will agree LOL[/color]
go, locomote, move, travel - change location; move, travel, or proceed, also metaphorically; "How fast does your new car go?"; "We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus"; "The policemen went from door to door looking for the suspect"; "The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before night fell"; "news travelled fast"
2. whine - talk in a tearful mannerwhine - talk in a tearful manner [color=#ff0000]I was not and i am not tearfull, you seem tearfull to me in your post (poor baby)[/color]
grizzle, yammer, yawp, whine - complain whiningly
mouth, speak, talk, verbalise, verbalize, utter - express in speech; "She talks a lot of nonsense"; "This depressed patient does not verbalize"
3. whine - make a high-pitched, screeching noise; "The door creaked when I opened it slowly"; "My car engine makes a whining noise"
creak, screak, screech, skreak, squeak
make noise, noise, resound - emit a noise
4. whine - complain whininglywhine - complain whiningly
grizzle, yammer, yawp
kvetch, plain, quetch, complain, sound off, kick - express complaints, discontent, displeasure, or unhappiness; "My mother complains all day"; "She has a lot to kick about"
snivel, whine - talk in a tearful manner

[color=#ff0000]me first i point out that the summer festival was closed : proof 2 post ..

secound i was doing something, asking for help , ....

third it was asking question of what was apening, and why ...

... so in my mind [size=6]you are the whinner[/size][/color]

[b]Conclusion i would agree to be whinning[/b] [size=4][b]only if[/b][/size]

finding one friend and team leader dead is an small matter of no importance, and that i complain to that all the time

[b]and[/b] if the only thing i had said would have been poor me, you all make me tearfull you should not have done that bad bad MD .....

Edited by Tom Pouce
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Err... Clearly.. you totally miss the point. Its a quest genius. So there is a very very easy alternative. That is to Solve the quest. Why beg for help from others when you can easily do it by yourself? The whole Point of the quest was to inculcate team spirit in the team. Not to win it. The only reason I spent my nights sleepless was to make sure that I solve the quest and just so that Val could come alive. Have you done that? I have travelled to the east in search of revivors and stayed there fo a whole day just so that I could find a revivor. Did you do that? All the time I could've spent in studying or training in MD or having fun talking at GoE or making tea or helping a friend gain wins or Spending quality time with my RL friends, or catching up on my novel, or going out for a movie, or catching up on my sleep, I spared it for a quest. Did you do that?

Do you think BFH is so stupid as to just kill off the leaders and not revive them at all? The only reason he didnt state this clearly is people wouldnt even bother to solve the quest thinking that 'Ah.. Its just a matter of three days. The leaders will get revived anyway.' Shows how less the people are concerned about their team leader. Many people were busy in the quests in the summer fest and not every revivor in the Quest could log on at the times we wanted them to. Hence the post and the postponing. ITs very simple you know. YOU need to put in an effort to solve the quest. You need to use you resources even if their limited because you have a sane mind and your mind is your greatest resource.

All your posts simply say that 'Oh people of MD! I cant help revive my Leader back by myself! Because BFH was a ***** By killing the leaders! PLease do the reviving work for me! Oh poor me, I dont have active team members as well! Oh Poor me! I cant solve anagrams! Oh poor Fyrd! He cant move at all and participate at all! Please help us because we cannot do our work by ourselves'

That is whining.

PS: If increasing the font size and changing the colour of the font to red could make what is untrue true, MD would be a different game. INstead of spending all that time in colouring and making your post look big, you could've spent it in trying to solve Z's anagramsor trying to finish off the quest. Just proves my point.

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I really like the way you try to put words in my mouth , when logic fail you, when i prove to you that you are wrong

anyway i am finish with you .. if you post further in this thread i will ignore you , as its wil be of no value to me

Edited by Tom Pouce
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[quote name='Maebius' timestamp='1342814032' post='117836']
However, none of the teams have yet found the five.. thus Valldore Nal, Fyrd, and I are still dead.
Val team solved all :P

[quote name='Maebius' timestamp='1342814032' post='117836']
Good luck though! Perhaps the three teams can coordinate efforts?
Yes, that's an option. One that requires team work which is what I want out of this quest :)

[quote name='Tom Pouce' timestamp='1342815953' post='117838']
Well, I guess it's all over -- except that I'm still dead. :(

Nothing is over when I keep a quest up. If I leave it on is because I can deal with any aspects of it after the Festival (including a revival)

[quote name='Fyrd Argentus' timestamp='1342835932' post='117848']
For the record, I'm just as much in the dark as Tom.

I'm too busy to care much about being dead just now. In the grand scheme of things, I'm sure I'll get revived eventually. Blink of the eye and all that....

Idea is for your team to show care for you. To depend on eachother. The leader can't always do all, even if they want, and sometimes we are forced to delegate things to others. That's a very valuable lesson and I hope many learn from it.

[quote name='Fyrd Argentus' timestamp='1342835932' post='117848']
BUT I think this is a really crappy way to run a festival. Who is ever going to sign up to be on a festival team again, let alone agree to lead one, if the expected result is that they will be singled out to be made "dead"?
Ugg... You are exaggerating... Totally. First anything is to be expected on MagicDuel. People kill for fun. This event I gave up a turn out of the Kill and shown all a great way on how to use Kill on MagicDuel, Killing just for fun? or perhaps give a turn out to dead and unlock a quest :P (For both leader quests and serial killer one)

Your dead implies teamwork. implies getting involved, implies using the tools I gave you. Perhaps you could communicate with me :) You know me well my friend and you know I always try to make possible any requests.

[quote name='Fyrd Argentus' timestamp='1342835932' post='117848']
It's a secondary effect that said person is then unable to participate in the remaining 2/3 of the festival in a meaningful way. Quite a reward for trying to get a team to pull some quests together.
That's not correct. I gave you an important tool. You the 3 team leaders have one of my pass papers, which allow you to jump to me any second.

The only leader who actually exploded the possibilities was Val. He asked me several times: "Could you please go to X and Y location?" I did it. The purpose of the item was exactly for allowing movement and continuity on your team quests. Yes with a little bit difficulty, but still a fairly decent option since I was most of the time online and any of you have direct access to me.

[quote name='Fyrd Argentus' timestamp='1342835932' post='117848']
I didn't even agree to be the leader of our team. I think Tom is a little concerned because he sort of tagged me as leader. No worries Tom, it'll all shake out in the end. Think of it as a rite of initiation or such. I'm touched that you are concerned - thanks.

Quite ironic that my main activity the last month or so was an attempt to get a reliable public channel open for reviving the dead....
Teams were requested multiple, MANY, times to pick up a leader. The first day of the Festival I summoned all team members who signed up. A representative of each team was selected and asked who was their leader. Your name was the one mentioned for your team. I assumed you previously agreed that because this was a requirement told even on the sign up sheet. That's actually not my problem, but perhaps show some communication problems inside your team. Which it's why this sort of quests are important. Communication is essential and teamwork requires it. If your team solve the quest you actually demonstrate an effort was done.

The revival is not impossible and the quest I think is one of the easiest I ever organized with simple clues :) A team should be able to easy solve it. The longer it takes depends on how you communicate and do teamwork :)

Side note:

ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN DURING MY EVENTS, do not expect me to stay with the same routines. That will be just boring.

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Yes, I exagerate to get my point across. My point was, I am more concerned about the lesson others will draw than about the dead-ness itself. Perhaps I did let a little bitterness creep in and what I said was not helpful to my own cause.

I was trying to support my team-mate, Tom, by explaining why he was posting as he did. Even though he is newest to MD, and lacks the experience in "politically correct" posting (hence needing some defense), Tom has been the most active solver on the team. He and AmberRune have been great.

Yes, mobility/death has not been my limitation on activity during this festival. As I said, I didn't want to be leader as I knew I had other commitments outside the realm. Mostly I helped organize quests. If Tom or Amber had been picked by the grim reaper, it would have been very grim indeed....

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[quote][b][url="http://magicduel.com/dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=RuoW2A2v1jETHow7yyF-7A,,"][color="#bc9434"]BFH Lightning*[/color][/url]: [/b][color="#648c59"][i]MD Summer Team Leader Fyrd Argentus fate was decided by his team. He is now alive at the Gazebo of Equilibrium. Team Leader Maebius remain dead. Would it be too late for him and his team?[/i][/color][/quote]

Too late, he's alive, ALIVE!

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