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A new set of rules Announcement 3554

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Announcements - View ID 3554
Ann. 3554 Priority: 1 [2015-06-03 00:49:39 - Stage 13]

A new set of rules and community guidelines
I am looking for someone to rewrite the rules into a more user friendly format and help write some community guidelines. This job will involve talking to the community about how the rules need to change and what should be in the community guidelines. This was previously being worked on however the player has now left so I throw it open to the crowd now. Post on the forum if you want to help.









As the announcement says some rules or all rules need to be spoken with the community of all MD.

I ask every one that wishes to help see certain rules made better and other rules that maybe need to be taken out to give an opinion and state what you think needs to change and help better MD for future players.

We are a family friendly game

. How could we better this?

What needs to change for the better?

What Is it that MD needs to happen?


I ask all MDer's old and new to talk on this matter

Thank you


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I am interested in rewriting or phrasing rules, rather than effectively designing new ones. 

Please feel free to contact me for help specifically for phrasing or "finesse" rather than devising rules from scratch. :)

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