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I apologize in advance if this has already been suggested and I simply missed it in a less than thorough search of the forums.

Earlier today I was in Wind's Sanctuary talking to another player, Kyouko I believe. Kyouko suggested that there should be a way to create or organize rituals without having to attack someone. Perhaps there is a strategic reason for why it is currently set up so one must attack just to set up rituals, however, earlier today I was disappointed to find that by the time I set up a second ritual (I have more than 2 rituals, but I was setting up 2 new ones at the time) all my other rituals had been greyed out and I could no longer attack because all my creatures had already been defeated. Apparently I had been attacked 3 times. I understand that one must work in haste when making a ritual, and I was clicking as fast as my browser would allow, but I believe that it would be far more convenient to have the ritual creation/organization option in the sidebar or creature page.



This is an old issue. It will be solved some day. But in the meantime please learn how to set up defense rituals. I even made a special topic about it. Read it carefully and if you still have questions ask in the game a LHO or another player. Most of us are willing to help if we have time and if you don't come with stupid questions ( I mean questions for which you have info on the help page or in the FAQs from the forum).

This is an old issue. It will be solved some day. But in the meantime please learn how to set up defense rituals. I even made a special topic about it. Read it carefully and if you still have questions ask in the game a LHO or another player. Most of us are willing to help if we have time and if you don't come with stupid questions ( I mean questions for which you have info on the help page or in the FAQs from the forum).

Thank you for making that post. I actually read it yesterday and I was setting up another defence ritual while I was attacked and it was defeated as I was creating an attack ritual after that.


Create more def rituals even if your creatures are dead. After you heal them you will have some valid rituals. The best strategy is to create several 1 creature ritual with different creatures (I think I already said that in my topic but it's ok to say it again). This way if you have your ritual defeated you are still safe since the other ritual has a valid creature in it. I called that sacrifice rituals. Ok, read the other topic cause I'm starting to repeat myself :P

Create more def rituals even if your creatures are dead. After you heal them you will have some valid rituals. The best strategy is to create several 1 creature ritual with different creatures (I think I already said that in my topic but it's ok to say it again). This way if you have your ritual defeated you are still safe since the other ritual has a valid creature in it. I called that sacrifice rituals. Ok, read the other topic cause I'm starting to repeat myself :P

I have multiple defence rituals but was trying to avoid healing all my creatures before my next fight. As I am still fairly new, I was still having to double up on units in my attack ritual and defence ritual. As I previously stated, I read your topic on defense rituals. It was very informative. Regardless, I was simply making a suggestion, as this seems to be the place for it.


I know that you were just making a suggestion but for the moment we have no solution other then this. In time you'll learn how things work. Nobody was born with all the knowledge. :)

I know that you were just making a suggestion but for the moment we have no solution other then this. In time you'll learn how things work. Nobody was born with all the knowledge. :)

Oh come on, it's not that hard to add one button to the interface and one more ritual management dialog.


Think so? Maybe the system was intended this way. To make the life of new players harder. To teach them to survive and not to let them advance to higher levels that easy and with only few knowledge about game mechanics. Think about this.

Think so? Maybe the system was intended this way. To make the life of new players harder. To teach them to survive and not to let them advance to higher levels that easy and with only few knowledge about game mechanics. Think about this.

I took that into consideration.

Perhaps there is a strategic reason for why it is currently set up so one must attack just to set up rituals...

Although it may have been designed for that purpose, perhaps when a player reaches a certain MP then they can access a ritual page. That way the new players learn the hard way and the veterans earn the right to use a more convenient feature.

By the way, dst, I understand that you are the Moderator and we are the newbies, but you seem to be taking on an overly condescending tone. I feel as if you are discouraging me, and possibly others, from sharing ideas, which seemed to be the intended purpose of this section of the forum.

Think so? Maybe the system was intended this way. To make the life of new players harder. To teach them to survive and not to let them advance to higher levels that easy and with only few knowledge about game mechanics. Think about this.

Game design rule #1: Features causing only pointless frustration with no beneficial effect on the whole system are the worst idea ever. Give them a real purpose or get rid of them.


Don't mind dst too much :D He's a very proud person.

I agree with you two, and I know that many new players think the same way. Eventually, we all get used to the little frustration, but if it's not too hard to fix and is supposed to be done eventually I don't see why it's not happening now rather than later when it's causing unnecessary pain.

It's probably not very high on Manu's list of priority; he often says that the irritations of mp3 and 4 is a way to filter players. I don't really agree that it is a good method, but there's not much for us players to do after suggesting.


I encourage new ideas. Hey! I even made a topic on which to gather them all since there are too many and we cannot keep track of them (btw:seems no body is using it and I think you should). BUT you must understand that not all of your ideas/complains will be implemented/solved right away. Why? Because the person who does this has no time. He works on this project on his free time so have some respect for the guy's work. Furthermore if a issue is old and still hasn't been solved, as I said before, maybe it's not meant to be solved. And there are far more important things to do then a button. Yes, it wold be great (or not) to have it but we can live without it.

Do not forget that this game is still in Alpha state so have some patience please.

Btw:as new players you should read/search the forum before making topics about things that have been already discussed.

@Glai: see now why I want to clean the forum? Because nobody has the time and willing to search/read a lot of topics just to see if their ideas/issues have been posted before.



I apologize in advance if this has already been suggested and I simply missed it in a less than thorough search of the forums.

@Glaistig: thank you for being more understanding. Having been a game master for MMOs in the past I realize that it may not be one of Manu's high priorities or a priority at all. I'm sure conceptualizing, testing, and implementing new content, as well as fixing bugs, are more pressing matters. While something of this nature, as I previously mentioned, is merely a convenience.


I was not pointing a finger at you. :) I took the opportunity (you provided) to remind all new players (and even old ones) that it's better to search the forum before opening a new topic. So no need to apologize.

Is this issue clear now?

ps:since more and more players complain about this issue and more and more players open topics about it I'm thinking to pin this one out since Glai and I tried to explain why at the moment this feature is not available (and it may not ever be)

One word: Spoilers :P

You can release game system code without releasing any puzzle/story/whatever data. Unless it's all in the code in which case the creator should feel ashamed.

another word: hackers

once you have the code its a million times easier to gain access to the database the md is hooked up to

If there's a security hole in the game or in the database, it's just a matter of time before somebody finds it and abuses it. Security by obscurity doesn't work. There's a really big chance that the guy who finds the hole first will send a patch instead of abusing it if he can get his hands on the code.


This is one of the purposes of the new dojo set up in Marble Dale Park, and also the Gates to Marind Bell. It is a place where you should be safe from attack, and because it is not a sanctuary you also have the freedom to set up a few rits. Why not come check it out?

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