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"Division by Zero" Bug Again

Je Suis Oeufs Fous

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So, then, there seems to be quite a few of them, now.

But, this is only for one. I have told him about the forum, but I have also offered to post the information for him.

Player name: Rastel

Player ID:113767

If there are anymore, I will post their information for them as well as telling them about the forum as a way to find help for their problems when they can't in-game.


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For this particular bug we need some more info.

What triggered the error
what did he/she do before that
and how did he leave mp2. still in illusion?, max xp? stuff like that.

Rastel has been fixed btw :mellow:

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What Triggered The Error: He's not entirely sure what triggered it. He remembers he had met the maximum XP limit and played for three days before going to the Cabin.

How He Left: He left by way of continuing on to MP3 by meeting all of the requirements. He remembers almost explicitly being in an Illusion at the time, though.

So, this is the summary, essentially: He had the max XP; He was possibly in an Illusion; He met all other requirements of going to MP3; While in the cabin, he did not click any pop-ups or anything of that sort before the bug struck.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I too am experiencing the division by zero error. It happened when I first switched over to MP3 from MP2. I had completed both the max XP and 3 day requirements when I switched. IT says:
Warning: Division by zero in /home/magicdue/public_html/conf/config.php on line 471.

My ID is 121456, character name surin, if that helps any.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Same problem with a new character: Speeding Tortoise (ID:130312; Days:2)

In my case the error is on line 478 of /home/magicdue/public_html/conf/config.php

It is probably relevant that my Max Vitality seems to be 0. (Vitality reports as 0 without any /. I have waited through several Regens)

Started when going from MP2 to MP3.

I am not sure, but I probably had max vitality. (I had just logged in after idling up the necessary 20 losses)

Did not have 3 days, had not done any quest. Got to MP3 by having max exp.

Was in an illusion.

The Division By Zero thing is a warning that can be ignored in most cases. I have moved through the first steps of the tutorial quests, hoping to gain vitality at some point. Unfortunately I am stuck at the point where I should hire a monster. I could not get the creature shop to open. And even if I had, I wouldn't have been able to sacrifice vitality to gain any creature.

While I could wait for the daily vitality boost, it would be weeks before I could afford any creatures. :D

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Same problem here.

I passed the illusion stage, had over 20 wins and 20 losses and have been part of this community for 3 days.

I also get the zero warning and the syntax errors. I've been able to play till I have to buy a creature.

Edit: Rex Thunderbolt (ID:130471) is my character

Edit2: I can't continue because I'm stuck on the creature buying ^_^

Error: SyntaxError
Err description: undefined
Err number: undefined
Err message: invalid flag after regular expression

Ajax response:

<br />
<b>Warning</b>: Division by zero in <b>/home/magicdue/public_html/conf/config.php</b> on line <b>478</b><br />

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  • Root Admin

a fix was added that will reset maximum vitality to 1500 in case it gets equal to zero. When you see this error just refresh and after a notification message everything will be fine.

I still don;t know why this happens, so if you get this more than once contact me with details on what exactly you did before this happend


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