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Quest List


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[b]MDNP would like to create a functioning quest list on the forums[/b], one that is actually updated. This is because we plan for the as of now unrealized newspaper to have a quest section, for the greater convenience and happiness of any single reader--with the additional bonus of encouraging participation in floundering quests! This is a tedious task for our yet small staff, so we need some help.

We would appreciate the following information about any active quest:

[b]Name:[/b] Quest Name
[b]Maker:[/b] whoever made the quest
[b]Started:[/b] DD-MMM (i.e. 12-Jan-09)
[b]Duration: [/b]until DD-MMM
[b]Objective:[/b] one or two lines summarizing or describing what the quest is
[b]Reward:[/b] the reward
[b]Additional notes:[/b] if you'd like to add something relevant

Anyone may contribute! If you see a quest that has not yet been added to this list, please help us out. With our collective effort and love, perhaps this list won't die as quickly as its pitiable predecessors!

[center][size=6]The List[/size] (so far)
We will try our best to establish contact with the quest-maker if it is not him who reports his quest, so as to obtain the most accurate and comprehensive information.

[b]Name:[/b] Eavesdropping
[b]Creator:[/b] .Gargant.
[b]Started:[/b] 01-Feb
[b]Duration:[/b] 01-Mar
[b]Objective:[/b] tell the three locations the two people are looking for.
[b]Reward:[/b] spell doc for all who complete, wishpoint for the first ten and anyone who has solved before.

[b]Name:[/b] A nameless quest
[b]Maker:[/b] Shadowseeker
[b]Started:[/b] Somewhat earlier, so let's say 01-Feb-09
[b]Duration:[/b] 31-Mar-09
[b]Objective:[/b] Spend lots of lots of time
[b]Reward:[/b] A mention in Shadowseeker's papers, a future small bonus in case he becomes RPC, and for now perhaps a favor [ some information, (ab)use me for some training, who knows?]

[b]Name:[/b] storm's 3 quests(leadership, coded word, coded riddle)
[b]Maker:[/b] stormrunner
[b]Started:[/b] 23-Jan
[b]Duration:[/b] until the end of festival
[b]Objective:[/b] 3 step quest
[b]Objective:[/b] solve code and give word
[b]Objective:[/b] solve code and answer question
[b]Reward:[/b] pride, time wasted, and a heal

[b]Name:[/b] A Captain's Request
[b]Creator:[/b] Cryxus
[b]Started:[/b] 27-Jan
[b]Duration:[/b] until festival (?)
[b]Objective:[/b] depends on what story is chosen
[b]Reward:[/b] a favor to be redeemed at a later date

[b]Name:[/b] Hmm.. i don't have a name
[b]Maker:[/b] .Akasha.
[b]Started:[/b] 02-Feb
[b]Duration:[/b] unlimited
[b]Objective:[/b] Help Akasha find what her friend left her
[b]Reward:[/b] WP and a trip to GG
[b]Additional notes:[/b] "My quests are way different then the one you saw until now. Basically it's a story of my dear friend, it's the first part of the story. The second will be up soon. It is not just to decrypt and find things, it is more then that, i share a bit of my knowledge's i got on the way." - .Akasha.

[b]Name:[/b] A quest for those who see the world around us with a different perception
[b]Maker:[/b] DarkPriestess
[b]Started:[/b] 06-Feb
[b]Duration:[/b] unlimited
[b]Objective:[/b] Part I: Find the principles
[b]Part II:[/b] Find what can be the result of combining certain principles
[b]Part III:[/b] Explain life circle in principles
[b]Reward:[/b] "I am willing to share some of my secrets and perhaps in the future, if the quest is accepted, something more." - DarkPriestess
[b]Additional notes:[/b] "This is a quest concerning principles. I have spend a lot of time studying them and I will be very strict with the answers. After all, it wasn't me who wrote the principles. So, my advice: Think like Mur thinks" - DarkPriestess

[b]Name:[/b] Knight's Quest
[b]Maker:[/b] Tarquinus
[b]Started:[/b] 08 February '09
[b]Duration:[/b] unlimited
[b]Objective:[/b] Complete five (mostly) combat-related tasks
[b]Reward:[/b] Recognition, though most of these tasks provide rewards in and of themselves. There may be a geater reward at a later date.
[b]Additional notes:[/b] The quests require proof such as battle logs, screen-caps, etc.

[b]Name:[/b] Priestly Quest
[b]Maker:[/b] Tarquinus
[b]Started:[/b] 08 February '09
[b]Duration:[/b] unlimited
[b]Objective:[/b] Complete five tasks related to religion and spirituality in MagicDuel
[b]Reward:[/b] Recognition. There may be a geater reward at a later date.
[b]Additional notes:[/b] Some of the quests require proof such screen-caps, etc.

[b]Name:[/b] Scholar's Quest
[b]Maker:[/b] Keith Moon
[b]Started:[/b] 09 February '09 (has not officially begun yet)
[b]Duration:[/b] unlimited
[b]Objective:[/b] Answer five questions related to the world of MagicDuel.
[b]Reward:[/b] Recognition, though these questions are worth answering in and of themselves. There may be a geater reward at a later date.

[b]Name:[/b] Bard's Quest
[b]Maker:[/b] Keith Moon
[b]Started:[/b] 09 February '09 (has not officially begun yet)
[b]Duration:[/b] unlimited
[b]Objective:[/b] Write one or more poems/songs/parodies about the world of MagicDuel.
[b]Reward:[/b] Recognition. There may be a geater reward at a later date.
[b]Additional notes:[/b] This is meant to be a difficult quest, and will be very harshly judged.

[b]Name:[/b] Lover's Quest
[b]Maker:[/b] Keith Moon
[b]Started:[/b] 09 February '09 (has not officially begun yet)
[b]Duration:[/b] unlimited
[b]Objective:[/b] Romance someone in the world of MagicDuel.
[b]Reward:[/b] Recognition. There may be a geater reward at a later date.
[b]Additional notes:[/b] Out-of-game romances are not the focus of this quest, and are not particularly encouraged as a result of it. The point is to develop a fantasy romance. This quest is likely to be very difficult for most people.
Enjoy it.

[b]Name:[/b] Valentines Day Quest
[b]Maker:[/b] Sagewoman
[b]Duration:[/b] Feb 1 to Feb 13
[b]Where:[/b] Hate Page
[b]Rewards:[/b] Answer one and find out, Big Ones Given out February 14 to questers with completed questions and tasks.

[b]Name:[/b] Many mini quests (uh.. yeah.. well ¬_¬)
[b]Maker:[/b] .Metal Bunny.
[b]Duration:[/b] From 24th October 2008 untill about 1 week after Mur finishes the RPC items
[b]Where:[/b] Quest page
[b]Objective:[/b] Complete a flurry of mini quests to gain points. Reward is based upon mp level and points acquired.
[b]Reward:[/b] Inner Magic Doc (lightning lvl.3) or WP (with a higher required nr. of points gained from completed mini quests)
[b]Additional Notes:[/b] I would've ended it a lot sooner, like right now. But my new quest isn't finished yet and part of my quest involves a lot of the RPC items, and they are not done yet. So.. I just left this old one up until it is done.

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Name: storm's 3 quests(leadership, coded word, coded riddle)
Maker: stormrunner
Started: 23-Jan
Duration: until the end of festival
Objective: 3 step quest
Objective: solve code and give word
Objective: solve code and answer question
Reward: pride, time wasted, a heal, and maybe a cup and will mark your PL

Name: item for heal
Maker: stormrunner
Started: 13-feb
Duration: when I get tired of it
Objective: bring me a item don't care how you get it
Reward:time wasted, a heal, and if I get any thing good later I will remember you

[color="purple"]EDIT: the quest creater vote doesn't ''end'' you still have it if you become pwr/rpc, can you put a better description of the end date please[/color]

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Perhaps we could put the full quest here, so we dont still have to hunt down the actual quest giver? It would be a bit simpler, I think. All we have here are names, and what we have to do, but we dont have the actual quests here.

Just a suggestion.

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Full quest? Like copy and paste a description and introduction of the quest the creator made? Well, they might be more useful in terms of actually starting the quest, but they tend to be relatively long. It might be fine on the forums but you must put your utmost effort into conserving space in a publication. I was thinking this would just serve the function of allowing players to see any active quests and pursue them if they're interested, especially because you need to hunt out the creator in the end if you're going to submit something as part of the quest.

However I can see that the information for the quests so far wouldn't really help, especially the for the objectives. Maybe we should have a more descriptive standard..

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Name: A nameless quest
Maker: Shadowseeker
Started: Somewhat earlier, so let's say 01-Feb-09
Duration: 31-Mar-09
Objective: Spend lots of lots of time
Reward: A mention in my papers, a future small bonus in case I get RPC, and for now perhaps a favor [ some information, (ab)use me for some training, who knows?]

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Name: Hmm.. i don't have a name :blink:
Maker: Akasha
Started: 02.02.2009
Duration: unlimited
Objective: Help me to find what my friend left me
Reward: WP and a trip to GG
Additional notes: My quests are way different then the one you saw until now. Basically it's a story of my dear friend, it's the first part of the story. The second will be up soon. It is not just to decrypt and find things, it is more then that, i share a bit of my knowledge's i got on the way.

Thank you

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[u]Name:[/u] A quest for those who see the world around us with a different perception
[u]Maker:[/u] DarkPriestess
[u]Started:[/u] 06.02.2009
[u]Placed:[/u] Military Papers
[u]Duration:[/u] unlimited
[u]Objective:[/u] Part I: Find the principles
Part II: Find what can be the result of combining certain principles
Part III: Explain life circle in principles
[u]Reward:[/u] I am willing to share some of my secrets and perhaps in the future, if the quest is accepted, something more.
[u]Additional notes:[/u] This is a quest concerning principles. I have spend a lot of time studying them and I will be very strict with the answers. After all, it wasn't me who wrote the principles. So, my advice: Think like Mur thinks :blink:

Enjoy it. :)

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Name: Knight's Quest
Maker: Tarquinus
Started: 08 February '09
Duration: unlimited
Objective: Complete five (mostly) combat-related tasks
Reward: Recognition, though most of these tasks provide rewards in and of themselves. There may be a geater reward at a later date.
Additional notes: The quests require proof such as battle logs, screen-caps, etc.

Name: Priestly Quest
Maker: Tarquinus
Started: 08 February '09
Duration: unlimited
Objective: Complete five tasks related to religion and spirituality [i]in MagicDuel[/i]
Reward: Recognition. There may be a geater reward at a later date.
Additional notes: Some of the quests require proof such screen-caps, etc.

Keith requested that I post his quest information here, also.

Name: Scholar's Quest
Maker: Keith Moon
Started: 09 February '09 (has not officially begun yet)
Duration: unlimited
Objective: Answer five questions related to the world of MagicDuel.
Reward: Recognition, though these questions are worth answering in and of themselves. There may be a geater reward at a later date.
Additional notes: n/a

Name: Bard's Quest
Maker: Keith Moon
Started: 09 February '09 (has not officially begun yet)
Duration: unlimited
Objective: Write one or more poems/songs/parodies [i]about the world of MagicDuel.[/i]
Reward: Recognition. There may be a geater reward at a later date.
Additional notes: This is meant to be a difficult quest, and will be very harshly judged.

Name: Lover's Quest
Maker: Keith Moon
Started: 09 February '09 (has not officially begun yet)
Duration: unlimited
Objective: Romance someone [i]in the world of MagicDuel.[/i]
Reward: Recognition. There may be a geater reward at a later date.
Additional notes: Out-of-game romances are not the focus of this quest, and are not particularly encouraged as a result of it. The point is to develop a [i]fantasy[/i] romance. This quest is likely to be very difficult for most people.

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Name: Many mini quests (uh.. yeah.. well ¬_¬)
Maker: .Metal Bunny.
Duration: From 24th October 2008 untill about 1 week after Mur finishes the RPC items
Where: Quest page
Objective: Complete a flurry of mini quests to gain points. Reward is based upon mp level and points acquired.
Reward: Inner Magic Doc (lightning lvl.3) or WP (with a higher required nr. of points gained from completed mini quests)
Additional Notes: I would've ended it a lot sooner, like right now. But my new quest isn't finished yet and part of my quest involves a lot of the RPC items, and they are not done yet. So.. I just left this old one up until it is done.

[color="#0000FF"]Excuses, excuses :)

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~updated, but to undergo extensive editing

Thanks for the contributions, guys! Some information may be edited out or changed according to our purposes (and I still have to sort the entries by date). We are also probably going to change the objective prompt to a teaser. This list will serve to keep a record of exisiting quests, and will not include more information than necessary.

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Name: Quest For the Combat Field Guide
Maker: Pamplemousse and *Lightsage*
Started: February 12, 2009
Duration: until completed
Objective: Find 6 pages torn out of the Combat Field Guide (written by Lightsage for the Archives) they will be contained in the inventories of 6 players. Beg, borrow, trade, steal for the page, the 6 holders determine the price.
Reward: A copy of the Combat Field Guide, with tips and tricks on creatures, rituals and strategy
Additional notes: Fun!
[font="Palatino Linotype"]Quest not up yet, don't go round stalking me saying it should have started![/font]


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oh right, i forgot to add mine on here, silly me

Name: A Quest Of Appearance
Maker: .Grido.
Started: 11-Feb-09
Duration: until 15 people have solved it
Objective: Tell me the answer
Reward: My Spell Document
Additional notes: I will only respond to correct answers, if you get no reply within 48h (usually less) assume your submitted answer was incorrect and try again.

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Name: War
Maker: .Khalazdad.
Started: A long time ago
Duration: until I am bored with it
Objective: Answer 6 questions
Reward: My Spell Document or one entry into Necrovion
Additional notes: put some effort into it or I will snub you.

Name: Letters
Maker: .Khalazdad.
Started: 12 feb 09
Duration: May 1
Objective: Its a secret - you have to solve a small quest to get the larger.
Reward: Wish

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  • 1 month later...

Name: Silver Coin Quest
Maker: .Ailith.
Started: 15-03-09
Duration: 15-04-09
Objective: Solving water nymph related riddles.
Reward: A Silver Coin.

Name: The Chase
Maker: .Ailith.
Started: 15-03-09
Duration: 15-04-09
Objective: You chase a series of clues around the realm.
Reward: My spell document

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Name : The Knack
Maker : *jazira*
Started : March 18, 2009
Duration : Until I find a better quest :P
Objective : Find the person who has my knack for pouncing and pounce on that person three times before returning to me with my knack.
Reward : A silver feather from a Fiaylee. (read my papers on this)

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Name : Spring Recruitment Drive for the Archivists
Maker : .Pamplemousse.
Started : March 23, 2009
Duration : Until my needs are satisfied
Objective :Recruit members of a specific temperment for the Archivists
Reward : A big, awesome book

You can find the Quest on my alliance page and in the Archivists section of this forum. It is just three stimulating and evocative questions.

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Name : Daydream of the Cube
Maker : Priestess Aia
Started : 27th March, 2009
Duration : Until twenty people have solved it.
Objective : Solve the puzzle on Aia's hate page, either providing a solution where it is possible or impeccable reasoning that explains why there is no solution.
Reward : Tarquinus's spell document, and Aia's inscription on your personal log. (Many thanks, Lucius, for the support.)

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  • 1 month later...

Don't forget about this please.
I have seen several players (non RPCs) with quests. It would be a shame to miss their quests just because they don't have a Q page. So please post your quest here.

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  • 1 month later...

[b]Name :[/b] Mystery of the mist
[b]Maker : [/b]Blood Prince
[b]Started :[/b] 04th July, 2009
[b]Duration :[/b] Until [u][b]six[/b][/u] people have solved it
[b]Where :[/b] In BloodPrinces hate page
[b]Objective :[/b] Find the minimum number of lights and their locations and the culprit for the mess........[color="#FF8C00"][url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/4556-my-first-quest/"](details here)[/url][/color]
[b]Reward :[/b] 1 WP for the first solver and 5 spell docs for others. ([color="#FF8C00"]The quest will lead you to the RPC who is giving the reward[/color])

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