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Interview Request - Inviting everyone ever involved with death ingame


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The Caretakers are currently conducting a study on the death system and would like to cordially invite everyone who has ever been involved with death in the realm (be it by killing, being killed, helping with Molquert's quests, etc) for a rather quick Q&A session :)


If you are interested in helping with this, please send me an ingame PM (preferrably) or a forum PM.


After the research is done, results will be posted here :)







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Not a negative comment but : you should also ask those that were involved with "revive".

Revival is part of the death system and is arguably more important than the death itself for most people who have died.

Edited by Rophs
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Thank you for the comment, No one. As Rophs pointed out, revival is directly involved with the death system and among the things I want to ask about (I thought I had written about it on the topic :P).


So yeah, definitely revival too.

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