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Trivia Test - victims needed


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So I am looking for tools to run some trivia games in MD. Or sort of a trivia...more like a MD general (or specific knowledge) test (yes, getting ready for Christmas period and.or Halloween).

What I did: I set up a test with number of questions that need to be answered in a certain amount of time - 5 mins for 10 questions in this case. There are multiple options to set the questions but for the moment I settled for true/false and free text types of questions.

What I need: few players to test it and give some feedback (max 4).

How to do it: use one of the registration codes below here. For registering, you DO NOT NEED TO PROVIDE AN e-mail ADDRESS.

VERY IMPORTANT: When you register, please use as First Name you MD player name and as Last Name your MD id.



When you grab one, post in the topic so nobody else takes it and tries to use it.

Additional info:

You can change your answers if you still have time.

Each question has now just 1 point (I can assign any number of point to any question but for testing purposes I used 1).

You'll see only the percentage of right questions and your score at the end (again, for testing purposes I allowed this feature - it will prolly be removed during an actual test).

Free text questions usually have alternatives: for example if the answer is "120 VP" , if you use only "120", it will still count. It will not count if you put "1 20". I can see the answers so if you misspelled, I will award you the point(s) but I'd rather not have to check answers because that means more work for me hence why the automated system :P.


Please take the test and let me know how it feels. I am most interested in its fairness.

Thanks in advance!!





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3D045846962XV - taken

I got 10 points but the freeform answers meant I got 1


Also one of the questions was badly worded so it wasnt obvious what it actually meant


Its a nice system, but with the freeform answers it does actually mean you do need to check the answers.

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I took a little too long to finish apparently as I was searching about the age question. :P

Got 50%

It's good, just lacks a certain MD feel in my opinion.

Also a spelling mistake in the player name Deetn and a slightly low timer for people that may be newer or unsure of answers, as it didn't really give much time for searching either. Perhaps clues about the categories of questions could be used, if you don't want to add extra time? So people can brush up on those specific areas pre-quiz?


Edited by Aethon
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@Aethon: actually you got more. As I said: I will probably move away from free form text or have questions with very well defined answer.

I will see if I can make it feel more MD like (there should be some options there about pics and colors...hopefully). At the moment I am only interested only in the functionality.

Also I think I can embed it so maybe I can run it from a clicky or something...or...something :D

Many thanks for taking the time to test!


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@lashtal: Thank you!



BTW: it seems I can apply a theme to make it more MD like. I'll post a pic when I am done.

I can also embed it on a "website" so I will see if it's possible to add it to one of the clickies.

Wish me luck!



LE: Good news! I can add a theme! Check below (ugly one but I didn't bother too much):


Bad news!! I cannot save the results until I upgrade to more features! Which I might do...if I manage to make some pretty decent themes.

Embedding would not solve the issue...I think...unfortunately... :(

Edited by dst
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Thank you Ivorak.

I just copy pasted some questions form a trivia in 2009 and back then we didn't have so much "history" to talk about so the questions were focused on the game play. If I will go ahead with the trivias, I will combine the questions, no worries.

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