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Maebius Madness (mini monthly #3)


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The Moon outside is Dark again, but will grow full of Light soon enough.... That means QUEST TIME! :D

My friend (alt) the Barren Soul has heard noises coming from the [b]Heresy Lane[/b], just next to Wind's Sanctuary, and discovered some [b]'Vital Lights'[/b] inside. Go check it out for yourself!
(click on the door to the hut there, and enter "Vital Lights" in the field where it says "speak words")

Take your time, there's no need to finish "first". Everyone who finishes should get something small, but there are some colorful creatures in the mix this time too, for a lucky few. (all rewards are, as always, randomly chosen. :ph34r: )

(Note: I am trying something a little different in "automating" things for the rewards. However the script still logs everyone, so if you notice anything unusual, please let me know and I'll followup asap.)

(and for the two who Already were asking me, no, there are no[i] fresh[/i] Angiens in the mix :P )

Edited by Maebius
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*Pokes Maebius*

1 Silver will go to each participant/winner/person still breathing by the end of this quest, along with a few colored creatures as well (equal to or higher in rarity than the ones Maebius is already offering ;3) for the "few" lucky people that happen upon them :D

[Keep up the monthly quests Maebuis, you Smexy Smexy best you >:3]

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Just to clarify the most common questions I've seen:[list]
[*]Unfriendly spirits will steal all your current charges of Light. :wacko:
[*]There is a sort of pattern to which flames have unfriendlies, and it's related to the clock.
[*]If you cant' pick up any more fires, you may have to wait a bit. Above the flickering image, you should see something like:
[color=#0000ff]Crystal Charges: 2 / 9
Flame regeneration in 916 seconds.[/color]
If that case, come back after 917 seconds and you should have all 5 flames to choose from again.

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A few minor snags with memory allocation, and some critters getting confused in who their owners were... but thank you for your patience and feedback on this quest. Trying new things may not always be as smooth, as we all know. :)
Hopefully the memory issues will clear up soon.
If not, I'll try to find a workaround for those effected.

(for those with blank screens or errors, go to some other clickable not used in this quest, you should be able to reset the 'Vital Lights' password. Won't help this quest, but will let you do other clickies in the meantime)

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Nope, In order to save [memory] space, I limited the list of winners.
I still know you won, it just will not display everyone at once anymore. I'll post the full list after it's over.

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Well, the automatic reward isn't working as nicely as I had hoped. So I'll go back to manaually rewarding stuff next month.
(if you give me a CTC to share, please try not to trade it away or upgrade the crit :wacko: )

If your CTC/ITC does not work for any reason, please let me know and I'll grab as comparable a creature as possible from my own stash and get back tto you ASAP.)

Nim, your issue is sorted I think now.
Thanks for the heads-up as to that bug. I did claim "first" might not be best. :P

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Congrats to everyone who helped the Knight! :cool: Quest has now closed.
[log='The Winners were:'][list=1]
[*]Ackshan Bemunah.
[*]Dante Lionheart.
[*]Eagle Eye.
[*]Eara Meraia.
[*]Plix Plox.
[*]The Witch Doctor.
[*]Time Patrol.
[*]Valldore Nal.

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I'm rather dissappointed this didn't last till the end of the month. I had just about finaly finished it and finaly got internet today to finish it up.

Thanks anyways for the quest. I hope next month I will be capable of finishing it. Also can you post the end of the story that would have happened after finishing it?

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Ahh, sorry, Vurtu. the monthly quests are tied to moon phases in the "real world", so they automatically turn off.
Here's the contents for those wishing to follow the story:

[log='Vital Lights - Start'] [img]http://everthor.ipower.com/magicduel/quests_img/Knight0.png[/img]
You see a strange knight, kneeling with his sword, quietly sobbing. He looks up at you suddenly and sighs.
[i]"Ahh, thank you for coming to visit! It's been so long since I had real company here.
"At the [b]Clash of Ages[/b], my fallen friends spirits glow like small flickering flames. If you could go there and whisper '[b]Vital Lights[/b]' to the book, it will remember those spirits."
"Take this small crystal, and gather the Light from those spirit flames. It should hold at least three charges.[/i]

The knight pauses for a moment, then warns you:
[i]"However, not all of the spirits are friendly. Our enemies fell in battle there too, so there is a chance some may drain your Vital Light. Luckily, there [u]is[/u] a pattern to which flames contain which types of energy." "Come back when the Crystal has been fully charged!" [/i]

[log='Vital Lights - uncharged crystal']
If ant any time, your crystal is not charged fully:

The knight looks up hopefully, then frowns again with a deep sigh.
[i]"The Crystal I gave you can hold a single charge of Vital Light, but it is not full yet."[/i]
[i]"At the _PLACE_, my fallen friends spirits glow like small flickering flames. If you could go there and whisper '[b]Vital Lights[/b]' to the _clickie_, it will remember those spirits."
"Come back when the Crystal has been fully charged!"[/i]

[log='Step 2'][img]http://everthor.ipower.com/magicduel/quests_img/Knight1.png[/img]
The knight smiles and touches the crystal, which flashes so brightly you are blinded for a moment.
When your vision returns, you notice the knight's features have faded as if by a blank mask. While you can't see him smile or talk, you hear his voice in your mind.
[i]"Thank you my friend. I have begun to fade across death's veil. The Light from my friends draws me onward... but it is not quite enough yet."[/i]
With a wave of his hand, the crystal darkens, but grows slightly, and he gives it back to you.
[i]Continue as you have, at [b]Marinds Roundabout[/b], and whisper '[b]Vital Lights[/b]' to the fish atop the fountain, but this time you will need to gather at least three charges, before the crystal is full. I wish you luck and speed!"[/i]

[log='Part 3'] [img]http://everthor.ipower.com/magicduel/quests_img/Knight2.png[/img]
The knight smiles and touches the crystal, which flashes again as the knight's face becomes a skull-like visage.
Once more, the crystal darkens, and grows, and the voice in your head speaks, quieter this time, as if from a distance:
[i]"Continue as you have, at the [b]Gazebo of Equalibrium[/b], and whisper '[b]Vital Lights[/b]' to the rocks there, but this time you will need to gather at least five charges, before the crystal is full. I wish you luck and speed!"[/i]

[log='Part 4'] [img]http://everthor.ipower.com/magicduel/quests_img/Knight3.png[/img]
The knight smiles and touches the crystal, which flashes again, and his features have now become almost transparent, with the very bones visible within his figure.
Once more, the crystal darkens, and grows, and the voice in your head speaks, even quieter from a great distance:
[i]"Continue as you have, at the [b]Clash of Ages[/b] once more, and whisper '[b]Vital Lights[/b]' to the book, but this time you will need to gather at least nine charges, before the crystal is full. I wish you luck and speed!"[/i]

[log='Part 5'][img]http://everthor.ipower.com/magicduel/quests_img/Knight4.png[/img]
With a flash brighter than any before it, the knight's body fades to mere bones, and you sense his life-force fading
away.<br> The crystal cracks into splinters, and the knight's voice calls out, one last time as it fades to silence:
<i>"Return to the Clash of Ages, and the flames now hold your reward....."<br>
" By stealing the life of those flames, I have died. Thank you for fading me away...."</i>


[log='final'] [img]http://everthor.ipower.com/magicduel/quests_img/Knight5.png[/img]
The crystal is cracked, and the ghostly knight's voice calls out, one last time as it fades to silence:
[i]"Return to the Clash of Ages, and the flames now hold your reward....."[/i]
[i]" By stealing the life of those flames, I have died. Thank you for fading me away...."[/i]

Then at the Clash of Ages again:
[center][img]http://everthor.ipower.com/magicduel/quests_img/Knight5.png[/img][img]http://everthor.ipower.com/magicduel/quests_img/clash_flame.gif[/img] Within the flickering flames, you can faintly make out a series of letters and numbers.[img]http://everthor.ipower.com/magicduel/quests_img/clash_flame.gif[/img][img]http://everthor.ipower.com/magicduel/quests_img/Knight5.png[/img]

It seems the spirit of the knight has granted you a small bit of his Vitality and Light as reward for your help.
[center] - [b][i]REWARD CODE HERE[/i][/b] -[/center]
<p>I hope you enjoyed your task!<br>

Most rewards were varied creature codes, particularly Tormented Souls, 280+ aged Barren Souls, or a few ITC of Enchanted Spell Stones. (chaoticBoost usually)

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