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Posted (edited)

"We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery, we need humanity. More than cleverness, we need kindness and gentleness."

—Charlie Chaplin



In response to this topic:



I have decided to listen to the views and change it up slightly.


Every three months I shall hold a "Reward" ceremony for those that have shone in an area of kindness. This area could be by being an outstanding LHO, even simply by giving items, creatures or time and effort away for free. This will be the community's voice to vote for the one they believe to be a true beacon of kindness and selflessness. 


The nominations and voting shall be held in a similar fashion to those of the MD Awards, except with one change. There will be no set categories and there will only be one winner.




Nominations will be held for three weeks at the beginning of the month before the upcoming ceremony.


Your nomination should look something like this:


Nominee: <Insert Player Name>

Nominator: <Insert Player Name>

Reason for nomination: <Insert Reason>


A player may be nominated for more than one kind deed, however, an average vote number will be determined based upon each nomintion's votes received.




Voting will begin one week prior to the ceremony.


Voting will take place on the forums for one week, the votes will then be collected and tallied.




Rewards will vary depending on how outstanding the winning nomination reason is and the amount of votes received.


(If you are willing to sponsor rewards please message me in game or via forum.)



The first ceremony shall be held on: 31/01/2015


Nomination deadline: 22/01/2015


Please begin your nominations.

Edited by Sasha Lilias

Nominee: Ary Endleg

Nominator: Intrigue

Reason for nomination: Patience in explaining combat to people with non-combat understanding (me), helping me to learn more about how to make the combat system work for me (instead of against me), as well as a random and extremely unexpected Murmas Gift of credits.


Thanks, but no. I do my best to avoid getting stuff in return or awards of recognition or that sort of thing. I know it all sounds awkward, but I prefer to avoid such things, especially ceremonies... Yes I know that it goes against the role of self-centered narcissist kitty, but I'm bad at RP :p


Only nominations please.


If you wish to discuss it then feel free to do so in another topic. No one is forced to take part, as Ary has shown.





Posted (edited)

yes rophs but some like me and you do it cause just cause.......... just yesterday I gave a creature to an mp3 with only 4 active days to help him out and rich merchant gave me a coin for it even thou I didn't want any thing in return . and you are right to rophs people see this and may just act nice. but she still doesn't have to award anything to these people. its not the point of kindness more so judgement

Edited by blackrider
Posted (edited)

Nominee: *Grido*
Nominator: *Nimrodel*

Reason: Gave me his firefly pendant which I wanted to buy off him for a looooooong time. For free!!! Just in celebration of the spirit of Christmas. Giving away something like that for free is a huge thing for Gridducchi. Also, this was done way before your quest started.

I don't have any print screens for that but I believe you were there when this happened with a bunch of other people as well.

Edited by Nimrodel

Nominee: *Grido*
Nominator: *Nimrodel*

Reason: Gave me his firefly pendant which I wanted to buy off him for a looooooong time. For free!!! Just in celebration of the spirit of Christmas. Giving away something like that for free is a huge thing for Gridducchi. Also, this was done way before your quest started.

I don't have any print screens for that but I believe you were there when this happened with a bunch of other people as well.

I was.


I also nominate Grido.(No one said I couldn't partake! :P)


Nominee: *Grido*


Nominator: Sasha Lilias


Reason: Not only has *Grido* continuously been a hard working *LHO* he has also be extremely giving, kind and selfless. I too have experienced his giving, only the other day I received help from him that NO (apart from myself...maybe  :P ) other play would have done. Based upon trust and friendship he gave/lent be two creatures so that I may start my training from scratch. He asked no repayment. 


This should not be considered anything to do with the fact he is an *LHO*, that is a separately awarded subject, this is purely due to his selflessness. Therefore I nominate him for: Selflessness beyond compare


Nominee: Aeoshattr


Nominator: Zleiphneir


Reason: Holding community events and having a general willingness to discuss any topic with pure calm reason and openness no matter what the response or lack of respect shown at any point.. A great demonstration that being dark does not lack a form of kindness.



Posted (edited)

Nominees: Lintara, Assira the Black, Sunfire, Aeoshattr


Nominator: Dark Demon


Reason: Sacrificing a lot of their time to visit me in the graveyard to make a dead soul happy :)



Would love to nominate many more but not sure how :(

Edited by DARK DEMON
Posted (edited)

Nominee: John Smith

Nominator: Rophs

Reason for nomination: Despite being used as a joke to make fun of the MD Awards John Smith decided to keep quiet and not call out Chew/Ary on their crap. John Smith understands that sometimes a little bit of satire is needed when things get a little dumb.His sitting back quietly in the face of wrongful nomination was an absolute blessing on the realm. Imagine the uproar that would have been caused if he stood up and showed us an objection towards his absolutely silly nomination?


Nominee: Eagle Eye

Nominator: Rophs

Reason for nomination: EE is an extremely loyal and kind player. Not once in my time at MD have I ever seen him say negative or sarcastic. His willingness to help others (even if they are not his adept/worshipr) is proven time and time again when he gives spare vit to people training at the GoE. Although his English might not be the best, it's never too difficult to understand him (especially after you've chatted with him a bit :D). When you have so few words you can't afford to have any mean ones.

Edited by Rophs
Posted (edited)

Nominees: Everyone who has listened to Change blab about various topics (unfairness, why she wants to join Necrovion (now and about a year agoish), wondering what land fits her best (a long time ago) etc., etc.) and hasn't run away screaming, 'Shut up, shut up, shut up!' aka. AmberRune, JadenDew, Azull, Syrian, Kiley, Assira, Jester, Azkhael?, Peace, lashtal, Rophs ... lots of other people (if you're one of them, please remind me. I'm basically nominating anyone who has had a long conversation with me).


Nominator: Change


Reason for nominations: By patiently listening and talking to Change--or just putting up with her--Change has learned to better listen to what people say, and actually try and answer their questions instead of just going on and on and on. Their questions have made her think about things, even if she doesn't necessarily agree with them all of the time. She has also, as of the last year or more, finally decided on a land, so all of people's responses to her questions (and non-responses) were not in vain, even if they just gave her more reasons for knowing that her choice was right, in her mind.

Edited by Change
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