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OK, ive noticed that in Loreroot, that there seems to be some mechanical devices. So obviously this world isn't all about magic, it also relies on mechanics. Maybe u have to activate a secret key to gain entry to some inner sanctum within the pyramids. What about the floating pyramids icon above the cave entrance, wot if she examines it, who knows it may need to be pushed n may activate another part......just speculating

i think faraday is right.......... cant wait till akasha finds that tractor adn digger ound the corner :P

wow look the medusa axe has turned into a bionic arm

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Ha ha killer very funny lol Actually when i wrote mechanics, i was thinking more along the lines of Indiana Jones n the Temple of Doom, they egyptians building the pyramids etc, good ol fashion rope, stone n grunt :P

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there is no book of perinciple

except u write it ur urself :)

if u know the true understanding of principles just right it on the pages 8 principles are opposite of each other and 2 other arent so it mean akasha must write 8 principle on 4 peper and 2 other on indivisual papers

its my though

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there is no book of perinciple

except u write it ur urself :)

if u know the true understanding of principles just right it on the pages 8 principles are opposite of each other and 2 other arent so it mean akasha must write 8 principle on 4 peper and 2 other on indivisual papers

its my though

Hmm, I wonder if there is a magical shorthand so more info can be included.

What if someone could invent a new principle simply by writing it on one of those blank papers and sticking it back in one of those regular pyramids...

In the drawing, there were structures that looked like homes and businesses on the upper road near the pyramid plateau. Maybe she could've asked someone there questions. There may have been monks or a guild of some sort acting as caretakers of the plateau.

From the drawing it appeared the 'flames' originated on the ground directly underneath the floating, double, counter rotating pyramids and moved upward. Those flames may have been the powersource keeping the structure in the air. Douse the 'flames' and the structure may come to ground level. I don't think anybody knows yet if the 'flames' are mystical in nature or something else.

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  • Root Admin

i had a way for both branches of the story, both with akasha finding a way to reveal the book both with her giving up, both ways end up very different , i guess you will find out the other way...anyway, in this story both ways are very very interesting...and you will always wonder .."what if" :)

i have to say this path is much more uncommon and interesting than the other ...also the fact that the wizard died while akasha searched for the book changes things a lot and was not predicted

forgot to mention that one of you actualy found the answer in one of the posts here, regarding to what will happen next, but i cant disclose it now ... you will see when story is updated :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I get the feeling that perhaps the book is very special in the sense even though you can't "find" it, that once you get the pages (remember the blank sheets?) the book uses the magician that found them to write itself. That way the knowledge remains hidden and protected only by those that are worthy of it. Not just anyone will be able to read it or understand it, only the questor/author will.

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  • 1 month later...

Looking at the pictures i notice something rather intresting.

The 7 small prymids.

One is offset from the other 6.

Maybe this offset one is a key. Does this offset one hold something different from the other 6 ??

into operating the other 6 into doing something, using 6 of the princaples, and a 7th for the one your inside, to either make a bridge to the floating one, or to bring it down.

All the prymids are different sizes in hight and base area. There are good stacking games were you could possibly make one tall prymid out of the base 6, and use the 7th (offset one) to teleport you to the top of the ladder prymid you made ?

could each temple inside the prymids telepoert you to another ??

You could put 4 prymids in a square shape, and a 5th upside down in the middle, and a 6th on top of that, to make anotherLARGE prymid, (which also will make a diamond shape tupe of prymid in the middle, if you removed the base 4 away), which could cover the flames ? Then again with the teleportation princaple be able to portal inside this new one you made, which could also be a conductor into teleporting you into the central one ?


Only 6 Were needed to make this. The 7th offset one could control them to make them like this. and teleport inside

Each pice of paper may need to be inside a prymid also.

Random idears ^.^

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Whatever happened to Akasha? Is she (still) an RPC? As I begin the chronicle of Tarquinus, I am thinking of ways to guide him in the direction of Akasha and her story. I have many reasons for saying so, but the bottom line is this: Tarquinus (a character taken from one of my other games) acknowledges no supreme authority, since he takes the very cynical view that there is always someone or something bigger, better, faster, or stronger... and that all things having beginnings also have endings. As I read the adventure log, I imagined Tarquinus wandering around, hearing fragments of these tales from the people he met. Only Akasha piqued his interest, because she seems to be the one with the strongest sense of herself, the one with the most stubborn refusal to play a role given her by someone else.

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