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  • Root Admin

I am looking for concept ideas on how the User Interface (UI) could be changed to make it easier/nicer.

Anyone wishing to help out should post or send me wireframes (see: google) to review.


To make wireframes you could use anything from photoshop, paint, word, or some wireframing tool (iv used pencil to mock up UI things for applications). Just something that can show off what you think it should look like.


The pages that everyone uses are most important and will be worked on first, so work on them. For any wireframe say why you are removing/adding items to the screen if you have. Ideally we should make it much cleaner and easier to use like the most recent discussion on the player details that appears in the bottom right next to chat (Can someone link that and/or keep working on it).


Useful/Good/Nice wireframes will be rewarded with WP's, Creatures, Silver/Gold. If the majority of your design is used it shall be done via offical means (TK, Council, other) otherwise i shall pay you from my pocket.


Suggested items to look at first:


Alliance page - could be cleaned up, what could be added, removed?

Stats page - lots of info, probably needs more explanation, how can we add information to it easily, popups, hover things?

navigation page - We have slowly added more and more, can it be cleaner?

Shared item collection page - Easier to use?


mini profile (player details)


the look is ... a bit oldish but I don't mind how UI looks. I personally would like for creature page to get fixed and display whole numbers not like it is now 1% for 100% creature ve. Then text zoom fixed.... you know what I am talking about right? (if not I wrote about it in my first topic here). That left side flash menu... I find it slow and kind of annoying with that magnifier scrolling up and down, I generally think that if flash elements aren't really needed they shouldn't be used because they annoy me.

  • Root Admin

mini profile (player details)


the look is ... a bit oldish but I don't mind how UI looks. I personally would like for creature page to get fixed and display whole numbers not like it is now 1% for 100% creature ve. Then text zoom fixed.... you know what I am talking about right? (if not I wrote about it in my first topic here). That left side flash menu... I find it slow and kind of annoying with that magnifier scrolling up and down, I generally think that if flash elements aren't really needed they shouldn't be used because they annoy me.

Fixing the creature page is at the top of my list but flash scripting is not my forte nor to i have the installing programs to do this at the current time. I have bothered mur a number of times about this but will bother it again.

Posted (edited)

I know that I've raised this before here and that it was argued and made a new features but I still think that this would be better place for the information.


It will greatly help those in my situation as the amount of resources & location will refresh every few seconds / on location change.





If you want also the html part/code for it. I can send you an example.

Edited by No one

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