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rif: Ann. 2784 - [2013-09-14 06:28:50 - Stage 12] Posted By Muratus del Mur 
Online players list
<<A new page is available in the right sidebar to show online characters. A related shop feature to show land of online characters was unlocked....>>
I just got this new shop feature and noticed the lands are incorrect. 
lashtal and Eara are said to be in No Man's Land right now, but they are both in Necrovion's cemetery.
Same for you, Chewett.
Thank you,
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I agree with Soothing Sands. Some of these new unsuspected features really thrilled me, like public profile pages becoming impossible to hide anymore, but this one, although at first interesting, is I think a step in the wrong direction - or at the very list, in the opposite direction of where we were heading so far.


The general philosophy of things not being served on a plate in MD is being contradicted with this list. Locate spell starts to lose its purpose, communication and overseeing everything becomes very easy... It takes away some flavor from our realm simply said. :)


Didn't add anything new to what Soothing already said but wanted to say it anyway.

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