dst Posted April 27, 2014 Report Posted April 27, 2014 Below is the raw log: [log='Awards Log'] [27/04/14 11:00] lashtal:Good morning [27/04/14 11:01] Pipstickz:Hello [27/04/14 11:02] : MRAlyon collects memorystone [27/04/14 14:17] papaver:Greetings! [27/04/14 14:24] *Sunfire*:hello [27/04/14 14:25] papaver:Hi Sunfire! [27/04/14 14:26] *Sunfire*:how are you papaver? [27/04/14 14:26] papaver:I am fine. Hoping to become mp4 today. [27/04/14 14:27] papaver:ANd how are you? [27/04/14 14:27] *Sunfire*:oh nice [27/04/14 14:27] *Sunfire*:im doing okay [27/04/14 14:28] papaver:Good to hear. [27/04/14 14:29] papaver:I only need some Heat Tolerance. [27/04/14 14:34] *Sunfire*:that shouldnt be too hard to get [27/04/14 14:35] *Sunfire*:a bit time consuming perhaps [27/04/14 14:35] papaver:If there were enough mp3's around it would be a piece of cake! [27/04/14 14:36] :papaver grins [27/04/14 14:36] *Sunfire*:true [27/04/14 14:36] papaver:So I am going hunting again! See you later! [27/04/14 14:36] :papaver runs off [27/04/14 14:36] *Sunfire*:bye [27/04/14 14:36] *Syrian*: (there was once an mp3 that could give free heat without taking any personal ve loss :P) [27/04/14 14:56] *Sunfire*:410/330 ap :p [27/04/14 14:57] *Syrian*: *giggles* iv had lots and lots before! [27/04/14 14:57] *Sunfire*:its more fun when theres more people around [27/04/14 14:58] *Syrian*:i had 1400 ap once [27/04/14 14:58] *Sunfire*:you could get into necro without papers then *evilgrins* [27/04/14 14:58] *Sunfire*:ooh not bad [27/04/14 14:58] *Sunfire*:had too much pickles then? [27/04/14 14:59] *Syrian*: *nodsnods* i was going through murs gate and needed a lot! [27/04/14 14:59] Andur:Sup people [27/04/14 15:00] *Sunfire*:hello Andur [27/04/14 15:00] *Sunfire*: (is there a max ap?) [27/04/14 15:00] *Syrian*: (not that iv seen) [27/04/14 15:01] Kyphis: (Not as far as my data would suggest) [27/04/14 15:01] *Eara Meraia*: (where?) [27/04/14 15:03] :*Eara Meraia* wakes up and yawns sleepily [27/04/14 15:03] *Sunfire*:hello Eara [27/04/14 15:04] *Eara Meraia*:guten morgen Sonnenschein :) [27/04/14 15:05] Andur:forgot i came here for a reason [27/04/14 15:05] Andur:what was that little site you guys upload stuff to frequently ? [27/04/14 15:05] *Eara Meraia*: ( you remind me of the song :D) [27/04/14 15:06] *Eara Meraia*: ( [Video link] ) [27/04/14 15:06] *Sunfire*:storenow [27/04/14 15:06] Andur:thx mate [27/04/14 15:07] *Sunfire*: (okay... :p) [27/04/14 15:08] *Eara Meraia*: (hey, this is classics, Sunshine :P) [27/04/14 15:11] *Sunfire*: (something for you: [Video link] [27/04/14 15:13] *Eara Meraia*: (hehe, yey! Sunny rocks!) [27/04/14 15:17] *Sunfire*: [Video link] [27/04/14 15:23] *Eara Meraia*:hehe, old school [27/04/14 15:25] *Sunfire*:or my song :p : [Video link] [27/04/14 15:28] *Eara Meraia*: [Video link] [27/04/14 15:29] *Eara Meraia*:so perfect gentleman :D [27/04/14 15:31] *Sunfire*:thats me *grins* [27/04/14 15:32] *Eara Meraia*:I never got a chance to doubt that ;) [27/04/14 15:37] *Sunfire*: *pompously say* does the lady want me to prove her wrong? [27/04/14 15:39] *Sunfire*: (close to burst, and need to drop heat soon) [27/04/14 15:41] *Sunfire*: (nevermind the burst :p) [27/04/14 15:42] *Syrian*: (eara, check my protector page :P) [27/04/14 15:55] *Eara Meraia*: *chuckles* no, Sunny, we all love you as you are [27/04/14 15:56] Haedrin:<3 [27/04/14 15:56] Haedrin::D [27/04/14 15:56] *Eara Meraia*: (ahaha, finally number one!) [27/04/14 15:57] *Sunfire*: *smiles* very well m'lady [27/04/14 15:57] *Eara Meraia*:now, time to go to the forest, find something for dinner :D [27/04/14 15:57] *Eara Meraia*:afk :P [27/04/14 15:57] *Sunfire*:good hunt [27/04/14 16:05] Haedrin:The concrete jungle! :D [27/04/14 16:13] *Sunfire*: *grimaces* Shem's creats teeth are sharp [27/04/14 16:16] *Nimrodel*:when is the effin awards ceremony? [27/04/14 16:17] *Sunfire*:no idea, chew mentioned 21st, but no idea if thats still up or what date [27/04/14 16:18] *Sunfire*:Ann. 2996 - [2014-04-22 14:22:54 - Stage 12] Posted By Chewett, says this weekend so maybe tonight [27/04/14 16:21] *Nimrodel*:which weekend? [27/04/14 16:21] *Nimrodel*:this weejend? the next? one after 50 years? [27/04/14 16:22] *Sunfire*:normally this one, but that depends on chews availability [27/04/14 16:23] *Nimrodel*:exactly. if it doesnt happen tonight, i'm not going tobwait for anymore weekends to happen [27/04/14 16:24] *Nimrodel*:i need to give away rewards for my quest too [27/04/14 17:05] Haedrin: [Video link] [27/04/14 17:32] :*Nimrodel* dances [27/04/14 17:32] :*Nimrodel* looks around [27/04/14 17:32] :*Nimrodel* sighs and searches for news [27/04/14 17:33] :*Nimrodel* pouts and dissappears [27/04/14 17:54] *Eara Meraia*:greetings [27/04/14 18:31] :*Nimrodel* pokes eara [27/04/14 18:35] *Eara Meraia*:No poking! [27/04/14 19:13] Master of Ceremonies:Tonight is the Awarding Night! Don't miss out! [27/04/14 19:14] dst:cool! [27/04/14 19:14] dst:time for me to get ready! [27/04/14 19:24] *Eara Meraia*:what time does it start then? [27/04/14 19:29] Master of Ceremonies:9 ST [27/04/14 19:29] Master of Ceremonies:21 ST [27/04/14 19:31] Haxkaz:hello all [27/04/14 19:31] AmberRune:morning [27/04/14 19:32] Haxkaz:how are you? [27/04/14 19:32] AmberRune:alive, awake, somewhat alert, not at all enthusiastic about packing [27/04/14 19:32] AmberRune:How are you? =] [27/04/14 19:34] Haxkaz:wow, about the same here. been helping family move, so I understand the enthusiasm [27/04/14 19:35] Haxkaz:I was also curious, since I am new here if there was some way to get some help getting 2 more fighting wins and some losses some how? [27/04/14 19:36] AmberRune:ah, hmm. I've seen a few mp3 around today but don't know if they're through story yet [27/04/14 19:37] Ary Endleg:Well Ilidria is here :p [27/04/14 19:37] Ilidria:dont attack me! [27/04/14 19:37] Ilidria:you will die [27/04/14 19:37] Haxkaz:ah, I have been sitting in the sparring grounds for a while, not been many people there lately [27/04/14 19:37] Hodr:just attack me [27/04/14 19:37] Haxkaz::D it's fine. I don't normally go randomly attacking people [27/04/14 19:38] Ary Endleg:but when I do.... [27/04/14 19:38] :AmberRune musses up Ary's fur [27/04/14 19:39] Ary Endleg:ok... now fix it up? [27/04/14 19:39] Ilidria: *plops herself down* you can attack me now [27/04/14 19:39] AmberRune:But it's so fluffy! [27/04/14 19:40] Ilidria: *jumps on ary* KITTY! [27/04/14 19:41] Ary Endleg:Kitty where? [27/04/14 19:41] Haxkaz:thank you Ilidria [27/04/14 19:43] AmberRune:No Vicious or Lint, don't know where kitty [27/04/14 19:43] Ilidria: *pats ary on the head* there! [27/04/14 19:43] Lintara:Run Ary! Run! [27/04/14 19:43] Ary Endleg:huh? [27/04/14 19:44] Haxkaz:thank you hodr [27/04/14 19:44] Ary Endleg:Too lazy to run... [27/04/14 19:45] Lintara: *chuckles* Oh well.. [27/04/14 19:47] lashtal:Who's hoarding nightshade again? [27/04/14 19:48] Ary Endleg:MasterB? [27/04/14 19:50] AmberRune:You? [27/04/14 19:50] Ary Endleg:Lots of MP3 players, iPods aren't selling well I see.... [27/04/14 19:50] :Sir Blut chuckles [27/04/14 19:51] :Keep waves [27/04/14 19:51] AmberRune:They probably come with music already [27/04/14 19:51] :AmberRune waves back [27/04/14 19:52] :Lintara waves back [27/04/14 19:54] Haxkaz:Thanks for the fight Keep :D [27/04/14 19:55] :Keep smiles [27/04/14 20:19] Haxkaz:wow, Nice creatures! [27/04/14 20:20] lashtal:Who has them? [27/04/14 20:22] Tipu:i Need a Armor with 100K heat ? [27/04/14 20:22] Haxkaz:Ilidaria has some awesome creatures ^^ [27/04/14 20:23] :lashtal [27/04/14 20:25] :[Spell] de profundis clamavi [27/04/14 20:29] ~~Ghost~~:[Spell] Keiru [27/04/14 20:31] :[Spell] shadows come [27/04/14 20:32] ~~Ghost~~:[Spell] Netsu [27/04/14 20:33] Master of Ceremonies:Hello Fellow MD-ers [27/04/14 20:33] AmberRune:Howdy [27/04/14 20:34] Master of Ceremonies:Is it ok if we start a bit earlier than announced? [27/04/14 20:34] lashtal:Hello MoC [27/04/14 20:34] lashtal: (Perfect for me, I'll have to start cooking soon) [27/04/14 20:35] Azull:Well, you're the MoC, MoC :) [27/04/14 20:35] ~~Ghost~~: (earlier the better) [27/04/14 20:35] AmberRune:sounds good here [27/04/14 20:35] Aelis:Hello there [27/04/14 20:36] lashtal:Hi Aelis [27/04/14 20:36] AmberRune:Moo! [27/04/14 20:36] Master of Ceremonies:I want to start earlier because there are some long lost prizes I haven't awarded [27/04/14 20:36] Master of Ceremonies:I am talking about the Christmas Awards [27/04/14 20:37] ~~Ghost~~:Cool. :) [27/04/14 20:38] Master of Ceremonies:I have asked the TKs and the former Public Council to centralize the data from the Christmas quests and come up with some nice prizes [27/04/14 20:38] :Azull passed Otherarmy stone to Eara Meraia [27/04/14 20:39] Master of Ceremonies:I will name them all and the players that are not here tonight to receive them, will have to contact us later [27/04/14 20:39] Master of Ceremonies:So, we have 8 players that will receive prizes for MD Christmas [27/04/14 20:40] :lashtal makes a drum roll on his chest [27/04/14 20:40] ~~Ghost~~:[Spell] Keiru [27/04/14 20:40] Master of Ceremonies:In no particular order [27/04/14 20:41] Master of Ceremonies:First one is Amber Rune [27/04/14 20:41] :*Eara Meraia* used the Otherarmy stone to increase its Otherarmy spell casts [27/04/14 20:41] Master of Ceremonies:or better said AmberRune [27/04/14 20:41] :~~Ghost~~ cheers [27/04/14 20:41] AmberRune:Nifty [27/04/14 20:41] Master of Ceremonies:Amber, you got a WP AND [27/04/14 20:41] Master of Ceremonies:a Magic CTC token [27/04/14 20:41] ~~Ghost~~:awesome! [27/04/14 20:41] Master of Ceremonies:the magic ctc is only for drachs for the moment [27/04/14 20:41] AmberRune:Whoo! Very nifty [27/04/14 20:41] Master of Ceremonies:hopefully soon we'll be able to use it for other crits as well [27/04/14 20:42] Aelis:Woot [27/04/14 20:42] Aelis:Congrats! [27/04/14 20:42] Master of Ceremonies:Let me give you your prizes [27/04/14 20:42] :lashtal applauds [27/04/14 20:43] *Clock Master*:Congrats Amber :) [27/04/14 20:43] *Syrian*: *cheers* yay! [27/04/14 20:44] :*Eara Meraia* whistles for Amber [27/04/14 20:44] Lintara:Woohoo! [27/04/14 20:44] Master of Ceremonies:WP and token awarded [27/04/14 20:45] AmberRune:Many thanks! [27/04/14 20:45] Master of Ceremonies:Amber, you can keep the token or give it away or do whatever you like with it [27/04/14 20:45] AmberRune:ok [27/04/14 20:46] Master of Ceremonies:to use the token, the owner must e-mail us in order to get the magic applied to the CTC [27/04/14 20:46] Master of Ceremonies:unfortunatley this is how it works for the moment [27/04/14 20:46] Master of Ceremonies:Congratulations [27/04/14 20:46] *Sunfire*:hello all [27/04/14 20:47] Lintara:Hi Sun! [27/04/14 20:47] Master of Ceremonies:The next 2 players will get 1 reindrach each [27/04/14 20:47] *Syrian*:hi sunny! [27/04/14 20:47] :[Spell] shadows come [27/04/14 20:47] Master of Ceremonies:their names: Tipu and Elthen Aeris (I presume) [27/04/14 20:47] :~~Ghost~~ cheers [27/04/14 20:48] AmberRune:Whooo! [27/04/14 20:48] ~~Ghost~~:finally tipu got something :P [27/04/14 20:48] lashtal:Congratulations! [27/04/14 20:49] Master of Ceremonies:I sent Tipu his CTC [27/04/14 20:49] Master of Ceremonies:Elthen will have to e-mail us [27/04/14 20:50] Master of Ceremonies:The next 3 players got 1 WP each [27/04/14 20:50] Master of Ceremonies:TheRichMerchant, Darkraptor and dst [27/04/14 20:50] ~~Ghost~~:[Spell] Keiru [27/04/14 20:50] Master of Ceremonies:I shall award them now [27/04/14 20:50] :~~Ghost~~ cheers [27/04/14 20:50] :lashtal claps [27/04/14 20:50] Keep: (Have a good one everybody) [27/04/14 20:51] ~~Ghost~~:[Spell] netsu [27/04/14 20:51] *Clock Master*:Congrats to all of you [27/04/14 20:53] Master of Ceremonies:WPs have been awarded [27/04/14 20:53] Master of Ceremonies:Congratulations [27/04/14 20:53] Master of Ceremonies:And now, for the last 2 winners [27/04/14 20:53] Master of Ceremonies:dragonrider and Bashar Chelik (I hope I spelled the name right) [27/04/14 20:53] ~~Ghost~~:Bash Chelik [27/04/14 20:53] Master of Ceremonies:they have a choice between a Santa and a Nutcracker [27/04/14 20:54] Master of Ceremonies:thank you Ghost [27/04/14 20:54] ~~Ghost~~:and dragonrider7 [27/04/14 20:54] Master of Ceremonies:Bask Chelik [27/04/14 20:54] Master of Ceremonies:and dragonrider7 [27/04/14 20:54] *Syrian*: (bash chelik is inactive atm) [27/04/14 20:54] :Rophs falls from the sky just in time for the GAC [27/04/14 20:54] Master of Ceremonies:since none of them are currently here, they will have to e-mail us with their choices [27/04/14 20:55] :Rophs nods in Akasha's direction [27/04/14 20:56] MRAlyon:hey all [27/04/14 20:56] Rophs:Hello Alyon [27/04/14 20:57] Master of Ceremonies:And now a small 3 minutes break [27/04/14 20:57] ~~Ghost~~:lol [27/04/14 20:58] lashtal: (see you laters, cooking time) [27/04/14 20:59] dst:it has already started? [27/04/14 20:59] dst:wat have i missed? [27/04/14 20:59] *Syrian*:you got a WP! [27/04/14 20:59] Rophs:^ [27/04/14 20:59] dst:I did? O.o [27/04/14 20:59] :*Syrian* nodsnods [27/04/14 21:00] *Syrian*:for christmas [27/04/14 21:00] AmberRune:You missed Christmas [27/04/14 21:00] dst:apparently I did! [27/04/14 21:00] Master of Ceremonies:Ok, back to rewards and awards [27/04/14 21:01] ~~Ghost~~:[Spell] Keiru [27/04/14 21:01] Master of Ceremonies:I have one bad piece of news I have to share with you: I might not be able to give you CTCs for aramors tonight [27/04/14 21:01] :dst remembers something [27/04/14 21:02] :dst starts doing the WP winning dance [27/04/14 21:02] Master of Ceremonies:Not unless Chewett wakes up [27/04/14 21:02] ~~Ghost~~: *chuckles* :P [27/04/14 21:02] Master of Ceremonies:but I will announce winners and prizes [27/04/14 21:02] :~~Ghost~~ cheers [27/04/14 21:02] Master of Ceremonies:so pay attention to what you have won [27/04/14 21:03] :Rophs hopes he won a Wiiya Bubble [27/04/14 21:05] Master of Ceremonies:I will start with Rikstar's quest [27/04/14 21:05] Master of Ceremonies:The winners, from 1st place to 3rd are: Assira the Black, AmberRune and TheRichMerchant [27/04/14 21:05] :~~Ghost~~ cheers [27/04/14 21:06] :*Eara Meraia* applauses [27/04/14 21:06] Master of Ceremonies:sorry, I messed it [27/04/14 21:06] *Eara Meraia*:o.o [27/04/14 21:06] :~~Ghost~~ chuckles [27/04/14 21:06] Master of Ceremonies:winner is TheRichMerchant [27/04/14 21:06] Master of Ceremonies:2nd is Assira and 3rd is AmberRune [27/04/14 21:06] :~~Ghost~~ cheers [27/04/14 21:06] AmberRune:Whooot! [27/04/14 21:06] :Rophs cheers [27/04/14 21:07] :*Eara Meraia* pokes ghosty [27/04/14 21:07] :~~Ghost~~ looks at Eara [27/04/14 21:07] *Eara Meraia*:you look familar [27/04/14 21:07] ~~Ghost~~:whoohooo? [27/04/14 21:08] Rophs:Are you Assira? [27/04/14 21:08] ~~Ghost~~:whooo hoo? [27/04/14 21:08] Rophs:Whoohoo? [27/04/14 21:08] *Eara Meraia*:I think Nimmy *chuckles* [27/04/14 21:08] ~~Ghost~~:whooo? [27/04/14 21:08] Rophs: *shakes his head* Nim has an allybadge. [27/04/14 21:08] ~~Ghost~~:huuuuuu.. ^_^ [27/04/14 21:09] *Eara Meraia*:no, she doesnt :P [27/04/14 21:09] Master of Ceremonies:so TheRichMerchant will get: 1 Anniversary Aramor - 9th edititon, 5 silver coins and something else which I don't know what it is [27/04/14 21:09] :~~Ghost~~ cheers [27/04/14 21:09] Rophs:Give everbody present Tipu [27/04/14 21:09] Rophs:Tipu's leash! [27/04/14 21:09] Master of Ceremonies:the something else has this description: A sort of 8 shaped odd rock, but a tad more powerful [27/04/14 21:10] :~~Ghost~~ cheers [27/04/14 21:10] *Syrian*: (chronicles of magicduel?) [27/04/14 21:10] :Rophs cheers [27/04/14 21:10] Master of Ceremonies:Yes, I guess that is the correct words Syrian, thank you [27/04/14 21:10] Master of Ceremonies:Assira gets: 1 Aramor, 1 Chronicle of MD and 2 silver coins [27/04/14 21:11] Master of Ceremonies:no, scratch that [27/04/14 21:11] :[Spell] shadows come [27/04/14 21:11] Master of Ceremonies:I need some coffee *shrugs* [27/04/14 21:11] :Hedge Munos pokes Azull with a toe [27/04/14 21:11] AmberRune:don't have coffee but have some tea if it'll work [27/04/14 21:12] Azull:Hedge *nods* [27/04/14 21:12] Master of Ceremonies:Resume: Assira: Chronicle of MD and 5 Silver Coins [27/04/14 21:12] Master of Ceremonies:An Amber, you get also a Chronicle (which I don't have for the moment) and 2 Silver Coins [27/04/14 21:13] ~~Ghost~~:[Spell] Tadaa [27/04/14 21:13] AmberRune:Yays! [27/04/14 21:14] Master of Ceremonies:The Silver will be give by the TKs [27/04/14 21:14] Master of Ceremonies:Chronicles and Aramors, by me tonight if we manage to awake the wookie [27/04/14 21:14] Master of Ceremonies:If not, when we'll have a valid wookie through PMs [27/04/14 21:14] Master of Ceremonies:I will use the chat from here as evidence [27/04/14 21:15] Master of Ceremonies:Rikstar also gets an aramor for designing the quets [27/04/14 21:15] ~~Ghost~~:[Spell] be inspired [27/04/14 21:16] Master of Ceremonies:Next quest is Aelis' [27/04/14 21:16] ~~Ghost~~: (No one?) [27/04/14 21:17] *Chewett*:council = awesome [27/04/14 21:17] Master of Ceremonies:Winner is Kyphis [27/04/14 21:17] *Chewett*:Thanks Council for MoCing up things [27/04/14 21:18] Master of Ceremonies:Shush Chewett and bring me aramors! [27/04/14 21:18] :~~Ghost~~ cheers for Kyphis [27/04/14 21:18] *Chewett*:Aramors coming up :) [27/04/14 21:18] :Rex Umbrae Killer dances [27/04/14 21:18] Master of Ceremonies:Kyphis will receive the following: [27/04/14 21:19] Master of Ceremonies:1 Aramor [27/04/14 21:21] ~~Ghost~~:thats it? >> [27/04/14 21:21] Master of Ceremonies:no [27/04/14 21:21] Master of Ceremonies:20 pieces of cake [27/04/14 21:21] ~~Ghost~~:cool!! *cheers* :D [27/04/14 21:21] Master of Ceremonies:and [27/04/14 21:22] Master of Ceremonies:1 Winning Cake item [27/04/14 21:22] :*Eara Meraia* cheers for Kyph [27/04/14 21:22] :~~Ghost~~ cheers [27/04/14 21:22] Master of Ceremonies:ChildOfTheSoul won 2nd place [27/04/14 21:22] AmberRune:Baking fiend! Go Kyphis! [27/04/14 21:22] Master of Ceremonies:he gets: [27/04/14 21:22] *Sunfire*:grats [27/04/14 21:23] Master of Ceremonies:Anniv. Aramor, 15 pieces of cake, 1 gold coin [27/04/14 21:23] :*Burns* passed Silver coin to Gljivoje [27/04/14 21:23] :~~Ghost~~ cheers [27/04/14 21:23] :*Burns* passed Silver coin to Gljivoje [27/04/14 21:23] Master of Ceremonies:3rd is AmberRune [27/04/14 21:23] Master of Ceremonies:she gets: [27/04/14 21:23] :*Burns* passed Silver coin to Gljivoje [27/04/14 21:24] Master of Ceremonies:10 pieces of cake, 10 silver coins and 1 Aramor [27/04/14 21:24] Master of Ceremonies:4th is Rikstar [27/04/14 21:24] Master of Ceremonies:he gets: [27/04/14 21:24] Gljivoje:thanks Burns [27/04/14 21:24] Master of Ceremonies:pieces of cake, 5 silver coins and 1 Aramor [27/04/14 21:24] :~~Ghost~~ cheers [27/04/14 21:24] Aelis: *claps* Congratulations, guys! [27/04/14 21:24] Master of Ceremonies:And since I have aramors, I shall send CTCs now to the present [27/04/14 21:25] Master of Ceremonies:please take them as soon as possible [27/04/14 21:25] *Eara Meraia*:congratz! [27/04/14 21:25] Aelis:Keep up with the cooking! [27/04/14 21:25] Master of Ceremonies:And I almost forgot: Aelis gets 1 Aramor as well [27/04/14 21:25] Master of Ceremonies:Congratz to all! [27/04/14 21:25] ~~Ghost~~:And share the cake guys :) [27/04/14 21:25] Aelis:Thank you, MoC. *grins* [27/04/14 21:26] *Chewett*:Someone tell Pip Iv given MoC (Council) a load of gold from the TK treasury [27/04/14 21:26] Keep:Hm? [27/04/14 21:27] ~~Ghost~~:will tell [27/04/14 21:27] *Chewett*:Thanky [27/04/14 21:27] *Chewett*:He can contact me to get some back and such [27/04/14 21:27] Master of Ceremonies:Kyphis? Are you awake? [27/04/14 21:29] :Rex Umbrae Killer dances [27/04/14 21:29] Rophs: (I think Kyph is asleep) [27/04/14 21:30] Master of Ceremonies:anyone knows his ID? [27/04/14 21:30] Time Patrol:sure [27/04/14 21:30] Rophs:I'll movelock him and we can find out... [27/04/14 21:31] Master of Ceremonies:Found it [27/04/14 21:31] Master of Ceremonies:so, Kyphis has the item and the cake [27/04/14 21:31] Master of Ceremonies:All he needs is an aramor [27/04/14 21:32] Master of Ceremonies:next: ChildOfTheSoul: he needs to be online to get his prizes [27/04/14 21:32] Master of Ceremonies:Amber [27/04/14 21:32] AmberRune:Here [27/04/14 21:34] Master of Ceremonies:Transffered to you 10 pieces of Cake and 2 SCs [27/04/14 21:35] AmberRune:Thankies [27/04/14 21:35] Master of Ceremonies:And 1 chronicles of MD [27/04/14 21:35] Master of Ceremonies:I still need to give you 10 silver [27/04/14 21:35] Master of Ceremonies:just a second please [27/04/14 21:36] Master of Ceremonies:done [27/04/14 21:36] :~~Ghost~~ cheers [27/04/14 21:36] Master of Ceremonies:The rest of the winner, please send e-mails [27/04/14 21:36] Master of Ceremonies:Congratz to all of you [27/04/14 21:37] Master of Ceremonies:Next quest will be darkraptor's [27/04/14 21:37] Master of Ceremonies:There was a team of 3 players: Clock Master, Pipstickz and lashtal [27/04/14 21:37] Master of Ceremonies:All of the will receive one aramor each [27/04/14 21:38] Master of Ceremonies:Any of the 3 mentioned is awake? [27/04/14 21:38] *Clock Master*:Thanks MoC [27/04/14 21:38] ~~Ghost~~:lashtal is afk. but he's here [27/04/14 21:38] lashtal:Yup [27/04/14 21:38] ~~Ghost~~:oh.. welcome back :D [27/04/14 21:39] :lashtal offers some pizza to those gathered [27/04/14 21:39] Master of Ceremonies:2 aramors sent [27/04/14 21:40] Master of Ceremonies:Please take them as soon as possible [27/04/14 21:40] Master of Ceremonies:Pipstickz will get his later [27/04/14 21:40] *Eara Meraia*: *grabs a piece* thankies! [27/04/14 21:40] Master of Ceremonies:also, darkrpator will receive 1 aramor for creating the quest [27/04/14 21:41] lashtal:Aww.. red and violet! Syd Barrett-style aramor!! [27/04/14 21:41] :~~Ghost~~ noms the whole pizza [27/04/14 21:41] *Chewett*:Its actually partially pik [27/04/14 21:41] *Chewett*:pink [27/04/14 21:41] *Chewett*:but no one realises this [27/04/14 21:41] ~~Ghost~~:wooohoooo =P~ [27/04/14 21:42] Aelis:The Aramor at the gates of dawn [27/04/14 21:42] :lashtal high fives Aelis [27/04/14 21:42] :~~Ghost~~ goes ectoplasmic all over lashtal's hand [27/04/14 21:43] :lashtal enjoys it [27/04/14 21:43] Master of Ceremonies:Next quest is again one of darkraptor's: Paint your Aramor [27/04/14 21:43] :~~Ghost~~ shivers [27/04/14 21:43] Master of Ceremonies:winner is Miq with 70 points [27/04/14 21:43] Master of Ceremonies:runner up is Alyon with 68 points [27/04/14 21:43] :~~Ghost~~ cheers for Miq [27/04/14 21:43] Aelis: *high fives lashtal back* I also noticed you went a bit Syd Barret-ish on the opening words of your last quest. [27/04/14 21:44] Master of Ceremonies:Miq gets an Aramor and 1 Gold Coin while Alyon gets an Aramor [27/04/14 21:44] lashtal:How awesome of you to notice that.. [27/04/14 21:44] MRAlyon:wow thanks very much [27/04/14 21:44] Master of Ceremonies:Any of the 2 awake? [27/04/14 21:45] MRAlyon:me [27/04/14 21:45] Master of Ceremonies:Sent you the CTC [27/04/14 21:45] Master of Ceremonies:please take it now [27/04/14 21:46] Master of Ceremonies:Again, darkraptor gets an aramor [27/04/14 21:46] *Clock Master*:Strange he doesnt count like an aramor in rituals creating [27/04/14 21:47] *Eara Meraia*: *smiles* he is just camouflaged [27/04/14 21:47] *Chewett*:That might change though lol [27/04/14 21:47] Master of Ceremonies:That is probably a bug [27/04/14 21:47] *Chewett*:Possibly a bug [27/04/14 21:48] Master of Ceremonies:Next is a long list of winner [27/04/14 21:48] Master of Ceremonies:Kyphis and Innocence Trivia [27/04/14 21:48] MRAlyon:he hasn't got name also [27/04/14 21:48] :Rophs laughs [27/04/14 21:48] Master of Ceremonies:the following players get to choose between a Spell Doc and an Aramor: [27/04/14 21:49] Master of Ceremonies:AmberRune, dst, Pipstickz, Rendril Revant, *Peace* , lashtal, Rophs [27/04/14 21:49] :~~Ghost~~ cheers [27/04/14 21:49] dst:ARAMOR!! [27/04/14 21:49] Master of Ceremonies:1 Aramor for dst [27/04/14 21:49] lashtal:Awesomeness! Can I have Black Water 2? [27/04/14 21:49] Master of Ceremonies:who else is awake? [27/04/14 21:49] AmberRune:Me [27/04/14 21:49] AmberRune:Spell doc [27/04/14 21:50] Rophs:Group Spirit [27/04/14 21:50] Rophs:and I recall being on the winning team for both rounds... so an Aramor too. [27/04/14 21:51] *Clock Master*:Why is my name not there? [27/04/14 21:51] Master of Ceremonies:blackwater lashtal [27/04/14 21:52] :[Spell] black_water lashtal [27/04/14 21:52] Master of Ceremonies:Clock you're on the next list [27/04/14 21:52] lashtal:Thank you! [27/04/14 21:54] Master of Ceremonies:Amber, name a spell doc that is not over 5th level [27/04/14 21:54] Master of Ceremonies:Rophs, what lvel of the Group Spirit do you want? [27/04/14 21:54] Master of Ceremonies:Oh, you changed your mind Rophs [27/04/14 21:54] Master of Ceremonies:I shall send you an Aramor then [27/04/14 21:54] Rophs:No! [27/04/14 21:55] Rophs:Actually [27/04/14 21:55] Rophs:Yes, Aramor. [27/04/14 21:55] Rophs:I can get a Spelldoc any time, Aramors are NOW! [27/04/14 21:56] Master of Ceremonies:Please take the Aramor now Rophs [27/04/14 21:56] Master of Ceremonies:AmberRune? [27/04/14 21:56] AmberRune: (hot sec, I'm figuring out what is below level 5) [27/04/14 21:57] AmberRune:blackwater 3? [27/04/14 21:57] Master of Ceremonies:blackwater 3 then [27/04/14 21:57] *Nimrodel*:cool :D [27/04/14 21:58] Master of Ceremonies:blackwater AmberRune [27/04/14 21:59] :[Spell] black water AmberRune [27/04/14 21:59] Master of Ceremonies:lashtal and Amber, please check if you got the correct spells [27/04/14 21:59] AmberRune:thankies [27/04/14 21:59] lashtal:Yes, it's correct. Thank you! [27/04/14 21:59] Master of Ceremonies:now, the next list of people are from the trivia as well and they get 1 Aramor each [27/04/14 22:00] Master of Ceremonies: *Clock Master* , *Eagle Eye* , Keep, Ivorak, BFH the Toad, Seimich, Tipu, Curiose [27/04/14 22:00] Master of Ceremonies:Who's awake? [27/04/14 22:00] AmberRune:um, not correct here. still just 1 and 2 [27/04/14 22:00] Ivorak:I'm awake [27/04/14 22:00] *Clock Master*:Here [27/04/14 22:00] Master of Ceremonies:I will check Amber [27/04/14 22:01] Master of Ceremonies:but after I give Ivorak and Clock the aramors [27/04/14 22:02] Keep:Here [27/04/14 22:02] :[Spell] black water AmberRune [27/04/14 22:02] Master of Ceremonies:check again Amber, please [27/04/14 22:03] AmberRune:There we go, many thanks [27/04/14 22:03] Master of Ceremonies:just a second Keep, I'll give you the aramor as well [27/04/14 22:03] Keep:Thank you *smiles* [27/04/14 22:04] Master of Ceremonies:Aramors have been dispatched [27/04/14 22:04] Master of Ceremonies:Please take them [27/04/14 22:04] *Chewett*:Note: failing to take them immediately or within a day may mean we will give it out to someone else, and bad things [27/04/14 22:05] *Nimrodel*:lol [27/04/14 22:05] Master of Ceremonies:Syrian gets 10 silver for participating to Trivia [27/04/14 22:05] *Chewett*:Mainly caused by accidentally giving it out, since we are dealing with shedloads of stuff [27/04/14 22:05] Ivorak:Thanks, MoC [27/04/14 22:05] *Nimrodel*:people [27/04/14 22:05] *Nimrodel*:Drum rolls :3 [27/04/14 22:05] Master of Ceremonies:Syrian, are you awake? [27/04/14 22:06] :*Syrian* nodsnods [27/04/14 22:07] dst:what is your id Syrian? [27/04/14 22:07] No one:. [27/04/14 22:07] *Syrian*:245645 [27/04/14 22:07] *Nimrodel*:Thanks No one :) [27/04/14 22:07] Lania:Hello everybody. [27/04/14 22:07] Master of Ceremonies:I could have told you that dst [27/04/14 22:08] dst:easier to ask :D [27/04/14 22:08] dst:congratz Nimmy! :D [27/04/14 22:08] dst:welcome to the dark side :D [27/04/14 22:09] *Nimrodel*:>:) [27/04/14 22:09] Master of Ceremonies:Peace and lashtal get also 10 silver coins for corrcting some wrong information [27/04/14 22:09] *Eara Meraia*:that is our phrase :P but congraz! [27/04/14 22:09] dst:we're darker than you Eara :P [27/04/14 22:09] *Nimrodel*:Lol [27/04/14 22:09] *Chewett*:lazy [27/04/14 22:10] lashtal:Oh really? [27/04/14 22:10] *Eara Meraia*:tss tss [27/04/14 22:10] *Chewett*: [27/04/14 22:10] Draconas:oh nice Argetlam [27/04/14 22:11] *Nimrodel*: *grins and hug Draco* we are almost on the same side nao :3 [27/04/14 22:12] Master of Ceremonies:While Chewett steals some more coins from TKs, I will move on with the next quest [27/04/14 22:12] Draconas:almost yes *grins teethy* [27/04/14 22:12] Master of Ceremonies:And since Nimrodel is finally not hiding, I will continue with her quest [27/04/14 22:13] :Draconas hides Nimrodel under his wing [27/04/14 22:13] *Nimrodel*:Yes!! Finally :D [27/04/14 22:14] :*Nimrodel* cheers [27/04/14 22:14] :*Nimrodel* peeps from under draco's wing [27/04/14 22:14] Master of Ceremonies:lashtal got his 10 silvers [27/04/14 22:14] Master of Ceremonies:And now the winners for Nimrodel's quest [27/04/14 22:14] :dst is excited [27/04/14 22:14] lashtal:Thanks again! [27/04/14 22:15] Master of Ceremonies:Winner of the quest is [27/04/14 22:15] Master of Ceremonies:what a surprise *grins* [27/04/14 22:15] Master of Ceremonies:dst [27/04/14 22:15] :*Nimrodel* whoops [27/04/14 22:15] No one::)) [27/04/14 22:15] Draconas:congrats dstbus! [27/04/14 22:15] dst:woohoo!!! [27/04/14 22:15] :dst does the winning dance [27/04/14 22:15] lashtal:Congratulations! [27/04/14 22:15] *Eara Meraia*: *cheers for dst* that was really well done! [27/04/14 22:15] Master of Ceremonies:2nd place goes to [27/04/14 22:15] No one:she bothered to do another quest, that is indeed a surprised [27/04/14 22:15] Lania:Congrats! :) [27/04/14 22:16] dst:thank you [27/04/14 22:16] AmberRune:Congrats! [27/04/14 22:16] dst:shush No one! [27/04/14 22:16] No one:. [27/04/14 22:16] Master of Ceremonies:2nd place goes to AmberRune! [27/04/14 22:16] :*Nimrodel* jumps in the air [27/04/14 22:16] Master of Ceremonies:3rd to *Eara Meraia* [27/04/14 22:16] Draconas:well done little one [27/04/14 22:16] Master of Ceremonies:and 4th to *Clock Master* [27/04/14 22:16] *Burns*:fyi, the results are open now, just look at the right panel. [27/04/14 22:16] Draconas:and other little one [27/04/14 22:16] AmberRune:Whooot! [27/04/14 22:17] Master of Ceremonies:A guy infiltrated in the winners list! [27/04/14 22:17] :*Nimrodel* cheers [27/04/14 22:17] Master of Ceremonies:That cannot be possible! [27/04/14 22:17] :lashtal claps [27/04/14 22:17] Lania:And congrats to you too, Amber, Eara and Clockmaster! :D [27/04/14 22:17] Master of Ceremonies:All 4 of them will get from me an Aramor each [27/04/14 22:17] Master of Ceremonies:AND [27/04/14 22:17] Master of Ceremonies:an item to remind them of the quest [27/04/14 22:17] Master of Ceremonies:I believe all 4 of you are here, right? [27/04/14 22:17] dst:yes [27/04/14 22:18] *Eara Meraia*:aww, nice [27/04/14 22:18] dst:woohoo again! [27/04/14 22:18] AmberRune:Yup [27/04/14 22:18] *Eara Meraia*:thankies [27/04/14 22:18] *Nimrodel*:MOC can I get 5 minutes to give away my rewards as well? [27/04/14 22:19] Master of Ceremonies:Sure Nimrodel [27/04/14 22:19] *Nimrodel*:Okaj.. Dst [27/04/14 22:19] Master of Ceremonies:I still need some time to give them to the participants [27/04/14 22:19] dst:yeees [27/04/14 22:19] *Nimrodel*:For your incredible efficiency and speed even though you started about 3 hours after all the winners [27/04/14 22:20] lashtal: (afk again, sorry) [27/04/14 22:20] *Nimrodel*:You get 1 drachorn charm from the drachorn master and one creature of choice from Shemhazaj's Inventory. [27/04/14 22:20] :*Burns* passed Drach Melodic Charm to dst [27/04/14 22:20] dst:O.O AWSOME! [27/04/14 22:20] *Nimrodel*:Please contach Shem for your reward :) [27/04/14 22:20] dst:many many many thanks :D [27/04/14 22:20] *Nimrodel*:Next. Amber. [27/04/14 22:21] *Clock Master*:Congrats dst [27/04/14 22:21] dst:thank you! [27/04/14 22:21] AmberRune:Present! [27/04/14 22:21] Draconas:yay dstbus! [27/04/14 22:21] *Burns*:Also, you're on cooldown for drach charms now :)) [27/04/14 22:21] *Burns*:Again :)) [27/04/14 22:22] dst:shush Burnsy! [27/04/14 22:22] *Nimrodel*:For your persistence and hardwork, you recieve a wishpoint and a choice of creature from My inventory [27/04/14 22:22] AmberRune:Nifty keen [27/04/14 22:23] *Nimrodel*:Wishpoint sent. [27/04/14 22:23] *Nimrodel*:please conatact me later for your crit of choice :) [27/04/14 22:23] *Nimrodel*:Next. Eara [27/04/14 22:23] AmberRune:okie doke [27/04/14 22:23] *Eara Meraia*:me [27/04/14 22:24] *Nimrodel*:For your awesome skill undercovering a dangerous underground drug trade, you recieve a wishpoint and 5g. [27/04/14 22:24] *Nimrodel*:Congratulations [27/04/14 22:24] *Eara Meraia*: *nods and smiles* thank you [27/04/14 22:25] *Nimrodel*:WP sent. Please contact the Tks for the gold. [27/04/14 22:25] :dst hugs her charm and the fox figurine [27/04/14 22:25] *Nimrodel*:Clockmaster [27/04/14 22:26] *Clock Master*:Here [27/04/14 22:27] *Nimrodel*:Even though you started early and made tremondous progress, due to some unforseen circumstances you finished fourth. [27/04/14 22:27] *Nimrodel*:Still. For all your effort and dedication, You will recieve 1 10g pack +1 5g pack [27/04/14 22:27] *Nimrodel*:Congrats. [27/04/14 22:27] *Nimrodel*:Please contact the TKs for your reward :) [27/04/14 22:28] *Nimrodel*:Last but not the least [27/04/14 22:28] *Clock Master*:Thanks Nim [27/04/14 22:28] *Nimrodel*:There is a beautiful woman here who chose to sacrifice her own life instead of the fox's [27/04/14 22:28] *Nimrodel*:Lania [27/04/14 22:28] *Sunfire*:he was chivalrous to let the ladies go first [27/04/14 22:28] :Lania grins [27/04/14 22:28] *Clock Master*:shhh Iceman [27/04/14 22:29] *Nimrodel*:I will provide the services of my flute to you whenever you require them. [27/04/14 22:29] Master of Ceremonies:Congratulations to All winners and participants [27/04/14 22:29] Lania: *smiles and nods* Thank you. [27/04/14 22:29] *Nimrodel*:Apart form that, i give you two gold and three spells stones of choice form my inventory. [27/04/14 22:30] Master of Ceremonies:Also, Lania will receive an aramor as well [27/04/14 22:30] *Nimrodel*:O.O [27/04/14 22:30] *Nimrodel*:Awesome! :D [27/04/14 22:30] Lania: *grins even more excitedly* Thank you so ever much! ^_^ [27/04/14 22:30] :*Nimrodel* passed Gold coin to Lania [27/04/14 22:30] Master of Ceremonies:Nimrodel has already given an Aramor for her quest [27/04/14 22:30] *Nimrodel*:Thank you MoC :) [27/04/14 22:30] Master of Ceremonies:AND Burns will get one for his hard work with the coding [27/04/14 22:31] *Nimrodel*: *cheers* :D [27/04/14 22:31] *Burns*:thanks :) [27/04/14 22:31] :*Nimrodel* passed Silver coin to Lania [27/04/14 22:31] :*Nimrodel* passed Silver coin to Lania [27/04/14 22:31] :*Nimrodel* passed Silver coin to Lania [27/04/14 22:31] :*Nimrodel* passed Silver coin to Lania [27/04/14 22:31] :*Nimrodel* passed Silver coin to Lania [27/04/14 22:31] *Sunfire*:well done madman [27/04/14 22:31] *Nimrodel*:5 [27/04/14 22:31] :*Nimrodel* passed Silver coin to Lania [27/04/14 22:31] :*Nimrodel* passed Silver coin to Lania [27/04/14 22:32] :*Nimrodel* passed Silver coin to Lania [27/04/14 22:32] :*Nimrodel* passed Silver coin to Lania [27/04/14 22:32] :*Nimrodel* passed Silver coin to Lania [27/04/14 22:32] *Nimrodel*:10 [27/04/14 22:32] :*Nimrodel* passed Silver coin to Lania [27/04/14 22:32] :*Nimrodel* passed Silver coin to Lania [27/04/14 22:32] :*Nimrodel* passed Silver coin to Lania [27/04/14 22:32] :*Nimrodel* passed Silver coin to Lania [27/04/14 22:32] Draconas:talking to rocks pays off [27/04/14 22:32] :*Nimrodel* passed Silver coin to Lania [27/04/14 22:32] *Nimrodel*:15 [27/04/14 22:33] *Nimrodel*:there.. pm me what stones you want lania :) [27/04/14 22:33] Master of Ceremonies:Innocence and Kyphis will also get 1 aramor each for their Trivia [27/04/14 22:33] Lania:I will. Thank you again, Nimi! ^_^ [27/04/14 22:34] *Nimrodel*:No.. Thank you :) for harbouring all that kindness in your heart :) [27/04/14 22:35] :Lania smiles widely and nods again [27/04/14 22:35] dst:If it were a kitty, I would have sacrificed myself as well :D [27/04/14 22:36] Draconas:if it were a nimmy... [27/04/14 22:36] Master of Ceremonies:Next quest is lashtal's [27/04/14 22:36] :*Nimrodel* chuckles [27/04/14 22:37] Master of Ceremonies:He already provided some prizes for the winners [27/04/14 22:37] Master of Ceremonies:I will provide one additional aramor to each first place [27/04/14 22:38] Master of Ceremonies:Also, all players that took part in his quest and will not receive an aramor tonight from other quests, will get one from me [27/04/14 22:38] Master of Ceremonies:lashtal gets also an aramor for creating the quest [27/04/14 22:38] Master of Ceremonies:To summarize: [27/04/14 22:39] Master of Ceremonies:Kyphis and Clock - 1 aramor each [27/04/14 22:39] :*Nimrodel* cheers [27/04/14 22:39] Master of Ceremonies:papver, Gljivoje , Sunfire, Haedrin, Ars Alchemy - 1 aramor IF they don't get one from other quests [27/04/14 22:40] *Clock Master*:Thank you :) [27/04/14 22:40] Master of Ceremonies:Clock, you can open an Aramor Shop [27/04/14 22:40] Sir Blut:papaver is in story mode [27/04/14 22:41] *Clock Master*:Might just do that MoC *laughs* [27/04/14 22:42] Master of Ceremonies:As I said: players that are not here will have to send e-mails in order to get their prizes [27/04/14 22:43] Master of Ceremonies:lashtal, are you still here? [27/04/14 22:44] Master of Ceremonies:Moving on then [27/04/14 22:44] Master of Ceremonies:To...Tipu's quest [27/04/14 22:44] King Bull:mooooo!!!!! prizes [27/04/14 22:44] *Sunfire*:i missed the start so not sure if i already won something [27/04/14 22:44] Master of Ceremonies:It was a big hit on the forum [27/04/14 22:44] Master of Ceremonies:Not yet Sunfire [27/04/14 22:44] *Sunfire*:alright then [27/04/14 22:44] Master of Ceremonies:Winner of Tipu's quest is [27/04/14 22:44] Master of Ceremonies:lashtal [27/04/14 22:45] Master of Ceremonies:runner up is Eagle Eye [27/04/14 22:45] Master of Ceremonies:3rd is nadrolski [27/04/14 22:45] Master of Ceremonies:All 3 of them get an Aramor [27/04/14 22:45] Master of Ceremonies:And the winner gets also a drachorn [27/04/14 22:45] Master of Ceremonies:Tipu is entitled to an Aramor as well because he created the quest [27/04/14 22:46] Master of Ceremonies:But since none of them are awake, I'll move on [27/04/14 22:46] *Nimrodel*:Eara? [27/04/14 22:46] *Eara Meraia*:yes [27/04/14 22:46] :*Nimrodel* passed 10 Gold Note to Eara Meraia [27/04/14 22:46] Master of Ceremonies:Also, one small note: the above was Tipu's strange Drachorn Charm quest... [27/04/14 22:47] :Time Patrol passed 10 Gold Note to Clock Master [27/04/14 22:47] Master of Ceremonies:for the Meme one we have the following winners: [27/04/14 22:47] :*Eara Meraia* passed Gold coin to Nimrodel [27/04/14 22:47] Master of Ceremonies:Glijivoje : wins a morph and an aramor [27/04/14 22:47] :*Eara Meraia* passed Gold coin to Nimrodel [27/04/14 22:47] *Nimrodel*:woohoo! :D [27/04/14 22:47] Master of Ceremonies:The Rich Merchant; a GG drach and an aramor [27/04/14 22:47] :*Eara Meraia* passed Gold coin to Nimrodel [27/04/14 22:48] :*Eara Meraia* passed Gold coin to Nimrodel [27/04/14 22:48] :*Eara Meraia* passed Gold coin to Nimrodel [27/04/14 22:48] Master of Ceremonies:Rhearger : 5 GCs and aramor [27/04/14 22:48] *Nimrodel*:Princ Rhaegar [27/04/14 22:48] Master of Ceremonies:John Constatine - angien egg + aramor [27/04/14 22:48] *Nimrodel*:thanks Eara :) [27/04/14 22:48] *Nimrodel*:CM? [27/04/14 22:48] Master of Ceremonies:yes, that's him, thank you Nimrodel [27/04/14 22:48] Master of Ceremonies:and last winner is: [27/04/14 22:48] *Nimrodel*:by CM i meant Clocky [27/04/14 22:49] Master of Ceremonies:Blackthorn : Aramor [27/04/14 22:49] *Clock Master*:Yes Nimmy [27/04/14 22:49] *Nimrodel*:sending you 5g [27/04/14 22:49] Gljivoje:lovely jubbly [27/04/14 22:50] :*Nimrodel* passed Gold coin to Clock Master [27/04/14 22:50] :*Nimrodel* passed Gold coin to Clock Master [27/04/14 22:50] :*Nimrodel* passed Gold coin to Clock Master [27/04/14 22:50] Master of Ceremonies:Gljivoje, I shall send you 2 CTC now [27/04/14 22:50] :*Nimrodel* passed Gold coin to Clock Master [27/04/14 22:50] Master of Ceremonies:Please take the creatures [27/04/14 22:50] :*Nimrodel* passed Gold coin to Clock Master [27/04/14 22:50] *Clock Master*:Thanks :) [27/04/14 22:50] *Nimrodel*:you have your 15g :) [27/04/14 22:50] Gljivoje:alright, much oblige [27/04/14 22:51] *Clock Master*:Congrats Gljivoje [27/04/14 22:51] Gljivoje:Thanks Clock [27/04/14 22:51] *Nimrodel*:grats glji :D [27/04/14 22:51] Master of Ceremonies:Congratz! [27/04/14 22:52] :*Nimrodel* passed Helpthepoor stone to Lania [27/04/14 22:52] :*Nimrodel* passed Movelock stone to Lania [27/04/14 22:52] Master of Ceremonies:Azkhael will get an aramor as well for his MDA Lectures [27/04/14 22:53] Gljivoje:thanks Nim, MoC [27/04/14 22:53] Master of Ceremonies:And with that I think I've concluded the quests [27/04/14 22:54] Master of Ceremonies:Am I missing any? [27/04/14 22:54] Master of Ceremonies:Is there a quest that was not rewarded? [27/04/14 22:54] *Nimrodel*:loreroot quests? [27/04/14 22:54] *Eara Meraia*:and what about those finishing Azkhaels quest? [27/04/14 22:54] *Eara Meraia*:after the lecture [27/04/14 22:54] Gljivoje:yes, 1may is deadline [27/04/14 22:55] *Eara Meraia*:ah [27/04/14 22:55] *Eara Meraia*:sorry [27/04/14 22:55] Keep:Was story night a birthday quest? [27/04/14 22:55] Master of Ceremonies:We've awarded all qusts for which we received e-mails [27/04/14 22:55] Master of Ceremonies:We know there are some on going ones but those can be rewarded later [27/04/14 22:56] Master of Ceremonies:Haedrin, Ars Alchemy, papaver and Sunfire will receive 1 Aramor as well [27/04/14 22:57] Master of Ceremonies:now, can someone please pull the log and post it on the forum? [27/04/14 22:57] Master of Ceremonies:I need to make an Announcement and I need the link to the forum topic with the log [27/04/14 22:58] dst:meh..I'll do it...although I am sooo lazy [27/04/14 22:58] :[Spell] Vorbeste [/log] Quote
Rophs Posted April 27, 2014 Report Posted April 27, 2014 1 Wiiya Bubble for whoever compiles a list of who won what contests, what they were awarded, and who still needs to receive rewards. Quote
Kyphis the Bard Posted April 27, 2014 Report Posted April 27, 2014 (edited) List compiled. All prizes that are, to my knowledge, already awarded are removed from this list, or struck through on this list. [spoiler]Christmas: Elthen Aeris - Reindrach dragonrider7 - choice between a Santa and a Nutcracker Bash Chelik - choice between a Santa and a Nutcracker _______________________________________________ Anniversary: Rikstar - Anniversary Aramor - 9th edititon Assira the Black - Chronicle of MD and 5 Silver CoinsTheRichMerchant - Anniversary Aramor - 9th edititon, 5 silver coins and 1 Chronicle of MD Aelis - Anniversary Aramor - 9th edititonKyphis - Anniversary Aramor - 9th edititon ChildOfTheSoul - Anniversary Aramor - 9th edititon, 15 pieces of cake, 1 gold coin 10 silver coins. AwardedRikstar - Anniversary Aramor - 9th edititon, pieces of cake, 5 silver coinsdarkraptor - Anniversary Aramor - 9th edititonPipstickz - Anniversary Aramor - 9th edititondarkraptor - Anniversary Aramor - 9th edititonMiq - Anniversary Aramor - 9th edititon, 1 gold coin Innocence - Anniversary Aramor - 9th edititonKyphis - Anniversary Aramor - 9th edititonPipstickz - Spell Doc OR an Anniversary Aramor - 9th edititon Rendril Revant - Spell Doc OR an Anniversary Aramor - 9th edititon *Peace* - Spell Doc OR an Anniversary Aramor - 9th edititon*Eagle Eye* - Anniversary Aramor - 9th edititon BFH the Toad - Anniversary Aramor - 9th edititonSeimich - Anniversary Aramor - 9th edititonTipu - Anniversary Aramor - 9th edititon Curiose - Anniversary Aramor - 9th edititon *Peace* - 10 silver coins *Burns* - Anniversary Aramor - 9th edititon dst - Anniversary Aramor - 9th edititon, 1 drachorn charm (awarded); one creature of choice from Shemhazaj's Inventory (contact Shem) AmberRune - Anniversary Aramor - 9th edititon, WP (awarded); one creature of choice from Nimrodel's Inventory (contact Nim) Lania - *Nimrodel* will provide the services of her flute to you whenever you require them. 3 spells stones of choice from Nimrodel's inventory.lashtal - Anniversary Aramor - 9th edititonKyphis - Anniversary Aramor - 9th edititon papaver - Anniversary Aramor - 9th edititon Sunfire - Anniversary Aramor - 9th edititon Haedrin - Anniversary Aramor - 9th edititon Ars Alchemy - Anniversary Aramor - 9th edititonTipu - Anniversary Aramor - 9th edititonlashtal - Anniversary Aramor - 9th edititon, Drachorn*Eagle Eye* - Anniversary Aramor - 9th edititon nadrolski - Anniversary Aramor - 9th edititonThe Rich Merchant - Anniversary Aramor - 9th edititon, GG drachPrinc Rhearger - Anniversary Aramor - 9th edititon, 5 GCsJohn Constatine - Anniversary Aramor - 9th edititon, angien egg Blackthorn - Anniversary Aramor - 9th edititon Azkhael - Anniversary Aramor - 9th edititon [/spoiler] Additionally, the prizes for ST where not given out, despite them being emailed. I will list them below (council/MoC may choose to inflate them with Anniversary Aramors, as they did for other quests). All rewards for Story Night have now been given. [spoiler]As the participation, both competitor and audience, was very thin, I recommend the following prizes: Keep - 2 Gold Curiose - 1 Gold Rophs - 10 silver Eagle Eye - 5 silver [/spoiler] Chewett still needs to announce the results from both his quests on the forum ([link1], [link2]), as well as results for the trivia day one (I have a compiled list of participants, contributions, and scores if it is needed). And not to forget, within his second contest he and I offered prizes for whoever did an entry based on the information about Chewett IX. Edited May 3, 2014 by Kyphis the Bard nadrolski, dst, Pipstickz and 1 other 4 Quote
dst Posted April 28, 2014 Author Report Posted April 28, 2014 (edited) I hate people who don't send e-mails on time! [cquote]Hello dst, Please add the following to the Winners List for MD 9th Birthday: 1 Darkraptor (best looking) Ann Aramor 9 edition or Ann Achievement 2 Eara Meraia (most festive) Ann Aramor 9 edition or Ann Achievement 3 Seimich (most inviting) Ann Aramor 9 edition or Ann Achievement Any additional information Add one more Aramor for Eagle Eye for hosting the contest. Players should contact us in order to get their prizes. MDC [/cquote] Edited April 28, 2014 by dst Quote
Miq Posted April 28, 2014 Report Posted April 28, 2014 As per Councils request: I have received 1 GC and Anniversary Aramor 9 Quote
DarkRaptor Posted April 28, 2014 Report Posted April 28, 2014 darkraptor : received 2 aniv Aramors for quest creation ( PaintYourAramor! and LightTheCandles) thank you Quote
nadrolski Posted April 28, 2014 Report Posted April 28, 2014 (edited) [27/04/14 22:45] Master of Ceremonies:3rd is nadrolski[27/04/14 22:45] Master of Ceremonies:All 3 of them get an Aramor --- Thank you in advance :) EDIT: Received one, thanks! Edited April 30, 2014 by nadrolski Quote
Ungod Posted April 28, 2014 Report Posted April 28, 2014 Received all my prizes (2 aramors, a GG drach, 5 sc and 1 chronicle of MD). Thanks :) Quote
John Constantine Posted April 28, 2014 Report Posted April 28, 2014 At the request of the Council:I have received: 1 9th Anniversary Edition Aramor + 1 Angien egg.Quest: Meme Contest (by Tipu). Quote
Pipstickz Posted April 28, 2014 Report Posted April 28, 2014 I have received two Anniversary Aramors. Thanks to Council and all the players that made this event so fun. <3<3 Quote
Tipu Posted April 29, 2014 Report Posted April 29, 2014 Rcvd all 3 armors ...Thanks all I had soo much fun playing hehe Quote
DarkRaptor Posted April 29, 2014 Report Posted April 29, 2014 darkraptor : received 1 aniv Aramors for Eagle Eye quest thank you Quote
rikstar Posted April 29, 2014 Report Posted April 29, 2014 (edited) Received my two aramors and 5 pieces of 9th birthday cake and 5 silver coins. Thank you Council, it was a great MD birthday! Edited April 29, 2014 by rikstar Quote
Jubaris Posted April 29, 2014 Report Posted April 29, 2014 I have received my reward. Thanks! :) Quote
lashtal Posted April 29, 2014 Report Posted April 29, 2014 I have received my reward as well. Thanks a lot! Quote
Peace Posted January 15, 2015 Report Posted January 15, 2015 Bump. A few months later and I received my reward as well. Maybe this will remind others who have forgotten to collect theirs. Quote
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