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Burst Bug

Metal Bunny

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11/14 ([i]that which is needed to get burst[/i]) [spoiler]won fights[/spoiler] illegal action reported, keeping on this path will get you banned.

So, it happened when I was about to click the button to activate the burst, but at the very moment I got [spoiler] 1 extra loss[/spoiler] This resulted in the message above. That's definitely a bug. It should instead just be reporting that [spoiler] ouch, too late, someone just attacked you and you cannot activate your burst anymore. Win more fights etc, or something like that[/spoiler] Because I have no idea how to even come close to activating the burst without using the conventional means.

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No worries MB. That message is there since last summer when the burst bug was functional. There was a way to activate it without having the necessary wins. So Mur added it to scare the wise guys which may get ideas. The interface refreshes slower so you still have the activate button even if on the server the loss is taken into account. So the system just does the count and sees that you don't have enough wins and thinks you are trying to cheat. It doesn't care what actually happened. For it is simple: less wins then required+activation link=cheater.

Hope you understand what I wanted to say cause I am unsure of my vocabulary and the way my ideas flow today...

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You still have the button, even though it doesn't give you anything when you click it. :(

A similar occurrence:
I was about to attack somebody with a single-tree rit I had set in defense, but just before I hit "Chaaarge" someone broke it. I got a message saying I had no forces. :) Not really a bug here, just funny.

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