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Toy rollerblades/Toy skateboard potential Bug


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I was in GG in drach cave when it occur to me to test the 2 toys since this place is sort of special (sanctuary, items dispatch, no jump, etc etc).

The Toy rollerblades which were supposed to move me a small distance didn't work - there was no error message but it didn't move me either. However, the use was consumed (instead of 2 I now have 1 use). No idea if this was intended or not but at least to get one of the red warnings in Trigger saying: this doesn't work!

Toy skateboard - this one provided a clear error: "Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/magicdue/public_html/ui/marketitems/inc.boxpage_ui.php on line 86. This is defo an issue. How is it supposed to work in such "special" conditions? No freaking idea...

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tested this on the heatvein test item i have, i also got a clear error and didnt get moved

~ Heatvein Energy Punch [Test] ~

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/magicdue/public_html/ui/marketitems/inc.boxpage_ui.php on line 86

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