Root Admin Muratus del Mur Posted November 13, 2014 Root Admin Report Posted November 13, 2014 (edited) (feel free to ask and comment, i will interrupt discussions when new quest ideas will come to my mind as more features will be developed in a25) --------------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 - quest to gather spread clickables across multiple scenes. These could be either counted as a score, or converted into a final item/product , that might in turn unlock an other part of the quest. ------------------------------ EXAMPLE 2 a long time ago..i think Yrthilian, got all the missing pieces of a portable forge (i might confuse the characters here). A good quest ideea is to aquire pieces for a functional item, get to a mechanic or a magical place that can put them in motion, or just assamble them and use them on the right date/time of day whatever, and create with them an other item or resource. To make the quest repeatable just give limited number of uses to the obtained item, so it will vanish once done. ------------------------------ EXAMPLE 3 - have several clickies skattered across the map that when click will set a trigger. A main clickie could then check if all needed activating clickies have been set and then do something. For example, you could activate a complex mechanism to put in motion a generator in GG, or activate 'secret' levers to force open nc gate. The time these clickies remain activated can be set, so a team work/repeatable and even very challenging but simple quest could be created to perform certain actions..lets say ..a eon immobilizer? :P ------------------------------ EXAMPLE 4 - require a certain number of unique players to click a clickie (or more) OR - require a certain number of clickies be clicked, scattered across the map When complete, a gate can open, or a 3rd state activateble clickie can be activated ( a clickie invisible till the moment it becomes activated). Place a giant creature over a gate or arrow to prevent advancing, or the opposite, kill a giant crit or remove an obstacle. Same way to open hidden entrance to something. Use together with new scene adding tool. mixing of all above features is fully possible and recommended Edited November 24, 2014 by Muratus del Mur updated with examples Kyphis the Bard, Eagle Eye and Azthor 3 Quote
Grido Posted November 13, 2014 Report Posted November 13, 2014 As in across a few scenes you'd be able to find a Y shaped twig, a bit of elastic, and a small rock and make a slingshot? /Find the 20 scrolls scattered in MDA? Disappear much like the the ve potions that you find when you've just started? Kyphis the Bard 1 Quote
Kyphis the Bard Posted November 13, 2014 Report Posted November 13, 2014 As in across a few scenes you'd be able to find a Y shaped twig, a bit of elastic, and a small rock and make a slingshot? /Find the 20 scrolls scattered in MDA? Disappear much like the the ve potions that you find when you've just started? Bingo. Quote
Root Admin Muratus del Mur Posted November 13, 2014 Author Root Admin Report Posted November 13, 2014 yes..however colored clickables won't be allowed at first Kyphis the Bard 1 Quote
No one Posted November 14, 2014 Report Posted November 14, 2014 As in across a few scenes you'd be able to find a Y shaped twig, a bit of elastic, and a small rock and make a slingshot? /Find the 20 scrolls scattered in MDA? Disappear much like the the ve potions that you find when you've just started? Indeed a nice quest. But in order to make it repeatable, you'd have to have hundreds scattered and have only those "20" be shown for a certain player. Also, you'd want to add a timer on this one. So that either you get the reward in under a ... lets say 1-2 weeks or it gets reset. This way, if you can't access one scroll for whatever reason, it should have a good probability to be luckier next time Quote
Myth Posted November 14, 2014 Report Posted November 14, 2014 To filter out the hundreds of clickables (meant to be implemented?), you can maybe make them activate based on triggers, such as activating a certain quest. Quote
No one Posted November 14, 2014 Report Posted November 14, 2014 It should be. Random generation is already used on some quests already implemented (see the broken puzzle gazebo & from Berseker). Quote
Root Admin Muratus del Mur Posted November 14, 2014 Author Root Admin Report Posted November 14, 2014 repeatable quests need certain concept infinite rewards, periodic resets in case they are multiplayer, or individual views if they are single player. These things are VERY delicate things in md, because they might interfere with everything else..from concept to functionality. I have no ideea how it will be...but i can't imagine it either till i don't have all done. In case permanent quests prove to be a concept failure, ..its a lot of work done just to make admin things easier..and why not admit it..a25 tools might end up in the pile of unused admin tools. I think there is an enormous ammount of unused admin tools.. There is one to add and configure to place glow orbs in the interface (old concept that i abandoned) ...lots and lots of things...and some recent stuff like the heads competition admin thats not so used (is it?) ... and more. In my opinion, giving such tools to the community is the way to save them...and put them to good use Kyphis the Bard 1 Quote
No one Posted November 15, 2014 Report Posted November 15, 2014 Nobody said anything about not granting access to others. I just want to help you avoid another fiasco as with the avatars. Someone has to have the power to decide if one image is fit for MD or not. That's all. As for the unused admin pages ... you should talk with The Council and with Chewett. Together you should be able to decide what to do with them (if they know them all). Quote
Kyphis the Bard Posted November 16, 2014 Report Posted November 16, 2014 Indeed a nice quest. But in order to make it repeatable, you'd have to have hundreds scattered and have only those "20" be shown for a certain player. Talking about something like a "hunt down 20 scrolls", that sort of thing would either have a low value final reward (ie something only meaningful to obtain once), or would be part of a larger quest, so that while that step might not take long, the entire quest might take two weeks, with traveling all over the realm. Although, it does seem like a good idea to be able to set a bunch of "identical" clickies as part of a set, and have it randomly designate which of those clickies in that set becomes active for a player upto a predefined limit, good idea! Sort of like how the BPG selects a different starting condition every now and again (although, once you know how its done, that doesn't make a huge difference, and the quest in and of itself isn't meaningfully repeatable) No one 1 Quote
Ary Endleg Posted November 16, 2014 Report Posted November 16, 2014 Would it be possible that somewhere in middle of quest, after player has already done some tasks, he would trigger new clicky. However this new clicky would be the quest maker's avatar in a scene. Upon clicking the avatar clicky dialogue would open, possibly with some talks and dialogue options. For example, quest says gather 20 scrolls that contain part of Fluffyness spell and bring it to Ary. After player collects those scrolls, Ary's avatar would appear, lets say at Gates and player would be able to "turn in" those scrolls and continue quest or get reward or both. No one, lashtal and Kyphis the Bard 3 Quote
Kyphis the Bard Posted November 17, 2014 Report Posted November 17, 2014 Divergent quest paths is technically possible with A2050 tools right now, yeah Eagle Eye 1 Quote
No one Posted November 17, 2014 Report Posted November 17, 2014 I don't know the for sure as I was busy with my quest, but Nim's quests and even darkraptor's used quite an advanced code and if they didn't used different paths ... then certainly were close to it. (We need them to confirm that the quests were multi-path or not). And these quests were quite old and they used MDcode. Quote
Burns Posted November 17, 2014 Report Posted November 17, 2014 The code in nim's quests sucked, save for the torch game darkraptor wrote :)) And it was a little bit of mutli-pathed, but not enough to call it divergent quest paths. Some of the games had an internal multi-path, where some ways lead to the solution and some to a dead end, but the 'story' was only one way up until the very end where you could pick between 2-3 different outcomes. All the rest was an illusion, you just got a slightly altered text every now and then, and when you picked a path that you shouldn't take, you got either a dead end or looped back into selecting the path, much like the good old 'did you understand everything, can we move one? yes/no' in pretty much every tutorial ever. I'm not saying that illusions are a bad thing, you obviously enjoyed the quest, but there was never a point where you could actively influence what happens next in the story (except for burning something you needed, then you got kicked form the quest :P). It's just so much work to write a good story, Nim spent weeks on the last quest and my text-compilation is about 20 pages long, if you want that sort of epic quest with a bunch of divergent ways, you have to get a real story-team to work it all out. Kyphis the Bard 1 Quote
Kyphis the Bard Posted November 17, 2014 Report Posted November 17, 2014 One of the advantage of A2050, which promotes repeated running of quests, is that its easy to make new quests based on old ones, and even possibly that tie in. This means that a quest with originally only one solution might later have a bunch of new solutions added, possibly in response to how players approach it, by the quest creator. Quote
No one Posted November 17, 2014 Report Posted November 17, 2014 [spoiler] The code in nim's quests sucked, save for the torch game darkraptor wrote :)) And it was a little bit of mutli-pathed, but not enough to call it divergent quest paths. Some of the games had an internal multi-path, where some ways lead to the solution and some to a dead end, but the 'story' was only one way up until the very end where you could pick between 2-3 different outcomes. All the rest was an illusion, you just got a slightly altered text every now and then, and when you picked a path that you shouldn't take, you got either a dead end or looped back into selecting the path, much like the good old 'did you understand everything, can we move one? yes/no' in pretty much every tutorial ever. I'm not saying that illusions are a bad thing, you obviously enjoyed the quest, but there was never a point where you could actively influence what happens next in the story (except for burning something you needed, then you got kicked form the quest :P). It's just so much work to write a good story, Nim spent weeks on the last quest and my text-compilation is about 20 pages long, if you want that sort of epic quest with a bunch of divergent ways, you have to get a real story-team to work it all out. I've never seen Nim's code, but then ... it is better the the one for many other quests that are held on the forum. :P [/spoiler] So, even if she didn't spent few more weeks to create 2-3 separate endings means that there were no multi-paths? All I said was that this possibility of multi-path existed for a long time. It is not something new. One of the advantage of A2050, which promotes repeated running of quests, is that its easy to make new quests based on old ones, and even possibly that tie in. This means that a quest with originally only one solution might later have a bunch of new solutions added, possibly in response to how players approach it, by the quest creator. If it helps you code quests faster and then save them as repeatable ... that's great. I'd like to see it at work. Kyphis the Bard 1 Quote
Root Admin Muratus del Mur Posted November 18, 2014 Author Root Admin Report Posted November 18, 2014 quest ideea a long time ago..i think Yrthilian, got all the missing pieces of a portable forge (i might confuse the characters here). A good quest ideea is to aquire pieces for a functional item, get to a mechanic or a magical place that can put them in motion, or just assamble them and use them on the right date/time of day whatever, and create with them an other item or resource. To make the quest repeatable just give limited number of uses to the obtained item, so it will vanish once done. No one 1 Quote
No one Posted November 18, 2014 Report Posted November 18, 2014 Just lose the "right date/time", not many ppl can play all day. Having it 2 times per day still doesn't improve it too much. See for example the item reset : 4:15 AM/PM ST , it is too early/late for ST time zone and many other. If you still want to keep it restricted ... ok, make it something like : even hours + 30 minutes which will make it every 2 hours and that would be an acceptable period for all TZ. ------- If you want to merge quests & item creation ... Chewett made a topic about combiners Rophs, Kyphis the Bard and Muratus del Mur 2 1 Quote
Kyphis the Bard Posted November 18, 2014 Report Posted November 18, 2014 Or you could even do it as a one day per month thing, but any time during that day. Or even less often, but for the full 24 hours. Rophs 1 Quote
No one Posted November 18, 2014 Report Posted November 18, 2014 Ha, I could find a tree because of the forest. :P I was looking for this topic. Warning, it is long. Quote
Rophs Posted November 18, 2014 Report Posted November 18, 2014 (edited) I forget why I linked this, but I'll edit post later (no I won't :P) edit: I remembered why but the files are in my other hard drive Edited November 18, 2014 by Rophs Quote
Root Admin Muratus del Mur Posted November 18, 2014 Author Root Admin Report Posted November 18, 2014 the quest ideeas are FOR YOU to prepare quests, no need to give me advice Kyphis the Bard 1 Quote
Rophs Posted November 18, 2014 Report Posted November 18, 2014 no there was a quest Idea I think I sent you and forgot to post in that thread but it's on a different computer than this one, i'll post it there when I get home :D Quote
Root Admin Muratus del Mur Posted November 18, 2014 Author Root Admin Report Posted November 18, 2014 the link to my topic is great, thanks for reminding me of it. Believe it or not but i was about to post a similar one Kyphis the Bard 1 Quote
Kyphis the Bard Posted November 19, 2014 Report Posted November 19, 2014 Here, an Idea Curi had for a new quest that makes use of A2050 elements. Quote
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