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bugged combat with tokens


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several things happend here...
1. i got to see some nice tokens
2. i got my rit halfway killed by a rusty
3. i got a whole lot of vit stolen from an ele
4. [here comes the buggy part] The fight ended after Laz's round 0 strikes, even though i was still alive
5. I WON!!?!?

well, idk if there is some sort of known bug that makes a combat end after 10 actions, but still...
at the time of the fight, i was GG, Laz un-allied, if that helps in a way...
dst, from what i heard you were part of the new improved combat-calculation, any ideas?^^

totally bugged fight

Is it possible that Laz' rusty and archer lost their doubled vit after the fight and that made me win, and even gave me xp? [But didn't show up in the %vs%-thing?!?]

edit: another fight, same outcome, so it's reproduced and a real bug, no single event ^^

my rit (if that helps): gregory=chaos archer, dst=grasan huvourer, the rest of the bunch has standard names

happened again vs. Akasha, would have had no chance, but the combat ended before she took my last critter down, giving me the win and huge xp...
it didn't happen against Kamate, however...

logs of Akasha (bugged) and Kamate (maybe not bugged)

and there's another log, showing it doesn't depend on what i use...
Lightsage is a max Grasy

it looks as if There was a 7th Creature on Akashas side, that's not able to target, and then the fight is over...
Akasha vs. Lightsage

One last edit: i GUESS the bugged token is jewelshards, as that one is in everybugged fight i got so far AND the normal fights i got didn't have a jewelshards... might still be coincidence, as most people have nothing but a claw :/

*push* please add some 'strange' logs that include token-usage when you get them, thanks :P

let's start some theory-crafting, it might help mur ^^ Edited by Liberty4life
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Fight Log

Ok so I had a fight, see above, the log does not say any creatures died, and yet at the end my creatures can find no creatures to target and so the fight ends (and I have a creature that deals single creature blows so it isnt a haotic stike incident). According to my information the other player still had health on all their creatures when this happened- which seems to be confirmed with the end image when i replay the log. It ends with nobody dead and just stops on all creatures getting weaken Def done to them- see below:

end of fight picture

This seems very strange to me...all my creatures have tokens so I can only assume it is a token issue, if it's an issue and not me being thick? ;)
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and once again, jewelshards is involved, after the 6th attack of the jewelshard-holder there is a strange 'can't target' thing that shouldn't be there, and the other party wins and gains inexplainable amounts of xp...

well, not totally inexplainable, it's the jewelshards over-top vit devided through six, but totally neglecting the damage that was dealt, which would make 51 xp per creature...

in my eyes, it's official: jewelshards has unwanted influences on combat

a part of a fight log against Xeveron

Burns's Gregory does damage to all creature(s) of Xeveron and:
- Pimped Grasan receives 468 damage and remains with 1648 vitality
- Animated Tree I receives 343 damage and remains with 4023 vitality
- Unholy Priest receives 469 damage and remains with 187 vitality
[color="#FF0000"] - receives 472 damage creature DIES! [/color]

unfortunately, the bunch of tokens he used was insane, i think just about one of every kind...
still, jewelshards were involved on animated tree, and the fight ran totally smooth after killing of the invisible extra creature

tried attacking the same rit with a max grasan/weaken, and the invisible creature didn't show up :/
but i got 2000 more xp than i should have gotten in the end

EDIT: ok, killing the nonexistant creature was kind of a single incident, failed to reproduce it...

Edited by Liberty4life
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i havent tried if you can give a creature "empty" name or if it defaults to the standart name for that level, but [spoiler]the 'normal' drachorn has no standart names for the earlier levels, so until you can give it a custom name it is listed as "empty".[/spoiler]

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Fight Log 2

Here is the issue again. This time our creatures had still between 2K and 4K VE when the battle was ended due to apparently not being able to find any creatures.


Reason for edit:

Im just going to keep adding them...

here's another...

Fight log 3
Edited by (Zl-eye-f)-nea
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Gremlin attacked me with a joker, elem 1 and WD. I had three trees up to give him a little xp. The result confused me greatly....

Fight Log

Where did my 'enemy' go? :/
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it seems, like burns suggested, that all tokens that increase VE are causing problems. this would be: [jewelshards], [kellethafire] and [sunshine] depending on principle combination. any more tokens that can effect VE? has anyone experienced problems [b]without[/b] a VE effecting token?

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[osirisbelt] Osiris Belt
The sign of these stars increase the Maximum Vitality capacity of the creature by 30% during the fight. It does not increase also the actual vitality.

got it on my Santa earlier, havent fought with it yet, so i dont know if it's buggy aswell

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Here's some more for reference...

fight log 2.1

Fight Log 2.2

fight log 2.3

Just tell me when to stop....because until this is fixed all my defensive fights end up like this.

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"Warning: Division by zero in /home/magicdue/public_html/core/class.combat.php on line 371"

This was something I got on one of my bugged fights. Hope it helps :unsure:

- Gauge

(Gauge 145950)

Edited by Gauge
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[quote name='Gauge' post='30133' date='May 3 2009, 07:01 PM']"Warning: Division by zero in /home/magicdue/public_html/core/class.combat.php on line 371"[/quote]
I got this same error, attacking a player (tinylips) with many unusual tokens. Reported also to Live Help, but I've not seen it any other time.

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@ zlei: have you tried a rit of creatures with various tokens but without the [kellethafire] or other VE influencing tokens? just to be sure if those are the only tokens that are causing problems or if others do as well.

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another Akasha-fight...

i could now say i lost deliberately, but in fact i just got wiped because i used the wrong rit XD

anyways, there's the 7th creature again...

7 creatures

you could call that the Akasha-standard fight, i guess XD
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[quote name='Nex' post='30153' date='May 4 2009, 05:07 AM']@ zlei: have you tried a rit of creatures with various tokens but without the [kellethafire] or other VE influencing tokens? just to be sure if those are the only tokens that are causing problems or if others do as well.[/quote]

Hey Nex

Here's a log without VE influencing tokens with me on Def...appears to be working ok ^^ all creatures were dead at the end when none could be found to target and also it lasted a number of rounds. I haven't gone through with a fine toothed comb...but it does seem to be ok. Various other tokens in effect as you can see.

Also, just another thing I noticed - when on Def, you don't see any of the Token artwork - not that i mind that at all, just a note.

Fight without VE Tokens
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i jsut ahd another go on Akasha (with my combat rit this time) and found out a bit more about that interesting creature 7...

-it's hiding in a not-numbered slot (see one of the weakens for that)
-it has 0 vit (akasha's influence gave it 4278 vit to start with)
-it can be attacked, and seems to have no def
-it has most probably 0 init, at least it's slower than grasans
-whenever it tries to attack (if it survives long enough to try doing so), the fight ends immidiately

akasha again

this 7th creature seems to only come out to play when a VE token is in the battle, and when it gets some vit to fight with, in the last fight when Akasha had no vit left to give away, it didn't show up...
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Same problem... here, my trees and nutcracker beat a drach and an elemental ^^

Fight Log
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  • Root Admin

[quote name='Czez' post='30138' date='May 4 2009, 03:36 AM'][quote name='Gauge' post='30133' date='May 4 2009, 03:01 AM']
"Warning: Division by zero in /home/magicdue/public_html/core/class.combat.php on line 371"
(Gauge 145950)[/quote]
I got this same error, attacking a player (tinylips) with many unusual tokens. Reported also to Live Help, but I've not seen it any other time.

Im pretty sure that here the devision by 0 is just that its doing one of the sums and it just so happened to be 0. Unlike the previous devision by 0 error when the player had no (value points? vitality?) and couldnt continue.

Seems that its just something that needs to be removed for ui beutification. Lets try and focus on these tokens.

Anyone actually identified which tokens it is? like what Nex said?

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  • 5 weeks later...

i have these tokens on a single crit and the battles goes perfectly normal. it targets single and after it killed 5 crits (4 rounds) the battle ended because it was too long even if the enemy has a 6th crit left. that is always like that in the ally vs nonally fight. so these token here work perfectly and no 7th crit is present:


so pretty much all token of the first 4 series dont give u this problem (these are all from the first 4 series expect the goldtear which i dont have and cant test)

the only real big difference in later token is the added vitality. well there also come some new principle and xp calculations and stuff but those arent very different from the claw or blooddrop token.
so i would conclude that the problem are the vitality giving tokens.

purpurfrog (taken vit from crits to the one having token so probably not bugged)
firedrop (taken vit from principles to the one having tokens so probably not bugged)

those are the vitality giving tokens. purplefrog and firedrop should be fine. so the other 4 must be tested.

who got one of these 6 vitality token on a crit without the other ones? we could quickly test it together in a fight. please contact me for that

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Shaodw is right, the bugged one is emerald glare...
but it's known by now and suffidiently tested, dst even found a use for this bug and knows everything about it by now, so i guess Mur aready has everything he needs for solving the problem... if he wants it solved, that is =)

i thought people might want to know that the bug is controlable... on the other hand, you're right, why give away our secrets? XD

Edited by Burns
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