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Combat Mystery Tournament

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Ladies and gentlemen, the time has come to announce the second edition of the Combat Mystery Tournament! 

This tournament isnt like any you have seen before, sign up here to prove your skill in battle.
As the name suggests, this tournament has some twists, in this case it means that each round will follow different rules, which will only be made public moments before the round is bound to begin.

however a few rules will be the same for all rounds:

  • each round will be a statless competition, meaning no influence (0%) and no tokens, no combo, unless the round's rules state explicitly it is allowed
  • no spells (or any other factor that can alter the fight other than the creature selection) unless the round's rules state explicitly it is allowed
  • knockout, winner has 1 offensive and defensive victory
  • max freezes per ritual: 2

Time and location

Road of battles at 22ST on april 17th (day 106)


Shmsh fenth + att lock +movelock
2 gc +att lock + movelock
1gc + att lock + movelock

and there is a rumour about anniv


with the current set up this tournament is limited to MP5
if you choose to participate post your playername below
since rules are secret i shall not participate unless majority approves
singup closes an hour before the tournament begins

Edited by Sunfire
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the more the merrier, i will post the pairings in a bit
ill add myself to the list so we're at 8 competitors which makes for easier matching
but like last year i wave any possible rewards in case i win the tournament
i openly state here that i have no unfair advantage since i'll only make the combatrules on the day of the tournament (and i dont have the time to experiment all sorts of rits)

if anyone has an issue with me joining please state so here and we'll figure something out

@MRAlyon the idea is that you only learn about the round's rule as you're about to start it
if i post them already some will have half a day if not more to test and improve their rits.
this is more a test of adabtability, so posting the rules would be contra productive and unfair to some who are active and will have less time to experiment

can everyone make tomorrow 22ST?


Edited by Sunfire
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the role of the dice has decided the pairs!
John Rothmaker, my innocent hand roled 4 and so the names will be ordered alphabeticly based on the 4th letter in their names.
This gives us the following pairs:





May the best fighter win, good luck all

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the new deadline might have been too short notice since many didnt manage to make it

since any deadline on relative short notice will be hard to make for all of us I'll be forced to follow MRA's advise

the pairs will need to find eachother and complete the fights on their own time
i will need a full log of the fights pmed to me, i'll look at them only if one of the parties disputes the outcome and after each round to see the rules of the round were followed.

if you named your creatures something give me an overview which name is what

So without further delay, here is the rule of the first round:

players will use 6 creatures of a different family of which only 3 can be colored (so max 3 black and white, max 3 colored, you can use less than 6 creats ofc) and 3 lands must be represented by a creature (premium creatures count as from a land if they are a colored version of a normal one) at least one of the minimum three (from the lands) must be colored

the fight will be performed statless, tokenless, comboless,...

If you fail to submit a full squad to the guidelines you can only use those that follow the description. if you fail to submit a squat at all you can use jokers as it is their nature, but if there is a rule about color they must adhere to this as well

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it refers to those orange rectangles you see below your creatures when forming a ritual
for example: plant family: water being, toxic seed; archer family: heretic and Lr archer; drachorn family, ...

as for me i should be available tomorrow or sunday, for now my weekend is still empty so hurry and pick your slot :P

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the first round has been finished!

these are our victors:


Round 2:

For round two i would need you all to post 8 numbers between 1 and 31.
these numbers represent the creatures you can choose to create your ritual, 4 will be for you, 4 for your opponent (so you get 8 numbers to choose from, 4 from you, 4 from the other) there is a chance there will be double numbers or even triple ones if you post a number twice, which means you'll have less creatures to choose from. do you dare to gamble to doublepost numbers, it can help you or work against you...

In this round you can use your slider until you have 1K attack, armor, magic, land and ally (or any other bonuses) included, you can use maximum 5 tokens in this round

our new pairs, decided by the dice:



good luck

(list can be provided after the round upon request)

Edited by Sunfire
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