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Bishop of Silence

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[color=#A52A2A][b]Infant [/b][/color]

A small infant, constantly crying louder and louder overtime since it was born. Its soul being tormented for all eternity since the beginning of the realm, with this, it gains strength and ability to overpower the sound of battle the enemy creatures creates.

[b]Abilities[/b]: Damage
[b]Target[/b]: Random

Vital Energy 80/80 Stored Heat 0 Won battles 0 Age 0 Attack 5 Defence 40 Initiative

[color=#FF8C00]Requirements for next level[/color]
Stored Heat 60000 Won battles 75 Age 40

[i][color=#DAA520]Noise Aura: The enemy creature takes 50% of damage dealt to your creature in the same slot, takes away [i][color=#DAA520]30% of the damage returned [/color][/i]and converts it to Vitality to be distributed to all of your creatures. This can happen 1/10 chances per round.[/color][/i]


[color=#A52A2A][b]Little Boy[/b][/color]

Having been battered on battles, the infant grew to a modest and humble little boy with an unusual dark aura surrounding him. Realizing the path to his destiny, he grew with strength and enjoys the noise of the clashing of the swords.

[b]Abilities[/b]: Damage, Weaken Defense
[b]Target[/b]: Random

Vital Energy 120/120 Stored Heat 0 Won battles 0 Age 0 Attack 10 Defence 25 Initiative

[color=#FF8C00]Requirements for next level[/color]
Stored Heat 100000 Won battles 120 Age 70

[i][color=#DAA520]Noise Aura: The enemy creature takes 50% of damage dealt to your creature in the same slot, takes away 30[i][color=#DAA520]% of the damage returned[/color][/i] and converts it to Vitality to be distributed to all of your creatures. This can happen 2/10 chances per round.[/color][/i]


[color=#A52A2A][b]Young Patriarch[/b][/color]

The boy grew into a shy young man, he became deaf due to his addiction in the noise but he still enjoys the sound it brings. He slowly possess you with his presence and assures you victory in battles.

[b]Abilities[/b]: Damage, Weaken Defense
[b]Target[/b]: Multiple

Vital Energy 400/400 Stored Heat 0 Won battles 0 Age 0 Attack 20 Defence 40 Initiative

[color=#FF8C00]Requirements for next level[/color]
Stored Heat 800000 Won battles 800 Age 250

[i][color=#DAA520]Noise Aura: The enemy creature takes 50% of damage dealt to your creature in the same slot, takes away 30% of the damage returned and converts it to Vitality to be distributed to all of your creatures. This can happen 4/10 chances per round.[/color][/i]


[color=#A52A2A][b]The Silent Cardinal[/b][/color]

The young boy became your silent guardian, already having his unusual ability to apply his unusual addiction to noise to your battles, he began a new path of self discovery. The Cardinal discovered the power of silence, and with it he is mastering on how to incorporate it to your battles.

[b]Abilities[/b]: Damage, Weaken Defense
[b]Target[/b]: Multiple

Vital Energy 1200/1200 Stored Heat 0 Won battles 0 Age 0 Attack 20 Defence 100 Initiative

[color=#FF8C00]Requirements for next level[/color]
Stored Heat 1200000 Won battles 1200 Age 350

[i][color=#DAA520]Noise Aura: The enemy creature takes 50% of damage dealt to your creature in the same slot, takes away 30% of the damage returned and converts it to Vitality to be distributed to all of your creatures. This can happen 4/10 chances per round.[/color][/i]

[i][color=#DAA520]Silence Aura: Casts a silence curse to the enemy creatures 20% of the time per 2 consecutive rounds for 2 enemy slots. The creatures in those 2 slots that have been cursed by silence cannot attack for 2 consecutive rounds. The slots that will be affected by the silence curse will be randomly selected.[/color][/i]


[color=#A52A2A][b]Bishop of Silence [/b][/color]

Feared by most, the Cardinal became the Bishop of all sounds. Having mastered how to apply the noise and silence to battles, he is a huge contributor for most victories in battle. He shifted his focus on the principle of silence, thus, making him the master of all silence, but he requests for you to persevere to reap all the rewards that he offers you.

[b]Abilities[/b]: Damage, Weaken Defense
[b]Target[/b]: Multiple

Vital Energy 2000/2000 Stored Heat 0 Won battles 0 Age 0 Attack 30 Defence 800 Initiative

[color=#FF8C00]Max Level[/color]

[i][color=#DAA520]Noise Aura: The enemy creature takes 50% of damage dealt to your creature in the same slot, takes away 30% of the damage returned and converts it to Vitality to be distributed to all of your creatures. This can happen 4/10 chances per round.[/color][/i]

[i][color=#DAA520]Silence Aura: Casts a silence curse to the enemy creatures 35% of the time per 2 consecutive rounds for 3 enemy slots. The creatures in those 3 slots that have been cursed by silence cannot attack for 2 consecutive rounds. The slots that will be affected by the silence curse will be randomly selected.[/color][/i]

[center][b][i]Mr. Dogood will accept all the comments, suggestions, and criticisms that this concept creature might invoke[/i][/b][/center]

[center][EDIT] Mr. Dogood also made a mistake on the title, it should be [b]Bishop of Silence[/b].[/center]

Edited by Silence Dogood
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Ridiculously overpowered, and also, aura's don't work like that. They only kick in before round 0, then they are either there or not. What you want to be a silence aura would need to be a newly created stun attack, which was denied repeatedly for being ridiculously overpowered.

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Same as Burns, way to overpowered.
Do you ever check the stats of other creatures ? Do you ever read what auras do and how they work ?

Also, ask for a different attack type instead of those auras and do decrease the damn percents.

PS: don't expect to ever get implemented.

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Hmmm I like your concept of the creature being an infant, there is this dark feeling about it in a very subtle way. Do you mind me borrowing it? And also, I'd agree with the two posts above, it's pretty much overpowered, I suggest you lower the percentage of the auras and just focus on the damage or its basic abilities.

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