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MP Advance Cleared Bug Garden Keys

Fyrd Argentus

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Bongo went from MP3 to MP4 and all the garden keys disappeared, but the npctalk checkpoints did not.  As a result, all the plots are empty and need the "first aid" fix, and all that garden work is lost. (Oh well).

I imagine lots of other adventures would be similarly affected.  NPC monsters reset, yes, but even the cartography obelisks reset too.... quite significant!  On the other hand, the RP-item-granting obelisks did not.

I would expect if all keys are wiped and you're "reliving the entire story from scratch" the checkpoints would all be reset too.  Or maybe the keys should not be blanket reset?  

Now I'm wondering what the policy is on repeating wishpoint gains from such a quest if you've gone up an MP level.....?  Are those sorts of things reset too...?


Edited by Fyrd Argentus
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  • Root Admin
9 hours ago, Fyrd Argentus said:

Bongo went from MP3 to MP4 and all the garden keys disappeared, but the npctalk checkpoints did not.  As a result, all the plots are empty and need the "first aid" fix, and all that garden work is lost. (Oh well).

Can you give me the details of how he was given the keys, what their names are (on PM if its private) so I may track down this.

9 hours ago, Fyrd Argentus said:

I imagine lots of other adventures would be similarly affected.  NPC monsters reset, yes, but even the cartography obelisks reset too.... quite significant!  On the other hand, the RP-item-granting obelisks did not.

Could you explain which ones you know are affected? Its hard to track down "potentials" and could be a significant waste of time.

If you provide me the method and name of the key that has been given I can confirm.

9 hours ago, Fyrd Argentus said:

I would expect if all keys are wiped and you're "reliving the entire story from scratch" the checkpoints would all be reset too.  Or maybe the keys should not be blanket reset?  

Keys are different from checkpoints, so I'm not surprised its not reset as checkpoints really should never be.

9 hours ago, Fyrd Argentus said:

Now I'm wondering what the policy is on repeating wishpoint gains from such a quest if you've gone up an MP level.....?  Are those sorts of things reset too...?

Do you have details on this? Again its hard to track down musings but if you can give me concrete examples I can investigate.

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Bongo had fully developed a set of quest keys as laid out in the A25 documentation of the Bug Gardens, including a plant and status 5 or 6 on all 12 plots (status ranges 0-6).  They were all "reset" on level up, so didn't even have the 0 status set anymore, which is set to 0 for each plot prior to the checkpoint.  This is "fixed" by the First Aid call from the tool shed, which clears all keys for a given plot but DOES set 0 status.

See protected subforum https://forum.magicduel.com/topic/20028-project-easter-egg-hunt-please-move-to-subforum-a25-projects/ entry 14 in the thread for full documentation and key descriptions.

Any NPCtalk coding using keys and checkpoints that did not anticipate a reset with MP level could be similarly flawed.  This would be any topic that wants to "initialize" information on the first visit.

Also reset are the LR & Willow guardians, the slime at the community gardens, and the cartography obelisks.

CODE: giveskill#skill=cartography;points=1;msg= %s increased by %s point.

NOT reset are the RP-item giving obelisks. 

CODE: giverandomrpitem#max=1;expire=10;msg=You found a roleplay item: %s. Nothing more to be found here.

The mechanism of wishpoints and pickable items may each be coded like either sort of obelisk, as far as I know in my ignorance, so my musing was a suggestion that this might be worth verifying.  If you want, I could have Bongo go back and run the BP puzzle again to verify the wishpoint issue.

Edited by Fyrd Argentus
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  • Root Admin
7 hours ago, Fyrd Argentus said:

See protected subforum https://forum.magicduel.com/topic/20028-project-easter-egg-hunt-please-move-to-subforum-a25-projects/ entry 14 in the thread for full documentation and key descriptions.

Sorry I am clearly not being clear.

Can you provide me a single example of how you can set a key where it disappeared after advancing. I appreciate "everything" is documented but I don't have time to incrementally go through the documentation trying things to work out what is going on. If you can provide me a single example "proof of concept" that was reset that will mean I can debug it, otherwise I have to focus my efforts on the many thousands of other issues.

Equally if you don't have the time to do that, I will add this to my list of things to do "sometime".

7 hours ago, Fyrd Argentus said:

Any NPCtalk coding using keys and checkpoints that did not anticipate a reset with MP level could be similarly flawed.  This would be any topic that wants to "initialize" information on the first visit.

Again this isn't really helpful without a single concrete example I can debug.

7 hours ago, Fyrd Argentus said:

Also reset are the LR & Willow guardians, the slime at the community gardens,

Thats as designed

7 hours ago, Fyrd Argentus said:

and the cartography obelisks.

You are sure about this?

7 hours ago, Fyrd Argentus said:

NOT reset are the RP-item giving obelisks. 

CODE: giverandomrpitem#max=1;expire=10;msg=You found a roleplay item: %s. Nothing more to be found here.

Thank you this is helpful, where is that example located?

7 hours ago, Fyrd Argentus said:

The mechanism of wishpoints and pickable items may each be coded like either sort of obelisk, as far as I know in my ignorance, so my musing was a suggestion that this might be worth verifying.  If you want, I could have Bongo go back and run the BP puzzle again to verify the wishpoint issue.

Ah I see, I thought you were saying you knew it to be an issue.

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