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Lighthouse reconstruction

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*sounds of falling rubble*

The Golemus lighthouse is long overdue a reconstruction. 

This will be a difficult task, and every helping hand is needed. 

Currently, the details of the reconstruction are unknown. 

The reconstruction will be going for a longer period of time. This is a sort of public event/quest where you can help with the reconstruction. 

Gathering some resources will be likely involved. 

The reconstructed lighthouse might also help with a potential sea travel. 

More info coming soon! 

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A lighthouse is placed to warn ships away from a place, not to launch them.

I think the reconstructed lighthouse should give a view of the GWI map, and possibly give a way to signal the island.

Once built, and the island is seen, navigation becomes a possibility, and it would justify an ocean voyage to GWI.  I will propose (on the A25 project thread) just how that voyage would work, from the existing docks on GG.

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