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Cache Issue Pop-Up


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This pops up 4 out of 10 times when going from scenes throughout MD on a smartphone browser. I'm using Chrome app and I've tried different browsers as well, same thing happens. I never see this issue with a desktop and laptop computers.

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  • Root Admin

The issue will occur likely because you are going faster than it has had time to load the correct properties. I have noticed it a few times locally on my test server however so I will see what I can learn about it.

@Muratus del Mur added it in and I haven’t had a look at the code in detail.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Root Admin

its important if the error shows when clicking a navigational arrow , or if it shows on its own without clicking anything, like the issue on gwi.

I changed the error msg to be more clear if its caused by autorun code, and i am thinking to make it just silently refresh instead of the cache error.

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