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Quest: the reasons behind Mur's murder


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Wait... What??? Mur has been murdered??



Who could be so insane as to kill the creator of this world?

Who could be so stupid as to waste his powers on a Demi-God, who can probably revive himself by just snapping his fingers?


The author of this action claims he had reasons to do it, and offers a Wind Dragon to whoever guesses the most of them. 


Deadline: 1 month from now.


Limitations: your theories must be posted on this thread, no private messages or forum messages.


Hint: there are 5 reasons. 


How this works: I will periodically read your entries (which may contain 1 to 10 reasons) and for each post containing at least 1 correct reason, I will quote your post stating how many are correct. Mind this: I will tell how many, not which ones.

As the deadline expires, the one who figured out more reasons wins. In case of tie, who posted first wins.



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1) To cause some fuss/activity/create this quest

2) Because the killer could

3) To test if Mur's immune to death

4) To test if Mur will cheat and revive himself

5) To see if I will revive him like I did with Akasha

6) To see who will revive him (other then me)

7) Killer hates Molly and wants him to be miserable aka have work to do

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1) For fun

2) To be seen as silent, deadly, brave and daring

3) S/he was bored because he hadn't used his/her kill item for a long time

4) Disliked something Mur did recently

5) Wanted a Mur-related ceremony and hoped/decided that a revival ceremony would be great

6) He always wanted to commit suicide (aka Mur did it himself)

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The killer had nothing better to do.

The killer wanted to stop A25 from continuing development.

There was no killer, this quest is a lie.

The killer wanted Mur to give up the LotE throne.

The killer wanted Mur to give up the LotE Mansion.

The killer wanted to turn SS into a Janitor.

The killer was jealous of Mur's armpits.

The killer wanted to prevent the titles from being mailed.

Edited by Rophs
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1) To warm us
2) To encourage us
3) Make an attention to all
4) she/he makes a sign for coming back the veteran
5) To test her new item kill Mur
6) Mur wanted his death to make sense
7) Mur have purpose to his death

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1. To see if enough people would try to revive

2. to see if anyone cared enough to try to revive

3. to experience death firsthand (i don't know if this is the first time Mur's been killed?)

4. To overthrow the power in the east and take over (like back in the middle ages where you had to kill the king to take over)

5. Story progression after Azull and Rhaegar in adventure log

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The killer wanted this thread to be created so that people could artificially increase their postcount.

The killer wanted members of LotE to suspect eachother.

The killer knew dst could guess why and wants to help grow her collection.

The killer is a bugtester and is trying to help get a new revive function working.

The killer killed Mur to prevent AL plans from happening.

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1. To see if a kill item would work on Mur

2. Just for the heck of it

3. Bug check

4. because flowers are hard to get unless you're out of them

5. because AP cost to get into the heart of Murs land is too high

6. it was accidental

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1) Killer wants revenge

2) Killer wants to make Mur mad

3) Killer has a deathwish

1) Because the victim knows a secret that someone doesn't want found out.

2) Because the victim has a job that the murderer would like for him or herself.

3) In self-defense. Because they were physically harming the murderer, or even blackmailing them.

4) To steal their identity.

1) Because Mur being a god has no end

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1. He was caught alone
2. Experimenting stuff
3. Did it for this quest
4. He lost his mind to the point where he could hurt people
5. He's getting old and deserves to die
6. The killer did it accidentally
7. To see who still gives a damn about MD
8. To frame someone
9. Because "Mur" is the first 3 letters of "Murder"
10. The killer ran out of tomatoes for his salad

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1) Killer wants revenge

2) Killer wants to make Mur mad

3) Killer has a deathwish

1) Because the victim knows a secret that someone doesn't want found out.

2) Because the victim has a job that the murderer would like for him or herself.

3) In self-defense. Because they were physically harming the murderer, or even blackmailing them.

4) To steal their identity.

1) Because Mur being a god has no end


So far no points for anybody.

However, 2 arguments from dst's list might be on the right track.

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1. Killer is/was tired of waiting on "soon", so decided to get his attention by murdering him

2. Killer considers him/herself a God as well, and killed mur to prove this point

3. Killer is experimenting/researching all aspects of the kill/revive process because nobody just gives out that information

3. Killing is the only form of retaliation that can get a lot of folks attention without too much information being given out.

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To get Mur to do something/act/return/talk

Also, to see how others would react.



Edit: the above 2 points were posted separately but got merged as the system works that way.

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