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[quote name='DARK DEMON' timestamp='1359989348' post='132011']
[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Proof you don't know a thing about gaming. Seriously. [/color][/font]

[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]Skyrim is one of the best console RPG's you can get your hands on. Call of Duty online multiplayer can very much be called one of the largest multiplayer console gaming network in the world.[/color][/font]

I really hope you are being sarcastic here. I'm sorry but I don't think a child like you can compare to a gamer like me. I've been playing video games for 22 years now(ever since I was old enough to hold a controller.). I've played on every single gaming console including failures like dreamcast and you have the gull to say I am not a gamer because I dislike games that non-gamers hold on a pedestal? If you think playing skyrim and call of duty makes you a gamer then you are sadly mistaken dude.

Anyways, I thought Purplebunny was originally only asking about console gaming? I absolutely love to play go! I would gladly play anyone on here sometimes. Maybe even give some teaching games to people that are unfamiliar with the game and wish to learn how to play. I'm currently ranked 1k on KGS. I still play Yahtzee! with my mom sometimes.

For card games I absolutely love playing Hand n Foot (A twist on the standard Canastas game that my family plays.) and Spades.

As for the old systems that I still have but don't play as much:

N64 - Goldeney 007, Donkey Kong 64, Super Mario 64, Diddy Kong Racing, Mario Kart 64

Super Nintendo - Super Mario RPG Legend of the Seven Stars, Donkey Kong Country 1,2 and 3, Mortal Kombat, Killer Instinct, Super Street Fighter 2, Primal Rage, Power Ranger[i]s, [/i][i]HEY PUNK ARE YOU TUFF E NUFF[/i]

Original Nintendo - Metroid, Extreme Beach Volleyball, Tetris

Sega - Sonic and Double Dragon

And you really don't want me listing my Ps2, Gamecube, Ps3, or 360 titles. otherwise it would be a huge list.


I love Videogames. I also suck at them. If the game involves competitive play (PvP interaction) you can bet I'll be losing most of the time.
Consoles? I'm a little outdated... PSx and PS2 (I'm proud to say that they both still work though...). But I'm mostly a Pc Gamer, not a hardcore one though.
I like RTS, RPG, 4X (and most combinations of these 3), Graphic adventures and Old arcade Beat'em ups.
Here's a list:
-Heroes of Might and Magic III (Vanilla version, Fortress FTW!!!).
-Monkey Island series (In decreasing order of awesomeness: MI2, MI3 & MI1, Tales of MI, MI4).
-Grim Fandango (Just awesome).
-Beneath a Steel Sky (Cool looking box, 6 Floppy disks, manuals illustrated by Dave Gibbons, Amazing game, if sadly short...).
-Final Fantasy VII (Fav. Character: Cid).
-Final Fantasy IX (Fav. Character: Quina, you are allowed to disagree...).
-Mass Effect Series (Still Haven't played ME3 though...).
-Monster Rancher Series (1, 2 and Battle Card).
-Digimon World Series (1 ,2 and Battle Card).
-Jade Cocoon.
-Total War: Shogun (the old one... It was really good...)
-Starcraft: Broodwar.
-Warcraft 3: TFT
-Impossible Creatures (This game is beyond awesome... Look it up...)
-Civilization 2
-Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Arcade)
-Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (I'm a sucker for this franchise...)(No, seriously I am... I heard they're gonna finish the comic book as well... Yay!)
And a few more I'm forgetting... Most of these (the vast majority actually...) are old games. There's a reason to that... I don't have much time to play anymore so I stick to what I know I like. I ocasionally look into newer stuff, especially indie games.
As far as table top games go... I ocasionally play Descent, and most games involving a deck of spanish cards...

  • Root Admin

I got borderlands recently and i find its quite a fun game, not too much story but quite fun to go around shooting lots of things.

Recently going through mass effect for the first time, really love the fact that there is TONS of story instead of just lots of fighting.

Also currently need to play Assasins creed, Finish Skyrim expansion, Half life


Skyrim - the game I waited for a long time.
Dishonored - the best stealth game in a beautiful steampunk world
Shadow Era - a great ccg - browser game
Herokon Online - great RPG Browser game
Lord of the Rings Online - no words needed

and many other games in the past - longest game I played was Lineage 2 (4 1/2 years).

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