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End of Flame


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since my shade knowledge went uninterested (people etc, excuse me i'm busy so). If you are interested in anyway. Show me the riches.I won't be posting anything here. Particularly interested if Mur and similar people are interested. I can explain everything i'm saying once a deal is made. I can accept a new alliance as reward (of which i can reward to smo, don't have time to play that much). Not after treasure.

If that is too much there are other stuff too, avatars etc, many.


End of Flame (path).

End of Darkness path

Knowledge on Time principle (you'll never get this)

Knowledge on Shades.


This isn't roleplaying. Its more of a philosophic bla bla


I'm only doing this because i feel bad of sorts and not blocking access to (my) knowledge.


Nice day.



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14 hours ago, Mallos said:

Hello ignnus, what is to stop me from offering this same information or in other words, what is the reason people will want to specifically come to you for this information?

Because i don't want to share it, from the depths of my heart and fibers of my mind its the honest truth. 

What's to stop you? Probably nothing, to stop Mur? I know he probably will/won't. In the years you learn things.


E2: if this bothers you, consider this as me just logging my success/progress online.

e3: merged the posts, in order


f you're saying i'm bluffing, i'm not, or at least i believe i'm not. Excuse me i've forget what i was also gonna say. So, a bit busy, so


  if its some kind of hint at humanity's common heritage or some such, i'm not the person for this. As many aren't. Unlike those however i'm more neutral to humanity, with least intervening as possible instead of malice.

Edited by ignnus
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10 minutes ago, Chewett said:

Hi Ignnus, what do you refer to? I haven't seen anything where you talked about this.

I hope you are well!

Hi, what ever you say Chewett, i don't think i remember either:). BTW could you kindly delete my above post? Thanks.


E: there's no document here/around, except in my workspace-whatever. You can if you wish move this to, offtopic or what not such. Since i realize its inappropriate as there isn't a doc.

Edited by ignnus
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  • 3 months later...

Hello, i think there may have been some misunderstanding or miscommunication here about what i'm talking about: an example: an extreme version so i won't explain it: direct quote (from me): sorry for typos, tired.

  accelerating power-energy 
 - noticed difference between reaping and
 - and my blade, and night and day as it was
 - this happens, high-est node ofc so important

okay since it sounds like nonsense.. reaping refers to final/meteor scene from reaping(2007) movie. Blade refers to a flying mower lawn blade. I won't explain. you will need to think for yourself. Been a while so read the first one in case you are wondering what? Nice to see MD lively.

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