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East mystery tournament

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This tournament isnt like any you have seen before, sign up here to prove your skill in battle.
As the name suggests, this tournament has some twists, in this case it means that each round will follow different rules, which will only be made public moments before the round is bound to begin.

however a few rules will be the same for all rounds:

  • each round will be a statless competition, meaning no influence (0%) and no tokens
  • no spells (or any other factor that can alter the fight other than the creature selection)
  • no combo
  • knockout, winner has 1 offensive and defensive victory
  • max freezes per ritual: 2

Time and location

Tournament will take place inside the east pub (nothing like a good bar fight!) at 22:00 ST on april 16th (East day)

1) 3gc + wp
2) 2gc
3) 1gc

however, WP will only be awarded if minimum 10 people sign up
(gold sponsored by TK, WP by *Nimrodel*)


with the current set up this tournament is limited to MP5

if you choose to participate post your playername below

since rules are secret i shall not participate unless majority approves

singup closes on 15th 23:59:59

Edited by Sunfire
added deadline
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here are the rounds from the first Mystery tournament:

Round 1:

colored creats only, all contestants attack eachother and defend once from eachother, vic=+1, loss is -1, lowest score drops out in case of ex equo repeat between the losers

team 1:

No one

team 2:

Clock Master

round 2:

all creatures but very rare, windys and tainteds allowed, yet only 1 of each family could be used (heretic archer and loreoot archer were seen as different family)

Clock Master

No one

round 3:

each contestant names 5 numbers in pm these 10 will be the allowed creats given the number of the list (can be provided upon request, my numbers were provided by No one)

*Sunfire* (1st place)
Clock Master (2nd place)

No one (3rd place)

since i had the advantage of knowing the rounds since i made them (and therfore could have prepared) i wave any reward and pass them to the next in line


*Sunfire*: none
Clock Master: 3gc + 4 wookie points + anniv
No one: 2gc + 3 wookie points
Magohi: 1gc +2wookie points

Ungod and Lintara also receive 1 wookie point

I hope to see you all on the next Mystery tournament!

Edited by Sunfire
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