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Sacrifices at fenth's press

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             The traveller (you) was on his/her way to the Gazebo when he approached the fenth's press. There, an unknown player was sacrificing creatures. Unlike other times, you managed to see clearly how the creatures were devoided of their shapes and turned into fenths...but it all happened very fast. In a few seconds, nine creatures were sacrificed and the player dissapeared, with no trace whatsoever. You strain to recall what creatures were sacrificed...


Rules: you have until thursday (00:00) to send me by forum pm the name of the nine creatures (level and name doesn't matter, type suffices), fastest answers occupy the three places.

Rewards: 1g3sc for first place, 1 tele to PC stone for second and 6sc+1 mirrorit stone for third


(hope i won't have to edit the post, happy guessing)

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