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Alright. What rule says an RPC has to make a quest to make his/her document available right now? There are other things RPCs set up quests for. Some give wishpoints. I can give information. Morgana can give keys. simply can give trips. We don't have to set up a specific quest for these buggers until we want to. Just because now you see a specific pretty piece of paper you can get from us, that does not mean we have to set something up for you to come try and snatch them with.

  Ren said:
Alright. What rule says an RPC has to make a quest to make his/her document available right now? There are other things RPCs set up quests for. Some give wishpoints. I can give information. Morgana can give keys. simply can give trips. We don't have to set up a specific quest for these buggers until we want to. Just because now you see a specific pretty piece of paper you can get from us, that does not mean we have to set something up for you to come try and snatch them with.

Well, Tremir wasn't saying that RPCs have to make them available right now, am I right? All he was saying was that it would decrease the amount of confusion if RPCs would just put their intentions/status on their quests for those "pretty pieces of paper" in their quest documents. Am I wrong?

You know, with this list of RPCs who have the documents public, people will ask about them. They want them! It's natural. I don't think the RPCs should be so puffy about the number of PMs sent to their inbox when they could decrease that number of PMs by letting people know what they plan to do with those documents in their quest papers. It's a small price to pay for volunteering to distribute them, don't you think?

  Lulu said:
Well, Tremir wasn't saying that RPCs have to make them available right now, am I right? All he was saying was that it would decrease the amount of confusion if RPCs would just put their intentions/status on their quests for those "pretty pieces of paper" in their quest documents. Am I wrong?

You know, with this list of RPCs who have the documents public, people will ask about them. They want them! It's natural. I don't think the RPCs should be so puffy about the number of PMs sent to their inbox when they could decrease that number of PMs by letting people know what they plan to do with those documents in their quest papers. It's a small price to pay for volunteering to distribute them, don't you think?

Also not required. That's just the excuse for people to go around and ask.


The excuse for asking is the post itself. The following players have documents, find out what they want to get them.

I think it's pretty clear players are encouraged to find NPCs and actively try to gain spell docs. They don't need an excuse. No....you don't have to have a quest. Yes, you ought to be cooperative in giving players a way to earn them....or at least a way to contact you.

I know you Ren, are giving players a chance to earn the docs. Some though, are simply evasive, and rude when asked. If as an RPC you don't want to deal with this...maybe another RPC should hold the document.


Humm? Why shouldn't they ask? Just because some rpc doesn't want to tell people what they plan to do and feel like they shouldn't be bugged about it? That's fine enough, but I don't think it's outside of a player's right to ask. I'd expect it, really. It's not like players just like bothering rpcs and want to find excuses for it. They want those documents and you volunteered to distribute them. Who knows, maybe with enough pestering a rpc might be convinced that doing an unnecessary thing isn't so bad after all, and then players'd be able to know something is going to happen with those documents. Not completely pointless, stupid and annoying, is it?

I'm not exactly sure about the purpose of not telling players what you plan to do with document distribution (assuming it's not because you don't want to go through the small bother of putting a sentence or two in your quest log). I think, if I don't know, others don't know, and thus they don't feel guilt for pestering about those documents. It's not necessary to do the suggestions instead of complaints and threats.. I just think they'd help, and the rpcs who are making such a fuss over it instead of doing an unnecessary but easy thing are a bit overly irascible. They can continue complaining and threatening instead, though I don't see why.


There's no rule saying that you have to make a quest right away.

But saying nothing on your personal papers and then completely ignoring the players when they ask for the documents, and then becoming angry that they send them again and again, is only going to make everyone involved mad.

Giving us the simple courtesy of saying "I'm working on it" or "I have some things to do and then I'll get to it" is all that I ask.

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • Root Admin

This is the current distribution of the Inner Magic Documents.
More changes to how this docs will be assigned will happen in time, meaning there will probably be someone responsable of this. Also these are just 50% of the available docs and other docs are on the way, so the game needs more RPC's to hold all the docs. This will probably happen on the next MD Festival or in time.

One thing that i predict is that the rpc's that become inactive will take their doc with them in the grave so some docs will become extinct or very rare. I can reasign them to new rpc, or make a doc trading possible. I think i will go for the second option unless there will be enough active rpc's in time. This trading will be probable a major game change together with avatar trade and limited edition trade..but more about that some other time :P

Here are the docs and also the rpc id's, i think first time they are all public :) The spells are noted with their internal code i hope you will get it what is what, the number next to the keyword is the document level :

.simplyzero. (13313) antivant_1
.Braiton. (31629) apaneagra_2
.Jonn. (12826) apaneagra_3
.Khalazdad. (37523) apaneagra_4
.Shade Sentinel. (26578) apaneagra_6
.Bootes. (42972) fulgerele_2
.Metal Bunny. (11799) fulgerele_3
.SmartAlekRJ. (16282) fulgerele_5
.BlackThorn. (54807) fulgerele_6
.Chewett. (1619) groupscattering_1
.GlorDamar. (44846) ineluldefoc_2
.Gargant. (38083) ineluldefoc_2
.Eden. (14589) ineluldefoc_3
.Akasha. (1014) ineluldefoc_5
.Raven. (43469) invizibilitate_2
.alche. (6734) invizibilitate_4
.Muratus del Mur. (1028) invizibilitate_5
.Junior. (43448) leacurileintro_2
.phrog. (8968) leacurileintro_3
.NelyaSetesh. (43964) leacurileintro_4
.Thanasia. (35241) loviturafaratimp_3
.Morpheus. (2616) loviturafaratimp_3
.Gilbert. (20954) loviturafaratimp_3
.Knator Commander. (115) loviturafaratimp_5
.Rex Umbrae Killer. (14308) protectienumerologie2_1
.Morgana Le Fey. (40480) seductie_3
.Calyx of Isis. (66179) seductie_4
.Shoeps. (12996) seductie_6
.Wodin Ullr. (4128) spiritdeconducator_2
.Renavoid. (46797) spiritdeconducator_3
.Speaker for the Dead. (40420) spirituldeturma_1
.Envy of Endurance. (38085) taieturadesabie_2



simplyzero. (13313) antivant_1 - anti-wind (or...against the wind)
.Braiton. (31629) apaneagra_2 - black water
.Bootes. (42972) fulgerele_2 - lightnings
..Chewett. (1619) groupscattering_1
.GlorDamar. (44846) ineluldefoc_2 - fire ring
.Junior. (43448) leacurileintro_2 - cures
.phrog. (8968) leacurileintro_3
.NelyaSetesh. (43964) leacurileintro_4
.Thanasia. (35241) loviturafaratimp_3 - timeless hit
.Rex Umbrae Killer. (14308) protectienumerologie2_1 - numerology protection
.Morgana Le Fey. (40480) seductie_3 - seduction
.Wodin Ullr. (4128) spiritdeconducator_2 -leader spirit
.Speaker for the Dead. (40420) spirituldeturma_1 - hmmm..this one I cannot translate
.Envy of Endurance. (38085) taieturadesabie_2 - sword cut

Le: maybe it's easier this way :P


Thanks dst, going to hunt lvl 1 docs ^^

As for the Speaker for the Dead doc I google translated it (split into three words spiritul de turma) and it comes out as "spirit of the herd".


[quote name='dst' post='19377' date='Nov 2 2008, 11:03 AM']Translation:

.Speaker for the Dead. (40420) spirituldeturma_1 - hmmm..this one I cannot translate[/quote]

Spirit of the herd?
I'd say Group Spirit. But I guess you get the meaning.


Yes, it's spirit of the herd. It's quite different from the group spirit because spirit of the herd has a more hmmm...let's say bad meaning. It's the spirit that governs let's say...sheep. They do not think for themselves they just throw themselves into things. Do you get what I want to say?...


probably refers to leader spirit spell.. EDIT: guess not, I just read dst's post on the 2nd page =)

Btw, anti-air spell probably refers to the air ward spell (somekind of shield spell, you can see it on Mur's forum ignature)

The timeless thingy is the timeless shot spell, as seen on the game's sample spell

  • 1 month later...

I think that's normal Liberty. It's like this to increase the chances of getting that doc. But for Glor and Gargant ...that is a mistake (i got the confirmation from both of them).

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