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Chat error?


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when i log it give me an error that seems to be caused by chat. it happen almost every time and is also triggered by refresh.


Error: TypeError
Err description: undefined
Err number: undefined
Err message: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'sounds.TGotoLabel('_level0','chatmsg')')
Ajax response: 
var chatobj = document.getElementById('livechat');
chatobj.innerHTML = "<div class='chatlistitem'><strong><a target='userdetails' href='../dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=ZVieI4DanWOGwNpUxkAxULdijfjiD7ORrZQu0kRb3g6StWSb5FuGYRtPhpieRJr7'><font color='#BC9434'>rikstar</font></a>: </strong>You mean from those three options?</i></font></div><div class='chatlistitem'><strong><a target='userdetails' href='../dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=kRbtTpe1rHHBzGG40YbC1LdijfjiD7ORrZQu0kRb3g6StWSb5FuGYRtPhpieRJr7'><font color='#BC9434'>Magistra</font></a>: </strong>What three options?</i></font></div><div class='chatlistitem'><strong><a target='userdetails' href='../dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=kRbtTpe1rHHBzGG40YbC1LdijfjiD7ORrZQu0kRb3g6StWSb5FuGYRtPhpieRJr7'><font color='#BC9434'>Magistra</font></a>: </strong>I was a spy knight.</i></font></div><div class='chatlistitem'><strong><a target='userdetails' href='../dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=kRbtTpe1rHHBzGG40YbC1LdijfjiD7ORrZQu0kRb3g6StWSb5FuGYRtPhpieRJr7'><font color='#BC9434'>Magistra</font></a>: </strong>So all I did was talking and listening.</i></font></div><div class='chatlistitem'><strong><a target='userdetails' href='../dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=ZVieI4DanWOGwNpUxkAxULdijfjiD7ORrZQu0kRb3g6StWSb5FuGYRtPhpieRJr7'><font color='#BC9434'>rikstar</font></a>: </strong>http://magicduel.wikia.com/wiki/Knights_of_the_Bell</i></font></div><div class='chatlistitem'><strong><a target='userdetails' href='../dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=ZVieI4DanWOGwNpUxkAxULdijfjiD7ORrZQu0kRb3g6StWSb5FuGYRtPhpieRJr7'><font color='#BC9434'>rikstar</font></a>: </strong>I don't know what kind of knight I am.</i></font></

i am missing some of the error as i was unable to get it all due to it messing up safari and forcing me to restart it.

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This happens on occasion, I don't know why. But a simple fix is to clear the chat in the scene, like:


Mallos: .

Mallos: .

Mallos: .
Mallos: .

Mallos: .




Or move away from the scene, and you shouldn't get the errors unless you enter it again.

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no adblocker and it now is escapable without a browser restart and says


Error: TypeError
Err description: undefined
Err number: undefined
Err message: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'sounds.TGotoLabel('_level0','chatmsg')')
Ajax response: 
var chatobj = document.getElementById('livechat');
chatobj.innerHTML = "<div class='chatlistitem'><strong><a target='userdetails' href='../dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=wJjqvfof6A6Olkre6zYU47dijfjiD7ORrZQu0kRb3g4xah5BOpcEVqSM2uA5pjxv'><font color='#BC9434'>*Shemhazaj*</font></a>: </strong> <font color='#305681'>*<i>nods to Kimberley</i>*</font>  hello</i></font></div><div class='chatlistitem'><strong><a target='userdetails' href='../dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=wJjqvfof6A6Olkre6zYU47dijfjiD7ORrZQu0kRb3g4xah5BOpcEVqSM2uA5pjxv'><font color='#BC9434'>*Shemhazaj*</font></a>: </strong> <font color='#305681'>*<i>nods to Whirlfan</i>*</font>  hello</i></font></div>";
chatobj.scrollTop = chatobj.scrollHeight;
//alert('please refresh interface, hit f5');
var sounds = parent.document.getElementById('sounds');
//debug sound
//var sounds = perent.document.getElementById('sounds');
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  • Root Admin

Screen_Shot_2013_05_28_at_7_34_04_PM.pngheres the bigger image like you wanted chewet.

much as i could fit on screen.

safari Version 6.0.4 (8536.29.13)

I cant debug any of these reported issues due to not having an apple product.


Previously we just blocked all users of safari/opera/chrome and asked them to use another browser instead of letting them use a broken site. We could implement this again if you wish?


Or someone could buy me a mac and i could debug it :P


I will look at it using the mac's at work, but i wont be able to do this for a number of months, Sorry

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  • Root Admin

I understand this is annoying but there isnt anything i can do right now to help, since safari for windows was discontinued and having no easy access.


I can only suggest you use firefox/chrome as i can work with them to ensure they are working properly.

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