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Crafted Items should be 'personal


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It makes sense, but could be a pain for coders to find those items in the db in order to update their category. Aside, I think 'rare' category is a better option as technically your WP-crafted item is usually unique, thou this might need some discussion with Chew, Mur and the community.


Get my point? 

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We can help the coders in that regard by organizing a list. I am willing to make one if it is agreed upon.


I suggested "personal" since it already exists and its kind of strange to see actual personal items not be in that category.

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  • Root Admin

It makes sense, but could be a pain for coders to find those items in the db in order to update their category. Aside, I think 'rare' category is a better option as technically your WP-crafted item is usually unique, thou this might need some discussion with Chew, Mur and the community.


Get my point? 


Rare fits well with this.

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Rare fits well with this.


Not sure how others feel about it, but making all crafted items rare would confuse me. There's quite a difference between the two in function. If it would be a pain to go in and change all of them then there's not much reason to, but if they are to be changed I personally think they are better suited as 'personal' items rather than 'rare' ones.

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  • Root Admin


Not sure how others feel about it, but making all crafted items rare would confuse me. There's quite a difference between the two in function. If it would be a pain to go in and change all of them then there's not much reason to, but if they are to be changed I personally think they are better suited as 'personal' items rather than 'rare' ones.

We need to have a think, They fit default and rare, more than personal. Personal items are generally non-rare and non-personal since everyone has them. They are only personal in that they relate to a person. I have been thinking we need someone to go through and recategorize a number of items.



The change is wider than just changing them all to X and requires a lot more thought, Im not adverse to going through and changing things (I can make it a format so you guys can easily generate a list for me to change things, but it needs more thought than just going "this item should be changed" as I would like to have a more general attack on this.


The question is, what categories do we have, and what do they mean, and what do we need.

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Current categories (with current meanings) are:

enchanted, consumable ---spellstones

valuable ---coins

consumable ---candies, cake, tea, etc

personal ---personal items, eg: bottled emotions and drop of blood, from the RP item shop

common ---RP items from the shop

default ---anything that doesn't fit or isn't assigned to any of the other categories, and pickable items from A25

resource ---resources


If I have missed anything, please do post.



The "default" would be better of named "Misc."

Leashes should go to "personal", not "default".

"Unique" section for WP items. (is "unique" better than "rare"?)

"enchanted, consumable" be might as well changed to "Spellstones"

Edited by DARK DEMON
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  • Root Admin

Why do you really want to have categories ? Typical DD bull. More useless work.


If you want to change categories, change them so that each can choose categories for his items. This way each can create his own categories.


Thank you no one for your opinion. Currently we would like all items of the same kind to have the same category, Where do you think this fits into your idea of trying to change categories?

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Enchanted consumable=items that have a raw state that are then altered by spells or other items abilities.

rare= Items that there is only one or two of and has the potential to be useable (for example it can be opened but does not have a script yet) or is currently useable

personal = items that have a persons name in the item name or description

Unique=item that there is few of it in MD and is not useable/does not have the option to click use (or open item) on it.

common= Items bought from the md shop (this does not include the coins or personalized items)

Resources=items gathered from the land or are byproducts (such as cold tea is a by product of hot tea)

Consumable=items that after all it's uses are 'consumed' it will no longer be present to be used

Valuable= currency or items made of gold or silver



I think that enchanted consumables should stay the way it is, for we never know what items maybe introduced that could fall under this category.

For example: Vial of Water, if we had it under consumable to where it helped to "refresh" a specific stat. Then it becomes an enchanted Vial of Water...Then it could be moved to the enchanted consumable.


Rare could also be an unique item that has been enhanced to be useable. For then there would not be other's like it with that useable ability.


Personal could also include the leashes since it has a player's name in it.


And example of Unique is the mechanical heart that you can get from the md shop. And possibly custom items that are not useable.


Or uncommon category could be non-scriptable items from the mdshop that there are few of (like the empty box, mechanical heart, and black rose) and unique is custom made items that are not scriptable.


Kind of on a side note: When you click on a different characters inventory list, it could show the categories. Once you click the category you would then see that characters items under that category. That may be a mess of coding or have other problems that I am not aware of. It just may organize it better when people look at others inventory lists.

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  • Root Admin

Thank you Assira for starting out the list.

I think that enchanted consumables should stay the way it is, for we never know what items maybe introduced that could fall under this category.
For example: Vial of Water, if we had it under consumable to where it helped to "refresh" a specific stat. Then it becomes an enchanted Vial of Water...Then it could be moved to the enchanted consumable.

That seems fair.

Rare could also be an unique item that has been enhanced to be useable. For then there would not be other's like it with that useable ability.

Currently it seems rare items are rather random and haphazard.

Personal could also include the leashes since it has a player's name in it.

These probably do fit into personal, but surely also usable? Its also more of a tool no?

And example of Unique is the mechanical heart that you can get from the md shop. And possibly custom items that are not useable.

Yeah, See I wouldnt have called that unique if multiple people can get it. Its not really unique is it?

Or uncommon category could be non-scriptable items from the mdshop that there are few of (like the empty box, mechanical heart, and black rose) and unique is custom made items that are not scriptable.

Uncommon seems to fit this quite well actually.

Kind of on a side note: When you click on a different characters inventory list, it could show the categories. Once you click the category you would then see that characters items under that category. That may be a mess of coding or have other problems that I am not aware of. It just may organize it better when people look at others inventory lists.

I think thats a good improvement, The whole inventory interface needs another rework, its had things bolted onto it and its pretty annoying to work with currently.
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Thank you no one for your opinion. Currently we would like all items of the same kind to have the same category, Where do you think this fits into your idea of trying to change categories?

You lost me.

You'd better waste tens of hours or work every year to adjust ALL items into some categories instead of simply allow the players to categorize them themselves ?


I don't know how many "thousands" of items do you exchange everyday so that you can't categorize yours ?


I know very well that I'd like to change your predefined categories.

Not to mention that you cannot make this new category work unless you remove the category of all items. That's exactly what DD should do, but should do it by himself.

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  • Root Admin

You lost me.

You'd better waste tens of hours or work every year to adjust ALL items into some categories instead of simply allow the players to categorize them themselves ?


I don't know how many "thousands" of items do you exchange everyday so that you can't categorize yours ?


I know very well that I'd like to change your predefined categories.

Not to mention that you cannot make this new category work unless you remove the category of all items. That's exactly what DD should do, but should do it by himself.


We like to keep each item of the same type in the same category, so that it means something to us. I was asking how your view of changing the item fits into this.


Im not sure what you mean by that.


All of DD's posts are hidden from me on the forum so I cannot comment on any ideas that are "More useless work" or not.

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The thing is, rare items, and wishpoint items, are not necessarily 'personal'. I got a personally requested rare item on New Years. However, that item does not say 'Change' on it (except for in relation to its function), and if I gave it to someone else, they could use it (it's a voucher). Likewise it's the same thing with wishpoint items.


The debate between having a 'rare' category and being able to define your own categories (thus making 'rare' a meaningless category) might have been an interesting one before now.


However, if MD wants to appeal to a slightly more mainstream audience, then it needs to keep rare items as an actual admin-defined category. Wishpoint items, honestly, are less rare than lots of rare items. I've gotten a few wishpoints already (only from ADs) and I only have a couple of rare items. Rare items make people say, 'I want one!' and thus do quests, tasks, fight, provide financial aid, etc. to get one.


Yes, according to some, someone should do a quest simply to do a quest and not for an award, but if MD only appealed to people who don't do things for 'rare items' and awards, then it'd have a very small playerbase indeed.

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See Grido, this is exactly what I meant.


I might as well hire someone to post on my behalf now?


Honestly, I don't see what the fuss is about "work". I'm not demanding it to be done right his instant. This doesn't even apply to me very much, I have nothing to gain from it. If you don't like it, your degrading opinions aren't required, simple as that. Your idea No one, would require much more work than assigning an item to the "rare" category when making it with the wishpoint. The actual work to be done is listing all current items and shifting them to the new category, which I said I'm willing to organize.


But yeah, I'm definitely not doing anything till this ignoring nonsense is resolved. It'll delay everything too much.

Edited by DARK DEMON
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All of DD's posts are hidden from me on the forum so I cannot comment on any ideas that are "More useless work" or not.

Then ... you really have an issue. Especially since you're posting in his topic.


Anyway, you have my comment on this idea and i will repeat it : it STINKS and it is a WASTE of time.


Have fun.




4 DD



Your idea No one, would require much more work than assigning an item to the "rare" category when making it with the wishpoint.


Depends how you see it. I know that this is not the first time when items have been categorized and it took a lot of time the first time. (see all the mistakenly categorized item topics).

So, if you are so "idealistic" as to think that you know best ... should I remind you about your line "a 2 year old knows this" ?


Also, these categs. are not to fit for all. They are imposed. I for one don't like these categs . I will live with them but not enjoy nor encourage any changes that'd waste coding time.

Edited by No one
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  • Root Admin

Then ... you really have an issue. Especially since you're posting in his topic.


Anyway, you have my comment on this idea and i will repeat it : it STINKS and it is a WASTE of time.


Have fun.


Thanks for your feedback on the actions grido recommended to me :)


And also thanks for the feedback on the idea :)

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Then we should also add the category of "Trophy" for things such as Cow Statuette, Book of Creepy Stories, or MDAwards Medal

[log It's a habit of mine to make (seemingly) reasonable one-line propositions and then watch them get ignored :v]

[log tldr bump]ty for negrep <3[/log][/log]

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The categories for what the items could possibly fit are quite endless; it would really depend on how far you want to take this?


Default :


Considering that none of the current items are actually "default" (as that would mean that everyone began with them, when they don't) I think this is just a rather lazy title and should be the first to go.


The current "default" items are pick-able, therefore I suggest items such as heat pebbles and bushies should be placed under such a name, rather than "default".




This could be used for items such as empty box, mechanical heart and drop of blood. Items that aren't as easy to categorise. (Again I'd prefer this to "default".)




This one explains itself really, though I thought I'd add it as every seems to have forgotten this category exists.




Rare's should be preserved for a) items with rare abilities, such as kill, revive, heat to VE, etc  b) personalised items with that are able to be used.




I personally think having a section named as above would be fitting, as it then shows others (especially newer players) what sort of items can be created to suit their own role. You could even take this one step further and have a pack in the MDShop which allows you to see the items used to make the creation.


Enchanted consumables :


Again, this really explains itself. Though, with that said, I would scrap "consumables" and just keep the enchanted category. Alcohol, cake, candy...it's all enchanted as they all give boosters. The only reason I'd say keep "consumables" is if you could then eat, say, an ordinary apple to the produce the resource "seeds" and such.

Otherwise, as I said, they're all enchanted.




This could have many many subcategories but I doubt that would be required right now, so keep that as it is.




Again, could have many subcategories but doubt it's required at present time. 




Although I agree that created items could be classed as "personal", they are only personal to the one that created it. After it's been traded it's more of a keepsake or sentimental item. Yet you could say that about the ring's, autographs, etc. 


I'd suggest any items containing the name of it's creator should be made "personal". Anything else be placed into "creations".





On a different note: before sorting out the whole item list, why not sort out things like trading in bulk? Resources are off limits of course, but silver coins? Gold? I can't really see a reason why an interface or even just a little extra box saying "Quantity" can't be integrated into the feature? 


I think it's far more annoying having to transfer one silver at a time over and over than it is searching for a few individual items? Or is that just me?


The little details are what shine through and make a game unique, at the end of the day. In my opinion anyway...

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  • Root Admin


On a different note: before sorting out the whole item list, why not sort out things like trading in bulk? Resources are off limits of course, but silver coins? Gold? I can't really see a reason why an interface or even just a little extra box saying "Quantity" can't be integrated into the feature? 


I think it's far more annoying having to transfer one silver at a time over and over than it is searching for a few individual items? Or is that just me?


The little details are what shine through and make a game unique, at the end of the day. In my opinion anyway...


Something something Mur reason, something keeping value of gold.


There is a post somewhere about it I think. Someone could probably find it if they spent some time.


Thank you for continuing the trend of discussing the items.

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So after searching all the announcements, this is all I could find:


Ann. 845 - [2009-05-04 21:13:47 - Alpha 8] - Permalink - Posted By Muratus del Mur 

GOLD COINS are a new trading item. There is one single gold coin at the end of each MDShop branch with very high requirements. In total, someone could get 5 gold coins per shop reset, that makes them rare and valuable. This is a luxury item, it wont give immediate advantage and its trading value will allways depend on the "market", same as silver coins. (Now you can go wild and reset the shop :) )[/spoiler]


Coins only have as much value as we give them. Allowing people to trade both gold and silver in any amount they like wouldn't have an effect on the market at all. If that were the case then notes, such as below, wouldn't be able to be exchanged.



Ann. 1693 - [2010-12-04 02:46:24 - Stage 10] - Permalink - 

Land Promisory Notes - Silver and Gold
Kings can now exchange silver or gold to promisory notes by requesting this to contact@magicduel.com (Council). They will have to transfer the amount of coins needed to a character they will be instructed to (Postman or an other carrier account) and provide proof of their transfer (log copy). There are only a fixed number of acceptable values: 10 Gold , 20 Gold , 50 Gold, 40 Silver, 100 Silver, 200 Silver. for now NO OTHER AMOUNTS will be accepted to be changed to notes. These notes help for fast transfers of large payments but also hold a different importance, a big one. They will be marked as a promisory note of that land. They are official equivalent of the declared amount and are usable anywhere where silver is, IF the seller doesn't say otherwise (in case of war for example). They are accepted for official md auctions, payments etc. They will be named in a standard way, plus land signature/name and will be of item type "valuables" just like coins. This means they will stack same as coins in your inventory. If a citizen wants to convert his coins to notes he will have to address to his king because for now only the king can request such a thing (will be influencing land economy). Council could assing dedicated roles for a better management of such conversions if the demand requires it.
-- Mur[/spoiler]

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  • Root Admin

It was a forum post, I was referring to.


The helpfulness and convenience of transferring one item in a gold coin, and also notes, keeps their value a little above than the 15 generally accepted coins. Just like real money they have the same worth but its much easier to give someone a couple of gold rather than hundreds of silver, This drives people to buy gold coins and trade them around.

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Default :


Considering that none of the current items are actually "default" (as that would mean that everyone began with them, when they don't) I think this is just a rather lazy title and should be the first to go.


The current "default" items are pick-able, therefore I suggest items such as heat pebbles and bushies should be placed under such a name, rather than "default".


Default also currently has (per my inventory) Trophies, my compass, telescope and a few other things - it's not just pickables. I'd lean more towards pickables being put in with resources.


In terms of categories, we also have "test" (self-explanatory), and "bestiary", if we have a creature category, I'd put bestiaries in there with the totems, and remove the tag specific to them.


Rare, for me, tends to be items which have a rare ability, as opposed to being a rare item, if that makes sense. So not many Kill tools, Kill is a rare item, not many medal boxes, they're rare.

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