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The Bug Gardens

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The Bug Gardens are now open for business in NML, 3 steps NNE of Wind's Sanctuary, 3_4x-3_1.  The number of plots plowed and ready to plant will grow over time until there are 12.

I will pass out doorprizes there from time to time, but I will try mightily not to give any spoilers about how it works.  Feel free to discuss details amongst yourselves and put questions & suggestions & possible bugs (of the digital variety) here in this thread.

The quest is fully automated, and is projected to become a permanent quest with the following write-up (these are the last of the hints!):


Quest: The Bug Gardens

By Fyrd Argentus

Pursue peaceful and productive gardening while battling insects and dizzy spells (reset flashes) caused by the heat and heavy aromas.  Use the Garden Tool Shed as a place to craft necessary items and read how-to-manuals.  Only resources found on GWI are needed, and none are consumed.


Length: Open-ended generation of garden produce.

Difficulty: Moderate at first, easy grind thereafter.

Quest Type: Permanent

Starting Location: NML, 3 scenes NNE of Winds Sanctuary.

Requirements: None.

Rewards: Progressive, from consumables (attractive to MP3s) to temporary stat gains which can be produced indefinitely.  Each of the garden plots (eventually 12) can produce one permanent stat gain.  Anyone who domesticates all four varieties of insect life simultaneously gets a wish point.

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: Don't fall down the sinkhole!

: Ledah has been crowned Monarch of the Bugs and received a wishpoint

Fyrd Argentus: Wow!

Fyrd Argentus: Congrats, Ledah!

Ledah: About time someone showed me some respect around here... come my bugs! Let us rule this world!

Fyrd Argentus: Day One!

Ledah: And danke ;)

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Now I just need those insects to return the thousands of AP they stole from me... Would it be possible to just give +x rather than set to xAP? Would make it tempting to use even as someone who hoards stats.


Danke for the quest as always Fyrd ;)

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3 minutes ago, Ledah said:

Would it be possible to just give +x rather than set to xAP

That's a bug we're working on (which is to say it's on Chewie's list).  There is evidently a ceiling set that resets you to something as max, even if you started over that.

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Ah good stuff. I don't know if it is better to give % of someone AP rather than flat increases, feels like giving 2K to newbs is to generous! But a fun little quest for an afternoon.

Is it possible to expand it so you get bigger, better bonuses as you let the garden mature?

ED: And how can we mute the hut :P

Edited by Ledah
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Seems there is an issue with the screen resets messing with initialization of new garden plots.  The solution is in the tool shed - new button "First Aid" as follows:

Sometimes when you first approach a new garden plot, you have an allergic reaction to the heady fumes.  You tend to pass out whenever you look over the empty dirt.  {ie. no buttons show when "You examine what's happening in this garden plot."} You can get an innoculation against this condition, but beware - if you use these meds and don't actually need them, you could get pretty sick.  Which garden plot is giving you trouble?

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  • Root Admin
42 minutes ago, Fyrd Argentus said:

Seems there is an issue with the screen resets messing with initialization of new garden plots.  The solution is in the tool shed - new button "First Aid" as follows:

Could you send me the technical details so we can fix it?

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Thanks to Aia, a mystery was solved.  It seems that a certain species of wasp native to Loreroot bored into certain branches to make their home.  These branches have been prized by gardeners, as they split easily lengthwise and were especially easy to make into wood lattices for mushrooms.  However, since their homes were being destroyed, the wasp were taking their revenge by stealing any acid a person might have, and taking it back to encourage growth of their own food sources.

As I said, thanks to Aia, the wasp species has been eradicated from the area.  Sorry to say, it will be slightly harder to set up multiple wood lattices for mushrooms, but no worse than any other crop.

Happy Gardening!

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Eight of the twelve garden plots have been cleared for your use.  The remaining four will be somewhat different - they will be Community Garden plots.

Each will be dedicated to one particular crop and will require something called "Compost" to generate crops.  Look for that in future.

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  • 2 months later...

With Mur's new and improved npctalk code functions, there are some refinements in the works at the Bug Gardens.

It now consumes a single clay resource the first time you make each kind of item needing it, but you won't have to keep going back to make more.   Many fewer clicks!

It now consumes a single water or rainwater resource whenever you use one.

Expect similar changes as regards other constructs in the tool shed, as well as alternative choices for resources that can be consumed.

Ultimately the "community plots" will allow non-gardeners to trade resources for produce - more expensive, but less time consuming.

As usual, if you find any "anomalies" in how things work, let me know and you'll be rewarded accordingly.

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