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Pain Tournament - idea for Halloween contest


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As would every other token in a statless environment, eg: gold belt can make attacks from most creatures do 1 damage, dark sky which can give even greater bonuses at max than claw2, tokens like Kellathafire which can increase vitality...



edit: removed some numbers :P

Edited by DARK DEMON
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In Alyon's event, both alliance and tokens seems to have no affect on attack times and other such things. I am not certain on the ally part, but I definitely remember no affect of tokens. Tokens should have been applied at 100% most of the time, but they definitely didn't. Maybe there is a setting somewhere in setting up the BHC that will allow you to have this functionality?

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From what Eon told me he did have trees with tokens and with more life than they should if tokens would have been inactivated but if you say tokens don't matter I have to take your word for it since I have never fought in a statless BHC.


I will not participate in this contest (lack of time and it would also not be fair) so it will be your job to actually report if something is not according to "rules" (any kind, combat included).


I cannot nullify viscosity or honor or preserve loyalty.


Citizens will also have a harsh time since they will have to give up their citizenship during the contest (which I still don't know how long should be so I am waiting for your opinions).

Edited by dst
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Maybe not all tokens were disabled but rather only those that are fueled with principles?


Anything is possible...



Now, Intrigue was kind enough to send me the link to one of Alyon's BHC like events (here: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/14123-mini-bhc-statless-edition/)


The list of rules he had are below (in blue you will find my comments). Based on your input I will add/remove.modify them:



  • read the rules well, because when you sign up withdraws will not be accepted;   -----APPLIED: Nimmy's reward is for 10 people minimum. I don't want joins just to achieve that number and then people to withdraw.
  • outside helps isn’t allowed, so if I see someone that isn’t in the contest that helps a participant I will give you a chance to stop this or you will not participate in any of my contest (if you sign up I will kick you out so you will lose also the fee entrance); --- APPLIED: although I am tempted not to but I am doing it for the fairness of the contest (I want it painful not too unfair)
  • if one helps you and this player doesn’t participate in the contest you need to PM me and I will try to speak with this player to explain the rules; ---APPLIED: Mur forbids someone "aids" someone else. That's all I am saying :D
  • teleport spells aren't allowed; ----N/A: you have them? Use them!
  • fighters aren't allowed to use any kind of spells or items that will prevent other players to attack you during the contest, like ghost spell or cloak item; ---APPLIED: for obvious reasons.
  • frog spell isn't allowed; ---N/A: there are way too few spells of this sort.
  • all spells are accepted, except for the ones already listed; --N/A:all spells are allowed
  • fighters aren’t allowed to use illusions, since they can’t be attacked by other fighters; --N/A: you cannot be attacked while in an illusion if you don't have crits. If you don't have crits you lose by default.
  • dead fighters will be kicked out, if they will be dead again when contest will start; ---APPLIED: for obvious reasons. Also it's advisable 3rd parties to not interfere and kill any of the participants.
  • don't use bugs for cheat and if you find bugs related to BHC please email to bugs@magicduel.com with all screens etc for solve it; --- APPLIED!
  • you can pass heads to another fighter writing this in Live Chat: *gives (amount of heads) heads to (playername)* for specific amount of heads, instead for give all your heads you should use *gives all heads to (playername)*; ---APPLIED
  • DON'T CHEAT or I could decide to don't let you participate anymore in my contests. ---This I am tempted again to say N/A because if you can cheat and not get caught...you're good.
Edited by dst
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some tokens increase the max vitality of a creature _permanently_. That vitality is then allways present on said creature and doesn't get applied in fights (thus being unaffected by % of influence used).

on another note: where will you get the participants if you only accept players with no land and alliance? i have seen very few of fthose lately...

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some tokens increase the max vitality of a creature _permanently_. That vitality is then allways present on said creature and doesn't get applied in fights (thus being unaffected by % of influence used).

on another note: where will you get the participants if you only accept players with no land and alliance? i have seen very few of fthose lately...


Most people can become NML citizens whenever they want, in a split of a second. The rest need about 10 seconds.

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Ok...seems like some of you are really noobs! This is NOT the first BHC like contest where inter mp attacks were allowed. How come you come NOW and complain?

The first ever BHC was won by an MP3 for the flying duck's sake!



NO! I shall not take measures to balance anything out. I don't expect to see 3 weeks old mp3 joining the contest and expect to win. I don't expect 2 months mp4 to join and expect to win. However, I don't want to deny them the experience and who knows? Maybe one will be lucky enough to win as it happened in the past.



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