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Build your own Drachorn

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  • Root Admin

Sasha, i saw origamy drachs before, this is a simple atempt, does not look that interesting compared to others i saw. My verdict, good but not enough, try again. You could do origami still if you want, but thats no drach there...and maybe you can find something more original anyway...its a drach you are getting as a reward, put some effort :)

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  • 5 months later...

It's still going on. The only issue is that you'll have to wait for Mur to see your "piece of art" and then wait for the prize. Unless you find a way to bug him and speed up the process, this might take quite a while.

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  • 3 months later...
  • Root Admin

Eagle eye - not approved, too simplistic. YOu can make one using leaves but you will have to put more effort into it than that

Azrafar - good work, looks adorable :)), bug me ingame or contact ivorak to get an egg to grow!

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@ Azrafar, we've already been in touch, i'll get back to you once i get around to activate my WPs. You'll likely receive it later today :)


To everyone else, please make sure to use the reputation system on the participants, i'll use this 'community rating' as part of the WP rating when people request the WP reward. Azrafar looks like a big, fat 8 right now :D


Other than that, Mur's rules still stand, refer to the initial post to see what you need to participate.


Looking forward to your entries :)

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@ Azrafar, we've already been in touch, i'll get back to you once i get around to activate my WPs. You'll likely receive it later today :)


To everyone else, please make sure to use the reputation system on the participants, i'll use this 'community rating' as part of the WP rating when people request the WP reward. Azrafar 


Thank you. 

I would like to say, that the reputation system is not accurate measure of how much work I have put into it (I posted the link on the mood panel, so many people have seen it and rated it). I would say my is about 5-6 (on the 4-8 scale? o.O ). 

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  • 1 month later...

So I loved your idea of baking a drachorn so much Az that I decided to give it a go myself! (though mine is nowhere near as cute as yours...mine looks kinda scary to be honest...)


Mine is made from Salt dough though which, as I found out during the process, has near no structure. So it was hard trying to make sure it all didn't blend in. The red, in case you wonder, is where I tried to make it look like blood spatters...which did and didn't work.


May colour it in later but here is my entry! :)




and the cooked version!




I'm not 100% satisfied about it, but it's still alright I hope! :)



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Looks like a roadkill...

And the tail umm....very not suited.


I do hope it was tasty though :D


That genuinely made me laugh, especially the "Hope it was tasty"! 


I knowwwww. It started off so cute and proud and then over time it just sank and sank...and sank. I thought it was just going to be a puddle by the time I put it in the oven!

The tail? Well...I'm not even sure what happened there so we just won't talk about it.


As for eating it? It's salt dough! 2 cups of flour and a cup of salt! Unless you want a blood pressure high enough to make your heart explode! That and the horrible horrible taste...urgh.  :))

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dst hit it right on the spot, it looks a bit like roadkill :))


But the details are amazing, did you do the 'blood' with pepper? The scales are great, too, and it even has talons :D

Only thing i don't like too much are the wings, but that's personal taste...


You forgot to name your reward, i think you really deserve it for that entry :)

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I'm glad I inspired you to do this.


It looks good.  A bit creepy (the eyes in the last picture) and well, the tail... you know.  :))  

Nice details on the scales though. 


And yes, when you work with dough you soon realise it has much less structure then you think it has.

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  • 1 month later...

So, this is my go at this. :3








I'm not very good at... Crafts, but snow... Well... :D I'm a little less horrible at snow sculpting. 






I'd prefer a WP. 

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So, this is my go at this. :3








I'm not very good at... Crafts, but snow... Well... :D I'm a little less horrible at snow sculpting. 


Editting in process after a reread of the quest guidelines. >>


Did you use a few good old "speedy kick to the sides" to make the arches of where the body and limbs meet?  :))


I like it!

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Maybe add some food dye to give it a more "real" look. The untrained eye will only see a blob :P


Yea, it was hard to really... Get what I wanted. Originally, I wanted to pack on a "head" that was off the ground, but... That proved impossible. Lol


Edit: I suppose I could roll a snowball like you do with snowmen, my fear, however is that it will fall without anything to support it. 

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Yea, it was hard to really... Get what I wanted. Originally, I wanted to pack on a "head" that was off the ground, but... That proved impossible. Lol


Edit: I suppose I could roll a snowball like you do with snowmen, my fear, however is that it will fall without anything to support it. 


Get some long and (preferably) quite thick sticks, stick half of each stick onto the body and then skewer the head on top? :P 

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