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I have a question for the High Council. I know that : Logan, Amoran, Calyx, Sagewoman and Tarq. are in it. My question is : who else. At the meeting Knaty had with the High Council these were the persons called.

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At the time of the meeting, Siala LoneWolf, BlackThorn, NelyaSetesh, Udgard, and Firsanthalas were also part of the Council. I am reasonably certain none of them was in attendance, but Siala might have been.

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That is correct. Prior to being ousted from the Savelite Church, I believe King Bull also sat on the Council: he and I, as guild leaders, were permitted to sit as a courtesy to our respective guilds. Thus, by thy count, the council were 9 seats, or 7 seats in Council proper and 2 guild Councillors.

Edit: Loreroot is currently considering a smaller council, newly elected in the wake of the crisis, and with consideration to the performance of the respective Councillors therein.

Edited by Tarquinus
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GlorDamar of the Soldiers of the Inner Sun requested to be present as a neutral obsever, as did Innocence of the Archives, and some councillors asked me to include them both in the opening of the Oak Tower. As I recall, the meeting had been of all the members of the Alliance, including the Eclipse, for Shadowseeker was also present, having been named acting Captain-General of Loreroot forces prior to the arrival of the superseding Knator Commander... whose precedence Captain Shadowseeker acknowledged, if I recall aright.

This was not the first time an outsider had been invited to a general Loreroot meeting, as Peace of Necrovion had previously assented to attend one... Awiiya of the Archivists had attended that Council, also, and other neutrals were asked to remain silent but not asked to leave.

Grido also requested to be present at the meeting with Knator Commander, and was ignored as a known hostile, despite his wearing the badge of the Savelite Church.

Edited by Tarquinus
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Then why the meeting was called a High Council meeting with Knaty if it was actualy an open meetign with alliances? Or we are speaking of 2 different things? I am asking about the meeting : High Council and Knaty, not another one. I can't believe you all spoke military ways with all of them present.

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The closed High Council meeting with the Knator Commander was very brief, and occurred in the chambre atop Wasp's Totem. I recall Innocence's presence there. I honestly do not recall whether GlorDamar attended that meeting, and if so, what the reasoning was. I do recall that many rank-and-file members of the Guardians and the Eclipse were asked to leave.

The meeting wherein Knator Commander was offered egregious disrespect was a general meeting of the Guardians of the Root Alliance, and occured in the Oak Tower.

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So, if i look at the ones that declared they are neutral, they were elected to be present at the meeting, still a very private and secret meeting (*adds supposed to be*) , and they agreed on that? then on whom we may trust these days? what declaration are true and who is lying here?

Also, may i know the main purpose if the High Council and if it is ruled by someone ? And why Knaty said you started internal arguements on who is in the Council and who is not?

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As it doth seem, Madame, I am the only Councillor of Loreroot willing to face thy questions.

I am a junior Councillor of Loreroot: BlackThorn made it painfully clear to Penelope LightMoon and me, when we applied to locate our alliance in Loreroot, that the Children of the Eclipse were to be a guild of the Guardians of the Root, and as such, subordinate to its decisions. My guild is but newly formed, as thou know'st full well.

Being a junior Councillor, and standing alone as it doth seem, I am reluctant to answer some of these questions at all, let alone in public forum. I shall communicate to thee privately.

I must ask, Madame, wherefore thou dost ask these questions, for having followed thy responses along this topic, it doth seem to me thou hast but little love for Loreroot in its current incarnation. I may be mistaken, as I hope and trust I am, in this case. I witnessed thy discourse with the Knator Commander outside the Defensive Quarters, and thus am inclined to believe thou mightst have, or once have had, some affection for Loreroot. If that be the case, thou shalt understand wherefore I decline to answer such questions in public forum. An'if thou dost not have any affection for Loreroot at all, then it were my duty as loyal servant of Loreroot and one sworn to obey its ruler and Council to decline to answer thy questions absolutely.

None can read the last few responses in this exchange and say I have been anything less than forthright with thee and with the MagicDuel community.

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I must thank you for the answers given.

If you saw my conversation with Knaty then you must know more, or at least think at more.
Yes, i have affection for Loreroot. No, if you refer to humas. I only speak of territories, as i have a great affection for Golemus. I stay and protect the every secrets i have learned and been whispered to me, be it land, human, tree or creature, light or dark. My interests are not in leaders and conquer the territories, thou i am assigned to a specific one, full of magic and mysteries. I have only one concern about the future or the consequences of this so called war and i think none is ready for what the worse could be. Yet, you would think that from bad comes good, but now i start wondering how much dark is needed for that light ? I must know who i can trust in order to face the consequences that concern me.

With so much chaos in that territory, dark is spreading it's roots.

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So...all this eventually turned into a forum war. Sad. The game offers so many options and you choose to fight* on the forum. I am disappointed.

*i wrote fight but i was not thinking of actual battles if you get what i'm trying to say...

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Have you heard the news? About Raven's declaration and Knaty's letter?

Are you familiar with cold war? Or a war on both sides?

Anyway the so called war is a big fight and it is on pause as Raven stepped down. If he will be elected then it will resume, as i suppose, i speak only on my own, only my thoughts, i do not speak in name of anyone so that can be cleared.

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In times of war, leaders must sometimes make decisions that are considered sacrifices.

Is the better leader the one who surrenders his people so that his leadership may thrive, or is it the one who sacrifices his leadership position for the good of his people?

We must consider that in times of war, decisions are not light, nor easy. No choice is clear, and no action without consequence. Perhaps this is the lesson to be learned here.

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I formally withdraw my previous offer at help, it seems some on the LR council like to lash out at people for offering help, well good for them. I'm not deceptive, I don't put up some false pretenses, I ask nothing in return, and my word has always been good. So fine, if you wanna be a prat about me offering help it just shows how insecure you are...

As far as Loreroot goes, I truly hope they make something of themselves... we'll see, though.

~Cryxus X'hal~

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:mad: NOTE: if anyone want's to start and make the private conversations you have on ym public, EDIT THE DAMN THING! erase the name and put the MD name or that post will be erased and maybe u will get a temporary bann. Mods and Admins have no time to edit ur posts and change the names. Also the private, personal things spoken to you on ym (RL ONES) have nothing to do in this forum. If u decide to make public what never should be at least keep the personal RL things to you. :blink:
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Well i dont have long to rspond here. it has takes some time for me to catch up on this subject.

So you want to know whom i would like like to see in power in LR
Fine here you are BT, Raven and KB. (Nothing personal here but that is the list)

As regards a RL mate taking the leadership position. Looks like you all think i know Grido in RL well you are all wrong we know each other only through MD and YIM from talking in MD. I have never meet Grido in RL.

As regards people i think would be suted to become your new leader. well there are a few in your land that would be suted and they are on the your HC that should help you narow down the choices.

I have NO intencion of ruleing LR. I never did. I responded with War to thinks that were going on in the realm and with some people acting like they did. It also loks like i was right to do so too. To be so disrespectuf to KC and dismiss him what were you all thinking. He know more about battel and the land than any of you would care to know. His advice may well have been just what you needed. But as it is now you force him out. KC i am so sorry for that to have happened. I have so much respect for you and you were one of my biggest fears for this war.

I would be a fool to think i could rule LR and GG or even to put one of my own into your land to rule it. You all dont realise how much i respoce the land of LR and its people. I truly didnt want to have to call for war. Most of you may not believe this. But know this i will not give you all the reasions for my declaring the war but it was done because i felt it was needed.

This even just shows how much LR was defragmented since you could not call all you might you even dismissed it. This war i am glad to see involved very little bloodshead. For that i am greatfull. I know many of you will not like me for doing this but remember this. How often do you see me act out like this. I very rarely do and i have never before decided to ask for war on the issues in the past.

So All in al you may call me what you want and say i am childish. I dont really care that you do but i still beleve the action i took turned out to be the corect action and that this was needed to balance the lands and to get all to work together more. This proves that there was to much in the land of LR that needed fixing and that the leader was not the right person for the job> (this is still me feeling on this)

If you want me to choose one i think could lead you better i will but if i do you will not trust the person as you will think them a puppet for me. (it is like i said i have no intension of ruleing LR and dont want to). My action will speak for them selfs when this all calms down be that in a few weeks to many months so be it but in the end you will see i was right.

Now i am just going to ramble on and on and repeat myself.
Just know this i do not regreat the choices i have made in this and that is the way it will be.
I will not give the full details of why this war wascalled for so you will have to deal with what info you have been given. Just understand there is info that has been left out of this war on both sides and that is that.

So now this war will be entered into the archive i am sure and it will be you the people that will decide if this was worth it or not. i am also sure the archivests will do this from an objective point of view as they are a nutral people. For thoes that have come to hate me for this i hope ver time you find forgivnes and understand my reasion were valid and this this core was chosen with great dificulty.

Thank you for your time
King of Golemus
Golemus Technomage.

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[quote name='Yami no Sakura' post='28667' date='Apr 12 2009, 01:07 AM']In light of all that, though, I must say that I gained a new level of respect for Raven. Contrary to what all of you said about him being a bad leader, I think that he has what it takes. Being able to fight with blind courage and bravery and defying all odds is one thing, but being able to step back and know when to stop is also a valuable skill. Granted, his abdication was premature (seeing as how it was only a day or two since the official declaration of war), and he does need to learn how to unite a group of people especially during an emergency. I hope he'll learn something from this ordeal because I do see potential in him.[/quote]

[quote name='Logan Marquis' post='28691' date='Apr 12 2009, 06:42 AM']In times of war, leaders must sometimes make decisions that are considered sacrifices.

Is the better leader the one who surrenders his people so that his leadership may thrive, or is it the one who sacrifices his leadership position for the good of his people?

We must consider that in times of war, decisions are not light, nor easy. No choice is clear, and no action without consequence. Perhaps this is the lesson to be learned here.[/quote]

I heard that there is an election for Archon of Loreroot . If Raven is to be elected , that means he is chosen by his people to lead them (unless there are fraud in the election which i assume none ) . Then in my opinion , i think Raven should stand up and fight to protect the belief on his people toward him and the honor of Loreroot or die trying . Stepping down should be his own decision when he feels that he no longer in capable of leading Loreroot or he has found a better candidate to replace him and not because of threaten by others . Obeying an enemy orders is an action that shows you are weak . Indead a good leader should protect their citizen , but this can be done by instruct those who does not want to fight to stay out of the war and fight with those who are willing to fight by your side for pride and honor of Loreroot . Evading is not a good strategy (unless you plan to back stab you enemy with a fake treaty of peace or wish to buy enough time for you to grow) for the same thing might happens again maybe not Golemus but other enemy . Unless it is one of Raven's strategy to back stab his enemy , i don't think a person retreats before confronted with the enemy is worthy of become the leader of Loreroot .

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I wasn't around for the events over the weekend. I'm not hiding and will answer any questions put to me. I don't agree with a lot of what happened, but I wasn't there, so I don't have all the facts.
What I will say is that there are a lot of half truths and lies flying around. I'm also seeing a lot of finger pointing and name calling going on. There are a lot of people who seem to be using these events as some kind of a game or a way to achieve their own ends. Good luck with that.
I've been in Loreroot a long time. I've worked to keep things going in Loreroot. So have other people. I also notice the way the opinions of these people seem to count for very little, if anything at all.
When your all done fighting with each other, perhaps you could let the people in Loreroot get back to being just that; the people of Loreroot. Let us rebuild what has been torn down and smashed asunder.
I will say one thing though. Loreroot is Loreroot. It isnt Savel, or Nelya, or GG, or MRD or any other individual or place. An individual or ideal is not a land, it is the people. An individual cannot maintain their legacy, it is the people that do that. Kings are crowned and die, armies fight battles, but it is always the people that remain.
There are plenty of people in Loreroot, who love the land and wish to care for it and its traditions. Leave it to the people who care for it and it will prosper and flourish with love and care.
Otherwise your just digging more holes in flowerbed for no good reason.

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Wow Aqune, if that isn't some of the most hypocritical, hateful $#!^ i heard, especially in response to the side of a war you're trying to convey... so you wanna stop the "self-righteous GG bullies" by being one yourself? way to go champ...

anyhow, i'm not glorifying GG's position, but it must be easy to sling rocks when you haven't been around for a couple months as far as i know... just saying...

[color="purple"]MOVED from Game Reset thread, in responce to [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?s=&showtopic=3650&view=findpost&p=28881"]this post[/url] -- Grido[/color]

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OK it has come to my attencion that the new HC vote is comming soon.
so i should mention this now before you all go making your little plans.

After most wars does the one that win walk away and say nothing and leave
that country (Realm) to install its new goverment without some say?

Well i think we all know the answer to that.
You have all asked me who i would like to see as leader and still i will not say
as this will cause more problems in the land that it should.

Now I ask to be there for the new vote but i beleve it is beeing called on a day when
i am not normaly around. So i will state a few things here.

First after having talked with some of you in regards to things going on in LR and all the
little plan making. I hear the Nelya AC is to be used for running the allaince and that 2 people have the user name and pass. this is not a good idea to be honest. Nelya left and in doing so she left her account to rest. It should not be used for such things.

Second. I beleve there needs to be some talks about how this new council will be working. Also before things can get back to the old LR way you all need to work together not agenst each other. Power playing is not the way to do this.

So here are some suggestions
List the people that wish to be on the councel and as i beleve the voteing this is doing that will place them on this councel. the otherthing is you need to limit the number of places. As part of the new factions thing i would suggest you all talk and decide what faction/s you wish to have and nominate the one in charge as part of your new councel.

from what i remember you have 3 allaince withing the land or was it 5
ether way it might be an idea to have between 5 and 7 HC members. 1 from each allaince/faction and then 1 may be 2 from the people of the land. The odd number is the better choice as this will help stop stale mates with voting on subjects withing the realm. and the peoples choice would help represent the people voice. I canot stress enough how important it is to listen to the people of the land not just the allainces.

There is more i would say but would rather do it in game.

King of Golemus
Golemus TechnoMage

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[quote name='Yrthilian' post='29020' date='Apr 17 2009, 03:15 AM']First after having talked with some of you in regards to things going on in LR and all the
little plan making. I hear the Nelya AC is to be used for running the allaince and that 2 people have the user name and pass. this is not a good idea to be honest. Nelya left and in doing so she left her account to rest. It should not be used for such things.[/quote]
Many of us feel precisely the same. Nelya shall be retired as early as is feasible, which is to say, in a matter of days. I am not one of those inhabiting Nelya's body and animating it, despite what my history as a necromancer might indicate, and as one of the practice's more vocal opponents, I wish to assure the entire realm that when Nelya is retired, she shall stay retired.

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You certainly do have a one track mind cryxus, don’t have anything to say about the rest of my post? What’s your problem? Can’t tolerate dissent? That first paragraph was only there to explain why I’m posting again and what my impressions on the war are without going into specifics. If I wanted to discuss why I believe it was wrong I would have done so in another topic. I may not have been playing for about a month and a half now but that doesn’t mean I don’t know what happened. Also a lot of the problems that led to this war were already there when I was still playing. I don’t want to talk about it because I’m not playing now and given the circumstances posting on it would do more harm then good.

Remember you brought this up by insulting me, I really wanted to avoid saying anything. You called me a hypocrite and bully but did I:
-Issue an ultimatum to GG to have Yrthilian step down as ruler or else and that any future ruler they choose requires my approval?
-Spread vicious rumours about Yithilian and Grido?
-Send Tarquinus to take over the MRD Fraternity, kick everyone, then demand that all MRs and MSs that want to come back agree to the rules he imposed on them?
-Expect Tarquinus to be trusted after that and even honoured as MR Fraternity leader and for GG to carry on as if nothing had happened?
-Carry on a war that tore apart GG because it didn’t conform to my ideals?
-Doing all this under the assumption that I know what is best for GG and then blaming them for making me do it?

If I didn’t do any of those things how am I a hypocrite? If I didn’t make or issue any demands to anyone how am I a bully?

Moreover and this was the point in my statement I think that if I were around I could have helped Raven win. I think an alliance with Necrovion against GG for instance would not be implausible considering their history and Raven was perhaps a bit too pessimistic in his assessment of Loreroots fighting capability.

There is more to this issue then this silly war or what happens to CoS. This all sets a precedent for a certain kind of tyranny by established players in MD and I would not like to see MD being dominated by a clique of established players who believe it is their right to monitor and control everything happens in it ruining everybody else’s fun, especially since there is only one instance of the game world.

Edit: Oops ended up posting right after King Manu, took me a while to post as usual, I need to be less of a perfectionest about what I write.

[color="purple"]MOVED from Game Reset thread -- Grido[/color]

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