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Because I have questions - dd's laby topic to be continued

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Since I was writing when the thread was closed, I will post in here:


In other words, he completely lost hope in the community to ever guide him properly and help him along achieving a set goal, realizing that all people ever caused was constant switching. So now he'll force the community to accept him the way HE wants, hated or loved, with NO influence from outside to change his mind all the time.



Yet, here you are opening topics, asking people to talk to you (in game or by other means), asking them to understand you but in return you don't give a flying duck on them (or this is my understanding from your words).


Force people to accept you? On what planet do you live on?


As others have told you during the 3 pages topic: Labyrinth has no authority so in a way your citizenship will probably be granted IF the community supports you (or do you plan to pull a fang and go to Mur and beg?). Who are you trying to impress with this topic? The council? What are you trying to actually achieve with this topic if NOT gaining the community's support?


The way to get what you want is in front of you or better said you've walked by it soo many times but seems like you're either too blind to see or well as I always said: too ignorant.  Death wanna be all over again (since you've been told even then what you need to do).


So, it seems my questions were not on dd's liking. Should I be surprised? Guess not. When things got hot and he couldn't handle them anymore, he asked for the topic to be closed. Typical coward.

But I will let MY topic opened. Just in case someone has other questions (even if dd will most likely NOT reply to them - he read them but he's "too good"  to answer and also he doesn't care about the community's opinion).

Posted (edited)

Actually I -really- want to answer them, but my words will have no effect.


You completely misinterpreted the topic and turned it into "DD's citizenship discussion", and your questions indicate exactly that.

Edited by DARK DEMON

Actually I -really- want to answer them, but my words will have no effect.


You completely misinterpreted the topic and turned it into "DD's citizenship discussion", and your questions indicate exactly that.


If you don't want citizenship then why the fuss? Why the topic? Why the mess? Couldn't you just spend time in the labyrinth or have quests or event related to it or even talk to players in game about it WITHOUT making a parade of it?

Posted (edited)

I never said I don't want citizenship.


An article for people to read is not a mess/parade. I cannot PM every single person in game and hence used the forum to share the info realmwide.


You still don't understand... everything was already decided before the topic was made...


I don't give "a flying duck" to people who are trying to convince me to revert my decision or trying to make me change directions once again because that's all people did to me in the past. But I will not let it happen this time.


On the other hand, I greatly care back for the people who want to help me the way I want help. If people seriously think that reminding me of my past or pointing out my character is not suitable is help, then these are the people I don't give a "flying duck" to.



Calm down and just understand for a moment, dst. You think of everything I do as something that's selfishly benefiting me alone and take every_single_thing the wrong way. Just go back and check again I've asked anywhere in the main topic that I want to be handed over citizenship. Read my last posts on that topic again and give me time to explain everything. There will be quests/talks/etc indeed, but you are expecting them to happen all at once, before the proper initiation (aka my topic).



This post will probably have no effect on you as well, because you just believe what you want to believe and not keep your mind open to so many possibilities that could make MD grow. And when you set standards/expectations so high and see others become too tired to explain, you call them a coward. :(

Edited by DARK DEMON

Do you have any idea how Z got his role (he's the first example that pops into my mind but there have been others)? He NEVER EVER made a forum topic. He never ever wrote articles anywhere (forum or MD archive or you name it) about his role. Yet, for every single thing you wanted, you made flamboyant topics using words that upset/angered people or containing ideas that are sort of against MD's ways. And when people told you that you're wrong you started yelling and screaming that people are against you and they don't understand and all that (you know what I am talking about).


Have you ever given a minute to think that maybe the problem is YOU and not the community? And I do have a very good example: Marv's last quest: nobody wanted to trade with you. Didn't that raise a question to you? If I am saying/doing something (or No one or maybe even Eon) you just catalog us as mean people that hate you. Fine by me (you're not far from the truth at least when it comes to my very own person). But what when most of MD rejects you (or your deeds) ? People DO NOT try to revert your decisions. You don't understand that for some things you need the community's support. And you'll never get that if your logic is flawed or you present selfish reasons or you simply act cocky.


You only allow help from people that help you "the way YOU want". That's sooo much BS! You really don't see how wrong that sounds. And since you keep doing the same mistake over an over again it's normal that people tell you that you already tried that and didn't work because <insert reasons>.


Calm down? Me? :D :D I'm the queen of calm down :D. I am not the one running in MD like a headless chicken yelling and screaming that people hate me :D.


Give you time? I should not need to give you time if you'd do stuff the proper way. But you first announced that you decided to go for Laby citizenship and then, after a while, you wrote that topic. Once things got hot, you asked for it to be closed. And no, I only replied a few times. The most replies came from people you don't hate or think they are ought to get you. But imo you felt overwhelmed and chose the easier path: closing the topic.


Get this right once and for all: MD will NOT grow by you getting the role that YOU want in detriment of other stuff. MD will not grow if YOU get laby citizenship. Even if you get all you want, MD will not grow cause of that.  And just saying that by not allowing you to get what you want, we hinder the growth of MD is not only extremely rude (which in a way I am comfortable with cause I am not disturbed about rudeness) but extremely unjust to people that really do stuff for MD starting with Chewett and all the other characters (like Molly and the guards for example)  who really put their heart into the game.


Hope I was clear enough.

  • Root Admin

And just saying that by not allowing you to get what you want, we hinder the growth of MD is not only extremely rude (which in a way I am comfortable with cause I am not disturbed about rudeness) but extremely unjust to people that really do stuff for MD starting with Chewett and all the other characters (like Molly and the guards for example)  who really put their heart into the game.


Properly read this DD, thats all I have to say.

  • Root Admin

Read it, doesn't mean a thing. That's never what I meant.


But of course, you'd always go for dst's assumed interpretations.


Your biased view of me means any time I ever try and help you, you just ignore it. My time is sadly wasted :(


Just the fact that you say they're against MD's ways is more than enough to make me make them MD's ways. There's nothing you can not do in MD.


You do that then :D. And after, wonder why people don't like you and why you don't manage to get what you want.

You don't have what it takes to actually don't give a flying duck about people dee dee. You don't have that luxury. And saying that you do it's quite irresponsible from your side.

Posted (edited)

I guess I'll finally comment on this.

Dark Demon, I can understand the need to make a post explaining some things so that you don't have to say the same things over and over to everyone. That's fine. I did that for my citizenship application to Necrovion, the Coloured Paper, and so on.

However, talking is just a first optional step towards achieving something. The people who get things do things consistently over time get recognition for it. A relatively recent example is Rophs getting the title of Seedwalker after running countless seedwalks. However, does Rophs need the title to be a seedwalker? No, but there are a couple of perks that he gets due to his role being 'official'.

The reason why the Colour Paper failed was because I was trying to do too many things at once in MD, other games, and in real life. Even a seemingly simple task can become taxing if done regularly. It is for that reason that when someone does take the effort to do something regularly, they are rewarded. Thus, it's good to focus on one or two things at most, things that you know you can do.


So, here's my advice. Great! You've announced your plans again. Lots of people might be cynical about it, but people are always cynical about someone who hasn't kept with many things before. So try to not judge what others say, rather, now that you know what you're going to do, do it! Being headstrong is fine, as long as you're not being headstrong as a result of the opinions of others.


You don't have what it takes to actually don't give a flying duck about people dee dee. You don't have that luxury. And saying that you do it's quite irresponsible from your side.

It doesn't matter whether this is true or not. Perhaps you posting and responding to your topic and this topic shows that you do care--it doesn't matter. If it is true, then yes, it is better to do what you plan on doing without saying so much about it and responding to what others think. If it isn't true, and you do have what it takes, then "do what you plan on doing without saying so much about it and responding to what others think".


Good luck! I'm neutral about your goals at the moment, but I'd be happy for you if you learned to put real sustained effort and focus into one thing. That's a skill that everyone should improve on, and I'm obviously including myself in this. I've made progress on this front, and so can you, but talking is not the way that you'll progress. You know this, and that's all that needs to be said.

Edited by Change
Posted (edited)

We have two ears and two pairs of limbs but just only one mouth for a reason.

There will be dissapointment. There will be dead ends. There will be failure. There are two ways to deal with this really. Create a road yourself by bulldozing your way through. You may get sued and be hated for trampling on the grass or bulldozing a few houses. Other is to slither your way through the pre existing roads. Will take time but you'll be liked and will make more friends on your way.

Blame and feel upset, you'll be alone and you will not get where you want to.

Edited by Nimrodel

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